
The resurrection of the fallen god

The God's resurrection on his journey to get revenge on his master

Daniel_Hristov · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
1 Chs

Chapter 0: Before the Story. The Gods' dimention.

Narrator: "In the divine echelons of the celestial realm, The land of gods, Icaka, born into the noblest family, was marked by destiny. His path, however, diverged from the throne to the unfathomable depths of solitary cultivation."

Scene at the Divine Assembly

Elder God: "Icak, your power has grown beyond the bounds of our understanding. How do you attain such strength?"

Icaka: "Through thousands of years in solitude, being alone and cultivating and training my whole life. exploring the cosmos. The path to true power lies not in dominion, but in understanding the essence of divinity."

Narrator: "As Icaka's legend grew, so did his wisdom. From the many ambitions people, he chose just a few as his students. – Daniel, a god whose brilliance rivalled the stars, and a few others." Scene in the Training Grounds

Daniel: "Master Icaka, your teachings transcend mere power. I seek to understand the mysteries of the cosmos as you do." Icaka: "Daniel, your thirst for knowledge is commendable. Remember, true strength lies not only in wielding power but in understanding its purpose."

Narrator: "Yet, not all were swayed by Icaka's wisdom. In the shadows of greatness, envy grows. Din, Icaka's brother, had completely different ideas and goals."

Narrator: "Icaka's return from his cosmic meditation was met not with the harmonious chorus of the celestial realm, but with the clamor of war. The heavens, once an emblem of unity, lay shattered, torn by civil strife and betrayal. "His brother Din had betrayed their bloodline. Killing everyone on his path to the throne.

Icaka: (Surveying the ruins) "What madness has befallen this sacred place? Brother, what have you wrought upon our home?" 

Narrator: "Amidst the celestial ruins, the inevitable confrontation loomed. Icaka, embodying the wrath of justice, faced Din, the embodiment of corrupted ambition."

 Din: (Defiantly) "Icak, brother, you fail to see the truth. I have made us strong, unchallenged! Gods are not the same they were long time ago!" Icaka: "Strength built on fear is a fragile foundation. You have desecrated our home, brother."

Narrator: "In the aftermath of Din's fall, Icaka stumbled upon a truth that would forever alter his perception. Din's writings spoke of a looming existential crisis – the waning faith of mortals, eroding the very essence of the gods." Scene of Realization Icaka: (Reading Din's writings) "So this is the heart of our plight. Without the mortals' belief, we are but shadows, fading into the void.

Icaka(Angry): How dare they! We are the ones who gave them everything they have! They wouldn't even exist without us! And our father knew all that and didn't do a thing? UHH how dare he risk the lives of all the Gods who believed in him "


Narrator: "As Icaka embarked on his dark mission to complete his brother wished to instill fear among mortals, a rift emerged between him and his disciples. Daniel, once a fervent follower, began to question the path they were on."

Scene of Discontent

Daniel: "Master, this is not the way. We are guardians, not tyrants. We must find another path."

Icaka: "There is no other path, Daniel. Our survival is at stake. We must be revered, feared if necessary." 


Narrator: "The tension reached its zenith when Daniel, unable to stand idly by, confronted Icaka. His defiance, though noble, led to his tragic downfall."

Daniel: "I cannot follow you on this path of tyranny, Master. I must stand for what I believe is right, even if it means standing against you."

Icaka: "Then you leave me no choice, Daniel. You have chosen your fate." 


The Cycle Begins Narrator: "Unknown to Daniel, his demise was not the end, but the beginning of a cycle that would span millennia. Reborn as a human, he was trapped in a perpetual quest to recall his past and challenge the tyranny he once served." every time Daniel turns 20 he remembers his memories of being a god and tries to stop Icaka, ultimately failing.