

The other students who were still talking secretly quickly shut up.

 The students who were called were stunned. One of the boys, who was quick to respond, assessed the situation and felt that it was better to be wiser so as not to suffer more losses, so he put on a helpless and funny look and ran towards the playground with a playful smile. Go, and the rest of the boys followed with a wink.

 There were two girls among the students who were called. One of the girls hesitated for a moment and then followed. She even pulled her companion before leaving.

 Her companion, who was extremely tall and fair-skinned, was already very eye-catching, but now his face was flushed and he just refused to move.

 The classmate next to her pushed her and said to her, "Go quickly."

 But her feet were as if they were nailed to the ground, and she remained motionless, with a stubborn expression on her face that said, "I will never bow my head in the face of evil forces."

 The fierce instructor stared at her for a while without saying anything, and then ignored her.

 The square was quieter than ever before, and the instructor's method of killing chickens to scare monkeys was initially effective...

 The student number was finally called No. 44. Yan Duo hurriedly dragged his things to the teacher who led the team to gather. After gathering ten people, they lined up to go to the girls' dormitory.

 Yan Duo was surprised to find that the teacher leading their team was actually her future English teacher, Teacher Zhu.

 At this time, Teacher Zhu should be in his forties and almost fifty, and he would actually come to the military training base to be a team leader? In fact, Teacher Zhu is a very elegant woman. She knows how to wear clothes and take care of herself. There are almost no wrinkles on her face. She definitely does not look like someone in her late fifties. Moreover, Teacher Zhu has a very gentle personality, a smooth and pleasant voice, and never curses. He is a well-known high-affinity teacher in the school.

 So before rebirth, English was the only class Yan Duo liked to take in high school.

 The boys' dormitory and the girls' dormitory are very far apart, located at two corners of the military training base. Yan Duo's dormitory is in the second room on the third floor of the girls' dormitory, which is Room 302. After arriving at the dormitory, Teacher Zhu directed everyone to place daily necessities and asked with a smile: "Have all the girls brought sunscreen? If you haven't, you can come to me in the morning and I will apply some for you."

 I saw a few girls' delicate bodies trembling, wailing: "It's over, I forgot."

 Teacher Zhu comforted him: "Just come to me early in the morning."

 But the expressions of those girls were still very sad. Sunscreen is not something you just apply on in the morning. You have to reapply it at any time...

 Yan Duo put the basin under the bed, took out the toothbrush and towel and put them away, and said, "I brought it with me. We can use it together later."

 Hao Yunshu gave her a bottle as a gift when he returned to her house, and she took it with her.

 Several other girls also quickly said: "I'll bring it too."

 The girl who forgot to bring her was in a slightly better mood. Teacher Zhu smiled and said, "Well, they are all good children."

 The feeling of being praised by Teacher Zhu's gentle voice is definitely different from being praised by other teachers. The girl who just took the initiative to share the sunscreen suddenly felt very happy!

 Yan Duo lamented that what is needed most in the 21st century is this kind of talent.

 Then Teacher Zhu whispered to everyone that if they needed sanitary napkins or brown sugar water, they could go to her. The thin-skinned girl blushed on the spot. When everything was said, Teacher Zhu reminded everyone to go down and gather quickly when they heard the whistle. If they were late, they would be punished by the instructor. After that, they hurried downstairs to greet the next group of girls.

 Although it was a long time ago, Yan Duo remembered that most of the instructors only talked a lot and were relatively tolerant towards girls, but they were really as harsh as hell towards boys.

 One of the things that impressed me the most was that when helping out on the farm, the girls could only do weeding, while the boys almost did all the work except weeding.

 After recalling what happened before his rebirth, Yan Duo recalled that after the first official gathering, the snacks and money secretly brought by several girls in their dormitory were "confiscated". It is said that mobile phones were confiscated in other dormitories. , after the military training, nothing except the mobile phone was returned.

 Because everyone was not familiar with each other, the ten girls all tacitly divided themselves into small groups according to the schools they graduated from, occupying several areas of the dormitory.

 As soon as you enter the dormitory door, there is a window on the opposite side. There is no balcony. There is a long table in the middle. There are two bunk beds on the left, a total of four beds, and three bunk beds on the right, a total of six beds.

 Yan Duo scanned everyone's names with identification skills.

 The two bunk beds closest to the window, with a total of four beds, were occupied by Yan Duo's junior high school classmates Jiang Xiaoai, Ai Jia and Song Yang. They also enthusiastically helped Yan Duo occupy a bed, so the Feng Shui treasure spot by the window was occupied. The four of them formed a circle.

 When Jiang Xiaoai and Ai Jia entered the dormitory just now, they rushed in at the speed of a 100-meter race, neatly threw a bag on each of the four beds, and then shouted Song Yang Yanduo's name. After that, Ai Jia said with a smile: "Fortunately, we run fast, so the four of us don't have to be too far away."

 In fact, Jiang Xiaoai and Yan Duo, who were in the same class in junior high school, seldom spoke to each other. Song Yang and Ai Jia were not even in the same class as her. They only had classes together in big classes. Today they can be regarded as carrying forward the alumni spirit, Yan Duo Very touched.

 Now Yan Duo and Jiang Xiaoai sleep in the innermost bunk bed on the left, while Ai Jia and Song Yang sleep in the right bunk bed.

 Li Jing and Mei Yimeng, who graduated from Jianshe Middle School, occupied another bunk bed to the left of the table, leaning against Yan Duojiang and Xiaoai.

 Zhang Ying and Ding Mingxue, who graduated from the No. 8 Middle School in the city, chose the two remaining upper bunks on the right.

 The two lower bunks were occupied by Qiu Yong from the 11th Middle School and Li Xiexin from the Experimental Middle School.

 Li Xiexin and Qiu Yong knew no one in this dormitory. After Qiu Yong packed his luggage, he went to the next door dormitory to play with his junior high school classmates, while Li Xiexin sat silently by the bed and packed his clothes.

 Li Jing, Mei Yimeng, Zhang Ying and Ding Mingxue were sitting on the bed and talking.

 Seeing that they were almost done, Yan Duo quickly reminded everyone to hide their money and snacks.

 Regarding Yan Duo's reminder, some people expressed their gratitude and hurriedly found a place to hide their things, while others did not say a word. Among them, the girl named Ding Mingxue brought a bag full of snacks and had no place to hide them. The broken jar is no longer hidden.

 What happened next became interesting. The ten girls unintentionally ignored everyone outside their own small group, chatting and gossiping and doing their own things. The atmosphere in the dormitory was particularly awkward.

 Yan Duo didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Because the student numbers were assigned based on admission scores, the roommates in this dormitory were actually future classmates. To Yan Duo... they were all acquaintances!

 The future classmates are now pretending not to see each other. This feeling... is also quite joyful.