
The Return Of Joyboy!

"What do you mean by 'Nika'?" Sabo further asked. Luffy groggily opened his eyes, and spoke, "Did someone call me?" Garp frowned at that. "Luffy, your name is Luffy, not that!!!" He said with anger. Luffy who sat up now glared at Garp before frowning, "But why do I need to hide my real name?!!!" He asked and crossed his arms on his chest. "I don't understand at all!!" "Your real name is Nika?" Ace asked to which Luffy nodded happily. Garp scratched his head in worry. "Fine!" Garp said, "Listen to me!" Luffy looked at Garp and the others even did the same. "If the marines ever come to know about your real name, and if by any chance the World Government came to know about your existence they will kill you in spot." "Why will they kill coz of my name?" Luffy frowned but soon burst out laughing, "And do you think," Luffy's eyes flickered to golden, "they can kill me?" Luffy started laughing hard, his one hand on his stomach and the other on his eyes. Co-creator: @Defectivedecoy Link: https://archiveofourown.org/users/Defectivedecoy/pseuds/Defectivedecoy Updated every Sunday!

TheIntrovertRin · Anime e quadrinhos
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70 Chs

Chapter 21

We need to plan," Sabo said, looking straight at Ace. "We can't possibly think to fight and win with the entire crew of the Whitebeard Pirates vs us 22 pirates." Sabo felt giddy at the word 'pirate'. Being a revolutionary is awesome but taking a break here and there and being a pirate sometimes is even more cooler!

"We can knock out the majority of the crew with our conqueror's haki." Ace pointed out, doodling with a stick on the story, and Sabo feels like that can give them some hope to win. Even if it seems impossible.

"We need a backup plan though," Sabo said, and judging by Ace's reaction, he doesn't like it. "If we do lose then we can escape in your ship."

"But why will we lose? And where is Piece of Spadille?" Ace asks his crew who look at each other.

"Shut up, Ace!" Sabo smacks Ace on his head, hopefully, that would give him some brain cells. "It's only a backup plan and you do know, you are not ready to completely face off against an Emperor."

Ace sulks a bit, knowing deep within that is true. He isn't completely ready, but he doesn't care. He will fight and never run away from his enemy.

"We are sorry, Captain..." Skull said seeing that no one was willing to say about Piece of Spadille, about their home. "Our ship is on the last Island, where we w-were defeated." The Spades dip their heads in shame at the feeling that their captain was kidnapped in front of them and yet they couldn't do anything. They couldn't help him. They are and were weak.

"It's fine. Don't think about it." Ace tried to console, even though he feels bad about their ship but they will find it. Luffy who had been playing with Kotatsu looks at them with eyes filled with mischief, which Sabo and Ace can read even through their baby brother's cape.

"I can bring Ace's ship!" Luffy chirped bouncing on his place and the Spades look at him in confusion.

"Aren't you too small to travel in the waters of the New World all alone?" Banshee asks, from the other side of the bonfire, which was slowly dying.

"Don't worry, big girl!" The Spades burst into laughter at Luffy's nickname for Banshee, and Banshee's eyes twitch, and Luffy continues. "I can bring your home easily."

"Don't underestimate his size, Banshee," Sabo said, trying to not snicker. "He will be fine." It's also good for Luffy to get to his mother. He doesn't get much time with all the people surrounding him.

"So, anything else to plan?" Deuce asked and he shaked his head at that. It was time for sleep and they can plan tomorrow if they want and he does need to think. The Island can be used to their advantage too.

The Spade Pirates with their captain and his brothers laid together under the starry night and had a peaceful night for the first time in the week after being kidnapped and captured by the Whitebeard Pirates. Sabo and Ace take shifts keeping a watch on the crew and their baby brother. After all, they are still in enemy territory. They can't let their guard down for even a second.

The morning comes pretty early and by that time it was Ace's turn to take the shift. But they had other work to do too. Sabo shook Ace awake, then went for Luffy, who was wakened up by the promise of meat. Deuce was the last to be awakened.

"Take care of them. We will return in half an hour." Ace commands Deuce, who nods sleepily. They need to let go of Luffy early so that no one notices him leaving. They didn't want anyone to be suspicious at all. Not even the Spades for now.

