
The Resident of Apocalypse

What if the worlds of Resident Evil and High School of the Dead are one world? And what if one detail appears in them, which should not be, namely a new hero - Felix. Additional tags: incest, OP, Harem ( will be in 2 thome but for that moment I wrote only one) , Zombie *** Everything in this book except the main character does not belong to me! This is a translation of my story, but from Russian. It doesn't seem to read that badly, so good luck)

LarchOut · Anime & Comics
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49 Chs

Chapter 5 - Everyday Japan (2)

A month later, our parents returned and allowed Roma and me to fly to Japan, as I had already asked for it for a long time. Alicia and I have already started learning Japanese for this purpose for a year... more precisely, I started learning it, and my sister, seeing what I was doing, decided to learn the language with me. And if for me it was, to put it mildly, a piece of cake, that is, very easy, then for my sister this process was accompanied with difficulties. But a child's mind is a plastic thing, so once she understood the basics in four months, it went a lot easier.

In general, at the age of ten, I already know several languages - English, which I could understand almost from birth, although no, that's what from birth. Russian because my father and uncle have Russian roots, and my uncle has a Russian name in general. I often heard Russian words from Uncle Roma, and some of the scientists were Russian, so I had enough practice. Well, Japanese, which was the most difficult language to master out of these three, but even so, it didn't take me two months to speak it well, and in a year my accent almost disappeared. I could also practice this language with my family, since they have many partners and friends from Japan, so my mother and father also know this language, even if not perfectly. But Grandma and grandpa know Japanese much better. I also have plans to master other languages, for example, Spanish and French.

We arrived in Japan on the company's private jet, so the flight was very calm and comfortable. We arrived at Haneda Airport, which is located in Tokyo, in a special area of Ota. It was already night in Tokyo, since we were leaving New York at ten o'clock in the evening, the time difference between the cities is thirteen hours. Plus, the flight itself lasted about twelve and a half hours, in general, after arrival we immediately went to the hotel ordered by my uncle. And the next morning we went to explore the city. My sister was dressed in traditional Japanese clothes with a bow in her hair, and at the kiosk we also bought her an umbrella, which is called Vagasa here.

I was also dressed in Japanese clothes, and for the first days, while we were exploring the city, I walked exactly like this. It is quite comfortable and does not rub anywhere, there is something so ... pleasant in these clothes.

Of course, I also wore a blindfold so that the Japanese wouldn't stare at me and point a finger, which is quite unpleasant for me. And five days after our arrival, I learned that a well-known virologist, Akitaka Igarashi, who for some time worked with William Birkin, also a well-known virologist from Umbrella, would be giving a lecture at Tokyo Daigaku University. I didn't want to miss such an event very much, so I persuaded my uncle to go there with me... but it turned out that my sister was stuck in the playroom near the university, so I took the phone and hurried to the University alone.

Hmm, well, where exactly will the lecture be held. I muttered thoughtfully, walking through the crowd of students. The students themselves didn't tell me anything, they just looked at the strange child with a blindfold. And so, there were a lot of people standing near one audience and before entering the room, the person at the entrance was saying something to them. If it wasn't difficult to get into the University itself, just merging with the crowd to go through the front entrance, my height allows it, then I wasn't sure how to get into the lecture hall. Still, as far as I remember, it wasn't exactly an open lecture for everyone... but in order not to risk it, I decided to get attached to someone and I chose a busty blonde for this. Moreover, the choice fell on her not only because of her impressive assets and appearance, but also because she herself looked at me in some dumb question.

— Beautiful student-san, would you allow me to join your company and take me to the lecture hall, where you are most likely on your way, considering that you are standing in this queue. — I said in pure Japanese and, like a diligent child, folded my hands in front of me.

— What a cute kid, are you lost? — with some concern, she asked bending down with a touching expression on her face.

— No, I want to get to a lecture by a famous virologist, and my escort will arrive a little later... yes. — I told her.

— Shizuka, is this your brother? Why does he have gray hair and what kind of stupid blindfold? Is he blind? — the guy who came up asked and it was clear from him what he really wanted, namely the body of this girl.

— Subaru-san, it's rude to ask about a child like that. — The girl spoke with a pouting expression. — No, he's... he's an acquaintance of my friend and she asked me to look after him. — she thought of something to say.

— Oh, cool, so maybe we're today…

— And it's because of this that I will be busy in the near future, what a pity. — she said and sighed, as if she was really sorry. The guy understood the hint and, casting a sidelong glance at me, went to his friends.

— Shizuku, why are you dynamiting him, he's the son of a rich man. - said, apparently her friend ... in any case, she was standing next to that girl.

— I don't know what you're talking about, I'll look after the baby. — It's like nothing happened, Shizuka said.

— I actually heard him approach you and I know that you didn't know him... okay, then I'll go and try my luck. — she threw an envious glance at the girl's chest and followed the guy.

— Shizuku is a beautiful name, it says about the owner that he is a quiet and peaceful person. — I drawled.

— Thank you. — this time she smiled sincerely, and not like that guy or girl. — So, what's your name? — she said, but I saw that she was looking at my blindfold with a kind of pity.

— Please love and favor - Felix. — I raised my hands up theatrically, and then made a gentleman's bow. — And your undoubtedly beautiful name, I already know, but observing politeness, I will still ask what the name of such a beautiful young lady is? — for some reason I wanted to impress her ... hormones are naughty, apparently.

— Felix-kun, you have a beautiful name too. Are you an American? Although you can't tell by the lack of an accent... — the girl thoughtfully put her finger to her lips. — My name is Shizuka Marikawa. Do you really want to go to the lecture? — she asked straightening up as the queue moved forward.

— yes. — I nodded. — Can you take me with you?

— Well ... — the girl looked around in confusion, as if looking for those who should look after me.

— I'll be good, really, really. And don't worry about my escorts, I have already written to them where I will be. So, they'll be waiting here as we get out.

— All right, then. — the girl quickly agreed, and it was obvious that she would not mind hugging me. While we were talking to her, I was trying to figure out what kind of person she was and so far, it turned out that she really, as her name says, is quite a peaceful person. But besides that, she is kind and sensitive, and she can easily read the atmosphere. While our turn was coming up, I did not notice that the girl was communicating with someone in a friendly way and without pretense. And considering that many guys look at her body with lust, I can guess why. Because guys only need her body, and girls are jealous of her looks and big assets in front. I hope at least no one is bothering her forcibly, otherwise I heard that there is a problem with this in Japan.