

The wedding day. A moment that most women treasured with but not with her. She was poisoned on her own wedding day; Nathalia Carter died full of hatred for her father and fiance. How could she accept that they murdered her? Nathalia gaped at Evette Carter, her step-sister, who was now laughing at her stupidity. Evette is one of the culprits behind her painful death. Demons. They are all demons. Nathalia thought in silence while she closed her eyes as consciousness abandoned her. With rage and tears, Nathalia cursed them and promised to take revenge if given a chance to survive. Suddenly, God hears her prayer and gives her a second chance, and she is allowed to come back to seek revenge. This time, she will not be so naive. She becomes fiercer and eager to bring justice to her own death. She would make sure they got what they deserved in this life. Revenge. Torture. Take everything they had. Make them suffer ten times worse than what they did to her. Along the way, her life changed when she met the notorious playboy- Spencer Davidson. He aims to take her as his woman and help her to fulfill her desire to take revenge. Love, Revenge, and Mystery played along the way. Giving her the most challenging part as she journeyed through her new life. Cover Created by: Weilan Wanna know more about the story, follow me on Instagram: annashannellin

AnnaShannel_Lin · Urbano
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Chapter 35: Drama Queen

I can't allow anyone to think of me like that! Especially Spencer. Evette was trying to think of what to say next and caught sight of Nathalia standing by the door, watching. Anger grew inside her. Are you just standing there watching? It's all your fault!

She shouted at Nathalia, "Nathalia, come over here. Explain to Spencer. Tell him I never bully you. We are the best sisters, aren't we?"

Nathalia pouted her lips slightly and, though feeling reluctant, she politely walked over and said, "Hi."

She never wanted to have anything to do with someone as dazzling as Spencer. To her, he belonged to a different world from her.

Not having seen him for a while had stopped her from thinking too much of the incident at the jewel shop. He's been with famous superstars and all sorts of pretty girls. It's impossible that he's actually interested in me anyway. She thought to herself.

However, Spencer had noticed her hiding in the corner watching before she showed up. He seemed to catch sight of her easily, even if she tried to hide from him.

Seeing her reluctant look, his eyes sparkled, and Spencer said cheekily, "Is that all you can say?"

He observed her closely. A casual dress, hair up in a ponytail, rosy cheeks. She's looking cheerful and lovely. Then he remembered how she looked in the video and felt much relieved now. So good to see her looking good.

He would never want to see her hurt again.

Nathalia thought for a second and replied, "Thank you."

It was a "thank you" for his help. Whatever his purpose was, he did help her.

Spencer was speechless, thinking I don't talk much, but she talks even less.

Nathalia looked at him for a few seconds, implying she had said what needed saying. Spencer responded with a knowing smile, though obscure, and they both understood.

Seeing them gazing at each other, Evette grew worried and jealous. She pinched Nathalia's arm to remind her, "Nathalia, come on. Explain to Spencer."

"Ouch," Nathalia pushed Evette's handoff and rolled up the sleeve to see a bruise on her arm. On her porcelain skin, the bruise looked extra painful.

The spectators displayed scorn and disapproval towards Evette, especially after the video clip and the conference.

Evette was frantic and furious. You fake. I only gave you a slight pinch. Drama queen.

"No. Spencer, it's not like that. Nathalia likes setting me up, and she always puts me in the wrong..."

The crowd was appalled. A typical Carter. Never admit their own fault and always blame others.

Nathalia lowered her head, bit her lower lip, and stood there in silence, looking wronged and helpless.

Seeing that face again, Spencer smiled. There she goes. Little fox. Cheeky, cute, smart, and a bit difficult. He found her attractive.

He had seen and dated various girls, but Nathalia seemed unique to him, inexplicably special.

Evette went on, explaining frantically, "Really, Spencer. You have to believe me... she is..." she was so worried that Spencer would dislike her.

"Tut. Tut. Tut. Impressive. Threatening your sister in public. Typical Evette Carter." A clear voice came from behind the gentlemen.

Evette looked up and saw a beautiful and elegant-looking woman dressed in a Chanel suit. "Who are you? How dare you judge me!" Evette questioned angrily.

"I'm Kelly Rowland. I suggest you be respectful to others and yourself. It's not very ladylike to seduce men in public." Kelly replied gracefully, with a confident smile. She worked for Spencer Davidson.

Kelly Rowland? The only daughter of the Rowland Family? They are one of the ten most renowned families in Miami. Nathalia thought. It's said that they have three sons and one daughter, and the daughter's the one that's adored the most. She's outstanding, talented in music, art, literature, and speaks a few different languages, a graduate from Harvard.

But how come she's with Spencer? And why did she put in such a comment about Evette?

She wondered for a few seconds and suddenly understood.

Used to being spoiled, Evette couldn't take it, and instantly, she pointed at Kelly and yelled, "What did you say?!"

Kelly smiled even more happily and mocked "I guess it's not difficult to understand. I mean, everyone knows what your mother is like. Like mother, like daughter."

It triggered Evette, and she dashed at Kelly with her fist clenched. Kelly didn't expect the coming of physical contact and was too late to dodge. The two ended up pulling and pushing, tangled up.

Nathalia stepped aside and watched. Again. Well, I guess she does deserve a lesson and beating.

"Nice move, Nathalia." Spencer whispered in her ear, looking mysterious and cheeky.

Nathalia was startled. When did he come next to me? I didn't even notice.

"I don't know what you are talking about." She replied briefly.

Spencer smiled, went closer to Nathalia and whispered: "You hid the camera somewhere secretive in the living room, then provoked your brother intentionally, posted the video online, got the public angry, attended the conference, but had arranged the reporter in advance, and got the news reported straight away, perfectly plotted."

As Nathalia listened, her face grew worried and uncertain but quickly turned calm. When Spencer finished, she answered calmly with a question, "And why did you get involved?"

He knows the truth. There's no point hiding anyway. She had thought of all the possible consequences before she carried out the plan. There was nothing that she feared.

Another thing she didn't understand was why Spencer continued business with the Carters.

Perhaps he's plotting something else? Or he had no choice? Anyway, it's none of my business. Weird, why do I think so much when he's around.

Spencer watched her closely and was impressed by her calmness. "Why not? It makes things more interesting. Aren't you worried that I will tell Frank Carter?"

She's more than just clever. She understands. Different.

"It's up to you." Nathalia played with her hair casually as she spoke "However, if you do want to let him know, you would have done it long ago. Why have you waited so long?"

An enchanting scent from her hair greeted Spencer's nostrils. He welcomed it and felt his heart skip a beat. His eyes sparkled.