They walk to the shore and hunt down two bears. Ace cooks it and they eat their breakfast under the morning stars, before seeing off Luffy on the other side of the Island, where Moby Dick was not docked.

"I'll be back soon!" Luffy chirps from the surface of the water and waves at them happily. "Don't start the fight without me."

"We won't, Lu!" Sabo says, smiling at his baby brother.

"Take care, Lu!" Ace tells him and Luffy with glee dives under the ocean.


After the atmosphere in the Moby Dick settled, Whitebeard and his commanders assembled in the commander meeting room. The commanders were gossiping among themselves on what to do and what not to.

Whitebeard cleared his throat to gain attention, after taking a sip of his booze. "My children, I assume you all know why we are gathered here today?" At the answer in affirmation, Whitebeard continued.

"The Spade Pirates and The 3C's, your foolish young future brothers and sisters have challenged us for a fight." Whitebeard saw many frowning and many sulking. Does they not want the Spades on Moby anymore? Well he doesn't care! All he needs is Cyra, Cyane and Cole aka Ace. "We don't want them to be severely hurt now, don't we?"

"But Pops!" Haruta stood up from her chair with narrowed eyes. He could see the anger within them. "We can't ignore their threat, even if they are weak. We need to take some actions against those brats. The whole world should know that what the Whitebeard's want, we get!"

"I understand my son, but I personally don't think that the Spades and the 3C's will ever join if we beat it into them." Whitebeard told Haruta, who huffed and took his seat again. "I don't want any of you to harm Ace, Cyane and Cyra."

"Pops!" Izo raised his hand. "Shouldn't we keep an eye open for Cole? We do know that he can appear anytime. Specially considering that Ace is his brother too."

Whitebeard laughed at that and took a gulp of sake, much to Marco's discontentment. "Cole is Ace, there's no doubt regrading it."

The commanders feel silent and Whitebeard could see Marco's eyes widening and his brain working. "The time when Cole disappeared... It's the same time that 'Fire Fist' Ace appeared, yoi."

Whitebeard's eyes twinkled in amusement that his sons were catching up fast. "Yes, my son!"

"It did strike me odd that the first one to rescue Ace is Cyra and Cyane." Haruta said, noting the new discovery.

"It will be fun to play pranks with the trio!" Thatch squealed, bringing smiles on everyone's faces.

"Pops, yoi!" Marco raised his hand, from where he was sitting, with his hands crossed. "But we can't take them lightly, yoi."

All eyes turned to the first division commander. "Why, Marco?"

"I swear Cyra left a smell that makes my internal alarms blare. He smelt dangerous, like a predator, yoi." Marco said seriously.

"I don't think the squirt has more than Conqueror's haki." Whitebeard said hands gently rubbing the sake cup, which to his disappointment was now empty. "We will win easily, don't worry, son."

"Now just how to tell our new brothers we don't plan on letting them leave, after we defeat them." Izo muttered.

Whitebeard laughed loud enough to rock the entire ship. "You make it sound so nefarious son!"

"Pops... it's literally kidnapping," Curiel told their father. He wasn't really getting any good vibes from the group. One prankster was enough on the ship, but now three more. That will be a disaster to say the least.

"It's for their betterment, and besides, we're pirates. What do we care if our methods are a little harsh?" Whitebeard said with a cheeky smirk.

Most of the commanders rolled their eyes fondly at the man, quite a few of their brothers had been recruited this way. There was no running when Edward Newgate decided someone needed his unconditional love and support.

Whitebeard really wants to protect Ace and the other two brats. He is also curious as to why they hide themselves under those hoods. He does have a good guess. Cole left the 3C's to become a pirate on his own regard and if that applies for the other two brats then being clean at the start of their journey will surely help them. But why? Why did they start so early? They are a mystery, which he sure wants to solve.


"We need a map of this Island sketched out," Sabo said looking at the Spades before him.

"On it!" Skull replied, taking out a sheet of paper from who knows where. Skull and Saber leave the group to go to higher ground to make the map of the Island where the fight will take place.

