
Clay pots and military training

System: A clay pot mass-produced by a small workshop, with rough texture and multiple damages. It once escaped the war with the player Duo Xingqing's great-grandmother, and later became the dowry of the player Duo Xingqing's grandmother. It was used to hold octagonal, Sichuan peppercorns, vegetable seeds, dried chili peppers and other items have been diligent and practical at work for decades and are advanced workers in their category.

 When he saw the last sentence recorded in the "diary", Yan Duo always felt that the system was making a fool of himself. What else could he do if the jar was not secure?

 Smiling, I remembered what my aunt and others said, and felt a little emotional.

 Perhaps this jar is eighty or ninety years old, or even more than a hundred years old, but time has not only made it older, but has not made it any more valuable.

 But Yan Duo still couldn't put it down, maybe because it has passed through the hands of countless people, maybe their fingerprints are still on the jar. Many of these people have a strong blood relationship with Yan Duo, but they have never met each other, but Touched the same jar in different time and space.

 Thinking about it this way, it's really a magical thing.

 Maybe this is what fascinates people about time.

 ******The dividing line where time flies******

 The day of military training was finally coming. After much hesitation, Yan Duo finally decided to leave the game console at home.

 The management of the military training base is very strict. You are not allowed to bring money, snacks, electronic products, etc. In short, you are not allowed to bring anything for entertainment.

 The most perverted thing is that after moving into the dormitory, everyone's bags will be searched, and if anyone is found to be carrying "prohibited items", they will be confiscated. If the game console is confiscated, the trouble will be big.

 I would rather not play games for these fifteen days than throw away my game console.

 However, Yan Duo has also tested that when she is far away from the game console, several active skills can still be used, and the game console will faithfully record her proficiency.

 A few days ago, Hao Yunshu asked (forced) her to go to the mall to sell clothes. In addition to a few clothes for exercise, Yan Duo also reluctantly (forced) bought a box of after-sun repair facial masks, daily care lotions, facial cleansers, etc., and successfully Yan Duo also became a poor class in reality.

 On the contrary, in the game, Yan Duo made a small profit by completing the task of "Using Advanced Identification Technique", and Yan Duo's wallet increased to 471 gold.

 She had "a small amount of assets" on hand, so before the military training, Yan Duo luxuriously exchanged a bottle of insect repellent water at the grocery store to take with her during the military training.

 Universal Insect Repellent Water: An insect repellent water that has miraculous effects on all types of insects. Price: 100

 At nine o'clock in the morning on the day of the military training, Gu Liping and Yan Jianjun rode electric bicycles to help Yan Duo deliver large and small bags of daily necessities to the gathering point.

 Dozens of cars were lined up at the meeting point, and the crowds were crowded. Yan Duo saw Jiao Yang and her parents, who were also carrying large and small bags, waiting to sign in from the leading teacher before queuing up to get on the bus.

 I don't know how the order of getting on the bus was arranged. Jiao Yang et al. and Yan Duo were not in the same bus.

 The two girls chatted for a while when they met, and made an appointment to meet again at the military training base, and then got into the car separately.

 There were many "acquaintances" in the car that Yan Duo got in, but unfortunately most of them were "future acquaintances." Yan Duo silently found a seat by the window and sat down so that he could follow the chatter outside the car. Mom talks.

 Compared with before rebirth, the real adult Yan Duo's mentality has always been very good, so Gu Liping's mentality is also very good. She just repeatedly told Yan Duo to pay attention to things, "soak clothes before washing", "pay attention to hygienic hands" "You must wash yourself before eating", "Get along well with new classmates"...

 Judging from the life trajectories of this generation of children, it is estimated that at least 70 to 80 percent of them will leave their parents alone for the first time.

 However, in comparison, the emotions of parents are a little more serious than that of students. Some mothers have red eyes. As for the students... it was not easy to get away from their parents and live a "free" life for a few days. Most of them were overly excited, and it was extremely lively in and outside the car.

 Maybe it's because Yan Duo has been acting more mature recently, and my mother expressed no pressure on Yan Duo to leave her and live alone for a few days.

 Yan Duo was very pleased to see his mother being so calm. At least he didn't have to worry about her mother not being able to eat or sleep in the next few days like before her rebirth.

 Of course, there are also those who cry.

 Yan Jianjun asked Yan Duo: "You really don't need to bring any money. I think many people have."

 Yan Duo nodded firmly.

 Are you kidding? Money will really be confiscated!

 At ten o'clock, the bus set off, and a shrill cry resounded through the sky, and everyone in the bus showed miserable expressions.

 Yan Duo took a peek. Fortunately, she didn't know the girl who screamed, and she was definitely not in the same class.

 The car drove for more than an hour before reaching the destination. The teacher following the car briefly explained the disciplines and precautions to everyone, and repeatedly emphasized the strictness of the military training base, so that everyone should not take it lightly.

 Yan Duo carried her basin and bag and her friend Wang Xiaoxiao, whom she had just met in the car, and followed the huge flow of people out of the car, standing in line in the square of the base waiting to be arranged for a dormitory.

 Yan Duo privately thought that it was much harder than imagined to act like he didn't know someone he clearly knew.

 The High School Affiliated to Hainan University has recruited twelve classes this year. Each class has about 50 people. They stood in the dark square, and their ears were filled with buzzing noises.

 An instructor who felt that he was not easy to mess with just by looking at his face yelled angrily: "Start the roll call now. No talking is allowed. Those who are called will line up at the front. If you continue to speak, you will go to the playground and run ten laps!"

 The voice gradually became quieter.

 One of the leading teachers took out the roster.

 "Yu Wenyou."

 "Yu Rui."

 "Ye Yun."


 Yan Duo is No. 44. His student number is ranked according to his admission score. He happens to be at the end of Class 1. This student number will follow Yan Duo for three years. With such a number, Yan Duo feels that his luck is really... ...so damn good.

 Dying over and over again, isn't this how you go through three years of high school?

 The dormitories in the military training base are for ten people per room, yes! Room for ten people.

 Fantasy single rooms, double rooms, quadruple rooms, six-person rooms... just dream!

 After every ten boys or ten girls are ordered, a team leader will lead them to the dormitory, guide them to place daily necessities, and then go down to pick up the next batch of students.

 Jiao Yang was number 15, Hao Yunshu was number 32, and Xi Yin was... number 49. Yan Duo remembers that there were more than fifty classmates in the class.

 At this time, the fierce instructor singled out a few classmates from the crowd who were laughing loudly, pointed at the playground and said: "You, you, you... you guys, go run ten laps. If you can't finish the race, return."