
The Returner's Masterplan

Is this it?... the humanity's end?! Player Sung Hyeon returns from the tragedic future and promises to change it this time! What awaits him? Monsters? Villans? Power? Fame? Money? let's stick with him in this journey and find out!

NISH_nim · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
7 Chs

Univinted Guests

The School hour ends normally Hyeon takes his bag and starts walking towards his home.

So..How much time do i have?. Currently I'm 12 years old and the catastrophe appeared on the day of my 16th birthday.

What a great luck you have you say!? I know..right! Still it was too heavy of a gift to handle it at that time...this time let's fully utilize my gift I'm going to get strong enough to change this disaster into an opportunity

"A disaster is also the greatest opportunity "or so they say, Right?!

Oi! Bastard!?. Someone grabbed Hyeon's shoulder from his back.

Hyeon's instinct made him to dodge and get a defensive stance making some gap between them. Where are you running like a mouse? Why didn't you come at the backyard today? Huhh?

The boys who seemed to be wearing the same school dress looked at Hyeon with a glare and rage.

You still don't get your lessons after all these beatings! Looks like you need to be throughly disciplined.

Shirts half tucked and sleeves half rolled in one hand while the buttons unbuttoned in another hand. From their looks they looked like a group of typical bullies who would form a group and bully the weak students.

Yaah my hands are itching today, let's throughly teach him manners today the guy beside spoke.

Boss! look at him glaring at us. Another frail looking guy from the group yelled.

Looking at him Hyeon thought. God! he looks like he will faint even if he shouts a bit. He just yelled a bit and there is blood coming from his mouth.

Man...You alright?? Hyeon asked to the frail looking guy. Should i call a ambulance? (⁠─⁠.⁠─⁠|⁠|⁠)

Shut up! Don't act arrogant he replied.

How are these bastards coming to pick a fight? Don't they look at themselves before picking up a fight?

Hyeon looked at them and thought. Who are these people?!. These guys look like a pack of wild boars who got irritated after someone invaded their territory.

Who are you people? Hyeon mummbled

Haah...look at this guy!! talking all arrogant. We were being all nice but you didn't understand our good intentions, now don't blame us for not showing mercy!. The guy who looked like the leader clenched his fists and leaped forward to

punch Hyeon.

Hyeon reacted immediately and used his basic-footwork technique to quickly reach the opponents blind point and punched him at his ki points in his stomach to make him temporarily immobile.His opponent was knocked out without knowing what happened to him.

"Hmm...in this state my body can handle only these basic movements...but it's more than enough to take you guys head on" Hyeon smirked

"Come to think of it i think i know these bastards" Hyeon went into the flashback of his memories

They always humiliated me in the school as i didn't have m/any friends i was an easy target also no one spoke whatever these bastards did

they used to call me in the backyard and beat me

every day. They humiliated me in my class they threw the bucket of dirty water used to clean the classroom all over me and also threw my notebooks in the water or tore them all. Due to these bastards i was in depression all the time in my childhood

Ahhhh i'm getting pissed just thinking about it.

Hyeon had a evil smile in his face and he said "Come PIG SHITS today i will teach you a lesson about the newton's fourth law.

"To Every Small Action There Is A Greater Reaction"

Although even my basic skills are enough to teach you a lesson i have a perfect chance to check out this ability so let's try it"

Hyeon activated his ability

"Divine Eyes"



"Eyes that can see through everything"

Traits: Can be evolved

Ability: (Locked) Insufficient Authority


Conditions have been fulfilled!

As the effect of divine eyes plausibility effects you can see through the Heavens Hole


Heavens hole is being interpret as per the user's convenience.


Congratulations User System has been unlocked!

What is this strange sound? Was there such a effect while activating divine eyes? Let's check it out later. First i will teach these bastards a lesson

Ughh... Don't be so arrogant after luckily getting one hit. Pests like you should crawl in the ground

You bastards do you fight with your tounges? Or... don't tell me you are scared...hehe. Did you piss your pants? Hyeon poked in the middle

The three got taunted and rushed toward Hyeon after being annoyed.

"Divine Eye Effects Activated: You Can See Your Opponents Move Who Are Upto 100 Levels above You." (W/N;Total Cheat Right?? Ik Ik that's why it's a S rank)

Hyeon could perfectly read each and every move and their moves seemed to be in slow motion to hyeon.

Ability: 100 Acupunture Techniques activated

Hyeon instantly knocked those 3 down after pinpointing in their acupoints. Before they knew they were on the ground unable to move

Don't worry it's temporary! the effects will wear after some moments. I'm a good person so I'm letting you off without much ado but only for one last time. If you show me your face again in the future it will not be just some pain. I will make it so that you won't forget my face for the rest at your life. Hyeon glared with a killing intent before leaving the place.

Although there were no major physical injuries they were traumatized by the brief moment of killing intent Hyeon emitted.