"Find out what is on this Island and what is not. We can use it to our advantage." Deuce supplied out a piece of his mind. Sabo nodded at the suggestion. He was glad to share ideas on the oncoming fight with someone who has brains.

"Aggie68 will lead the team exploring the North and West of the Island. The team will have Barry, Cornelia, Dogya, and Finamore." Ace commanded his crew.

"Aye, aye, Captain!" The team led by Aggie68 choruses and leaves for the exploration.

"Kimel will lead the other team exploring the South and East of the Island. The team will have Kukai, Leonero, Ossamondo, and Hublot." Ace said looking at the other crew members.

"Aye, aye, Cap'." The other team marches to the other side of the Island.

With that they were set. Their plans will be coming into actions soon enough. But one worry left in Sabo's mind as they slipped from the rest of the Spades.

"Ace, we need to call Dad." Sabo said to Ace who was looking anywhere but at him. Sabo placed a hand on Ace's shoulder. They need to do it. At least he has to. Dad was worried about him the most, when he vanished from the radar. After some coaxing Ace finally agreed to it.

Puru Puru Puru



"Umm, hi Dad?" Ace said uncomfortably, shifting his weight from one leg to another. Sabo noticed it, but he can't help much rather than reassure him.

"Ace! Is that you?" Dragon's stoic voice filtered through the den den mushi. His voice held the pure emotion of relief of finding that Ace is ok. He was worried that something had happened to Ace. "What happened? Are you ok? You aren't hurt are you?"

Ace was turning scarlet red at Dragon's question and all his worries left him. "I'm f-fine."

Ace would forever deny that he stuttered but judging from Sabo and the click of a camera, made him blush furiously. He wanted to run after Sabo and pin him down. But a part of him, really wanted the love which Dragon always showed him, even when he did the most reckless thing in the Word, after Luffy.

"I was worried." Dragon let go the breath which he was holding and placed the three vivre card back in his drawer. He had kept them in front of eyes from the moment Ace's was smoldering. "Is Sabo and Luffy ok?"

"Yes, Dad! We are all ok!" Sabo replied.

"What had happened?" Dragon asked, back to his stoic voice. But they all knew the ever present softness in his voice. After spending seven years in his care, they had always known the care and kindness in his voice.

"I may have challenged the Whitebeards to a fight." Ace said sheepishly, ready to listen scolding.

"...Are you serious, Ace?" Dragon asked, not sure if his ears rang that moment.

"Ya. Only 'cause they kidnapped me and my whole crew." Ace said angrily. "Not to mention that Whitebeard was using Conqueror's Haki on me to join his crew."

"What...?!" Dragon asked in a low voice.

"It's ok. Lu has negated the effect of the Haki from Ace." Sabo replied instantly.

"So, you both are meaning to say me that Whitebeard kidnapped the Spade Pirates and now you are going to fight them." Dragon summarized it, still not believing that Ace went after a Yonko and that Yonko crew wants his son. Well, it's not happening.

"Uh-huh!" Ace nodded.

"Ok..." Dragon sighed at the stubborn nature of his sons, which he knows too well. Well, Ace really shouldn't have gone after the Yonko in the first place, but he can't help but feel proud that Ace was standing on his own feet and wanted to take down a Yonko.

"I thought I told you Ace to think before you act. Didn't I?" But still a bit of talk does need to be drilled in Ace.

"But it's not my fault!" Ace retorts. "I only wanted to gauge my strength. I don't want to be his son! He also wants Cyane and Cyra. I don't like the way he was making the point. It looked like we are his toys." Ace spat in disgust. "

"Come again?" Dragon felt rage coil inside him. Whitebeard has not done it right to go after his sons.

"He kidnapped me 'cause he wants me as his son on his crew or as his slave," Ace says angrily.

"The moment we appeared on the Moby, he even asked us to join him." Sabo said calmly.

"I am sending back-ups! And wait for me, I am coming!" If Whitebeard wants a fight, then he doesn't care. He can destroy the Moby and won't break a sweat for it. After all, he would be doing it for his sons betterment.

"No!" Ace retorted. "It's my fight. I want to and I can fight it, Dad!"

