
The Resident of Apocalypse

What if the worlds of Resident Evil and High School of the Dead are one world? And what if one detail appears in them, which should not be, namely a new hero - Felix. Additional tags: incest, OP, Harem ( will be in 2 thome but for that moment I wrote only one) , Zombie *** Everything in this book except the main character does not belong to me! This is a translation of my story, but from Russian. It doesn't seem to read that badly, so good luck)

LarchOut · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
49 Chs

Chapter 6 - Everyday development

— Felix-kun, and for what reason do you want to listen to this lecture so much? She's going to be incredibly boring for you. — the girl asked when we entered the hall and took a seat.

— It will be boring for those who don't like to study, or just don't know much about virology. And it's not the first year I've been interested in this section of microbiology and my knowledge allows me to understand without any problems what will be discussed.

— You're so cute when you try to seem like a smart big boy. — she murmured with a smile and gently ran her hand through my hair. — I'm sorry, if you don't want to answer, don't answer, but I'm just wondering why you have such a hair color? Did you wear makeup? — she asked.

— No, it's innate.

— U-nders-tood — she drawled. Soon Akitaka Igarashi came into the hall and began to give a lecture. He started with the basics of virology and what viruses are for him and how it spreads, and gradually he moved on to more complex topics - the structure of the virus. The scientist explained in detail specifically for students what capsids are the inner shell of viruses consisting of proteins, and then spiral capsids. After twenty minutes, many students simply looked at the scientist with an empty expression on their faces, who started talking and moved on to rather complex topics. Well, after all, he is not a teacher, namely that a scientist who was asked to give a lecture, so that he can be understood. (Some scientist bulls***)

—... who has any questions? — after all, he decided to ask this question, but even the teachers sitting here found it very difficult to understand what he was talking about recently.

— I have one. — I raised my hand and the scientist immediately looked at me.

— A k-kid? — He was surprised and didn't even know how to react, but Shizuka was looking at me with some kind of growing panic.

— You were talking about a double-stranded RNA virus. It was also mentioned that perhaps people will be able to detect such a virus that can radically change a person's DNA ... and if this very virus disfigures a person? After all, mutation, for the most part, is an unpredictable thing. — I asked him the question I was interested in. It was just that his lecture was echoing in my head with a strange phantom pain.

— Oh, I see a person here who understands this topic. — the scientist smiled, but the students looked at me with a strange expression on their faces. — The thing is that people have the opportunity to predict a mutation, yes, this is not absolutely accurate data, but already something ... — the scientist continued to explain his point of view, and I continued to ask questions. And if my first question was not particularly difficult, then after half an hour our discussion was already outside the university framework. And when the lecture was over, he asked who I was, in fact. And when he found out that I was the same Felix, he was delighted and predicted a great future for me, and also gave Umbrella contacts... if I wanted to work for them.

— Hmm, this Igarasi gives me a strange feeling. His knowledge on the basis of virology, of course, is undoubtedly at the highest level, but usually such clever people do stupid things. — I said as I walked out of the auditorium with Shizuka.

— Now it's clear why you need this lecture... you are a very smart child. — looking at me with some thoughtfulness, the girl said.

— Listen, Shizuka, do you have any friends here at all? Well, in the sense of normal friends, and not all sorts of weasels envious of your appearance. — I asked. Now we were walking along the corridor of the campus, just in the direction of the dining room, I have already passed by it once, it will be possible to order something sweet.

— Oh, so Felix-kun thinks I'm beautiful? — She asked me coquettishly.

— Well ... — I began to stare at the girl, but because of the bandage it did not look as it should. — You're my type. Beautiful and tall spectacular blonde. Although I like brunettes, my sister is just a brunette. — I said.

— Thank you. — she smiled sincerely at the compliment of the child. — Um, can I ask you a question? And why do you need this bandage? — with a little guilt in her voice, she asked the question. The guilt may have come from the fact that this is a very personal question, but she could not restrain her curiosity.

— So that people don't stare at my eyes and don't stand out so much. Although with my hair, I stand out anyway... and the bandage doesn't help that either. —I gasped. — Well, my eyes are also very sensitive, but this no longer bothers me, so you can say the force of habit.

— I see... — she drawled.

— Do you want to see? I asked with a smile. — Don't fall in love. — I told her and took off the blindfold.

— ... — Shizuka opened her mouth in amazement. — What a beautiful boy you are. — she said warmly.

— I know. — I nodded at her words. — Do you need help with any work? You attended a lecture on microbiology, so you're studying to be a biologist?

— No. — she said, shaking her head. — I'm studying for a medical degree. Do you want... do you want your "sister" to buy you ice cream? — she suggested.

— I have money. Two vanilla ice creams, please, and that chocolate bar over there. — I pointed to the seller with my finger at the chocolate bar, and at that time he was looking at me, or rather at my eyes. — Okay, okay. — I put the bandage back on.

With Shizuku, we still sat for fifteen minutes in the dining room and during this time all sorts of guys from her course came up to us and told her what a smart brother she had... and the girl used it to explain that she would be busy with me for some time.

— Brother! — I heard my sister's voice. — Why did you leave and leave me alone? — she said plaintively, hugging me.

— I didn't leave anyone, you were just busy playing games, so I decided just not to bother you. And so, I got you a chocolate bar. — I handed her a sweet that quickly disappeared from my hands and ended up in the girl's mouth.

— Deicus. — she said with a smile and because of eating ice cream, it was not easy to understand her.

— Felix, I see you've already met here. — he looked at Shizuka with a hint ... and the girl herself didn't even know what to say, seeing a two-meter-tall bully in a suit and with a beard. Uncle did spoke Japanese, so she understood him perfectly.

— Shizuka, don't worry, this is my Uncle Roman. Uncle this is Shizuka, my friend, we met at a lecture.

— Hello Roman-san. — She got up quickly and bowed.

— Don't bother. — uncle smiled, examining the forms of this blonde. — Felix, and you know how to choose friends.

— I know. Sis, stop looking at my new friend with such a hostile look.

— ...You can't have girlfriends, because you have me. — Alicia said, frowning.

— And what is the name of this cute girl? — Shizuka asked.

— None of your business. — the sister answered in Japanese.

— Alicia don't be so impolite. This is Alicia...

Shizuka and I exchanged phone numbers and she promised to call tomorrow and take us to interesting places that only locals know about. Alicia, of course, really does not like that some blonde is friends with her brother, but all sorts of interesting places in Tokyo still seduced the girl.

The next day, as promised, she called us and the three of us met her near the hotel. The girl is twenty years old today and she is in the third year of the medical faculty. She lives together with some friend, whom she really considers to be a friend, so they divide the rent in half. The girl herself is not to say that she is silly, just very soft and kind, and that's why a lot of people stick to her. She just can't say a firm no. Shizuka is quite a well—read person, as she wants to become a doctor and help people, and it seems that there is some sad story behind it.