"Don't worry, Dad." Sabo said from beside Ace. "We are planning well to give them hell."


The ride to the Piece of spadille/ PoS was jubilant to the sea child. Being in his mother's grasp and his friends was the best thing, after his brothers and father, of course! But spending time with his mother under the depths of the ocean, under the calm hands of his mother was something which the young sea child craved more than ever. He could never get enough of it, of how he felt safe and happy with his mother right beside him.

The way to the Island where PoS was, it was filled with stories and fun with the sea kings and the sea fishes. He doesn't even feel hungry when he is with his mother, though he craved food. The ship stood proud on the shore, but looked sad. It was sad to have lost her crew and captain.

"Don't worry, you will meet them soon!" Luffy said with his hands gently grazing the figurehead. With that the ship felt less lonely and onwards they set sailed to the Island where the crew was waiting for the ship and his brothers were waiting for him. The young sea child threw off his cloak and rushed inside the Captain's cabin first. The room looked neat, but the ruffled bedsheets smelled like Ace and showed the signs of it's inhabitant. The child threw one of his oldest brothers t-shirt over him. It reached till his knees. And one of Ace's short which to his happiness peaked from the t-shirt.

Happy with the change of the clothes and no need of wearing the stinky cloth, the kid slept off. It was the next morning which he wake up and his stomach growled. Unluckily for the residents of the crew, the fridge and the kitchen was licked clean in a matter of half an hour by the energetic ball of sunshine.

The rest of the way back was spend exploring the ship, laying on the wooden deck and hearing the stories of the fights between the Former Pirate King and the Old Mustache man. They kept him busy and when he felt the need to spend his energy, he sparred with the sea kings, much to their delight.


The moment the familiar haki presence enter their premises, the brothers strode for the shore, ignoring the Spade Crew. But they might be following them, which they really don't care. They had a brother and a ship to meet.

They were lucky to have noticed the young raven first, who was jumping excitedly on the deck, swinging from the snails to the crow nest. The sight made them almost coo at the boy wearing an oversized t-shirt of Ace and his pants. They ran forward at the hear of their name and hugged the boy.

"Who is the cutest brother?" Sabo squealed at the younger boy, who puffed his cheeks and looked offended.

"I am not cute." The younger retorted. But the oldest were not going to give up. Ace strecthed the young raven's cheek.

"You are." The brothers said together.

"Am not!"


"Am not!"

The match was going on, until the realization struck them. The Spades! Sabo pushed himself and Luffy to Ace's room. "Ace! I'm borrowing your clothes."

The Spades were delighted to see their ship back to them and wanted to thank Cyra but Ace said Cyane and Cyra were changing clothes and this lead the others to realize that they do stink.

The moment the brothers came out of the room, the Spades stood in shock at the look of Cyra, who was wearing an unbuttoned t-shirt and looked so small. They wished not for the first time and probably not for the last time, that they could see beyond the black mask which adorned the face of the youngest now, who didn't even want to wear that. But Cyane, wearing a similar one and having to changed to Ace's clothes bribed him.

"Captain!" Banshee said as sudden realizations hit her. "You sure, we should let Cyra fight?"

Ace and Sabo snicker at that. "I would say you should see him fight." Sabo provides helpfully.

"Lu! Come on! We have 100 fights to go." Ace shouts gaining Luffy's attention who bounces his way to his brothers.

"I will totally beat you both today!" Luffy chirps happily and challenges his brothers, who ruffle Luffy's hair softly.

"Nah-uh!" Ace teases Luffy by stretching his cheeks past human abilities. "I'll beat you like always."

"Nah-uh! I'll win this time." Luffy retorts shaking his head.

"You are weak. You will lose." Ace knew he was fueling the kid and Luffy was falling into the trap full well.

"Am not!"


"Am not!"


"Cut it out you both!" Sabo separates the two foreheads sticking to each other playfully.

"Fine." Both teens grumble and the Spades are still left in shock at the childish behavior of their captain, which soon turns into bigger shock. The Spades find the tiny teen holding his own against Ace and Sabo. He was doing well. Hell, he even won five times against Ace and Sabo.