
The Resident of Apocalypse

What if the worlds of Resident Evil and High School of the Dead are one world? And what if one detail appears in them, which should not be, namely a new hero - Felix. Additional tags: incest, OP, Harem ( will be in 2 thome but for that moment I wrote only one) , Zombie *** Everything in this book except the main character does not belong to me! This is a translation of my story, but from Russian. It doesn't seem to read that badly, so good luck)

LarchOut · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
49 Chs

Chapter 4 - Everyday Japan

The next day, in the presence of my father, my mother began to ask about what exactly I remember, and after my answers, my parents were discouraged.

— A genius with a photographic memory. — Eric said, looking at me with a sense of pride. — Son, are you sure there won't be any more surprises on your part?

— Well, I think not ... — I said not quite confidently, feeling not too comfortable under the gaze of my parents.

— Honey, we're just worried about you. — Alice said softly, noticing something in my behavior.

— I'm weird, right? — I looked at them with a pitiful expression on my face.

— No, you're not weird. Perhaps unusual yes, but definitely not strange. — Eric said. — And that's good, son, so you definitely won't be a gray mass. — he patted me on the shoulder. — And considering how much you like science and what I've heard from doctors... you'll definitely be some kind of scientist. By the way, your grandfather wanted to talk to you about this.

— What is it about?

— Something about your ideas... you can talk to him yourself, I'm still far from a scientist.

— OK. — I nodded to them. — I'll go to my sister then, otherwise, judging by the look that father throws at you, Mom, it's better for me not to see what will happen next. — I said, which made my parents blush, especially my mother sitting on the bed.

— Ahm, son, what are you talking about? We'll just... um... sleep together since we're tired. — Eric tried to come up with an excuse, but it sounded, to put it mildly, below average.

— My sister and I are sleeping, and you have adult affairs here ... do not forget about my intelligence. — I added a note of arrogance to his voice. — That's why I know everything adults do. The Internet is such an Internet. — I shook my head as I approached the door.

— Maybe you need to go to the doctor with him? — Alice asked her husband quietly. — After all, children should not… so it's good to understand everything.

— He's our son, so we should have gotten used to it by now. — he told her. — So, honey, let's not sidetracked the topic … you're so beautiful today.

— So, I'm not usually pretty to you, am I? — the woman was indignant, but the man immediately covered her lips with his.

— You are always beautiful to me. Let me close the door, just in case. — said the man, and then jumped on his wife.


What is the difference between a large amount of knowledge in biology, exceedingly even the university level, and the actual ability of this information to operate and apply in practice? It seems to me that the difference is quite obvious and that is why I have been asking scientists and doctors I know for a long time to give me the opportunity to use the laboratory under the supervision of some adult. Of course, I knew perfectly well that they didn't really want to mess with a child, but I'm the grandson of the head of the company they work for, so I clearly had my privileges. Therefore, for some time I managed to convince them to allow me to use the laboratory, as long as no one works there, and I don't spoil anything. After all, there are not some super-dangerous viruses being developed here, so there were no big problems in this.

Immerse yourself in the wonderful world of microorganisms and see firsthand how various viruses already known to the world affect human cells. To see clearly hereditary diseases hidden in human DNA, which by their mere presence change part of the genome, which may well affect the entire human body as a whole. In general, it is quite entertaining to confirm your knowledge in practice and understand what is happening on the other side of the microscope.

This step marked a very rapid growth of my knowledge and skills in various fields, ranging from conventional microbiology to bacteriology and virology. On the one hand, my huge knowledge base and progress in this direction are abnormally large. But if you consider that I really enjoyed doing this and my phenomenally high understanding of things and excellent memory, then everything falls into place. During my ten years of life, I have achieved a lot in this field, but I had to stop my ardor, otherwise I would disappear for days in the laboratory, and it became known to the public. I don't know how these journalists sniff out information, but a new article has been published about Felix Vaddergov, a ten—year—old genius in biology and its sections. This information was immediately picked up by other media, as if they had nothing else to do…

— Brother, you're famous. — Alicia said with a serious face, eating a cake at the same time. We were in my grandfather's office right now and there was a huge TV hanging on the wall where there was a report about me and my photo of a month ago was attached.

— Here's your picture next. — I told her when they showed her a picture of my cute little sister and she didn't even know then that she had been photographed, but she still looked very cute.

— I'm pretty too. — the sister nodded, as if it should be so and she did not expect less.

— Yeah, you're my most beautiful sister in the world. — I said, hugging my little sister, with whom we almost never part for a long time. What can I say if we have been sleeping together for a couple of years ... more precisely, most of our lives? My parents tried to somehow separate our beds, so there were so many tantrums that they wisely decided to leave everything as it is. Sister knows how to insist on her own.

— Children, I hope you didn't set fire to anything here while I was gone? — Alex immediately asked a question, entering the office. — I see that there is no. he nodded to himself.

— Felix and I are not small enough to do such stupid things. — said the little sister, lifting her nose up.

Now we were in Alex's care, since our parents had gone to another state for work, and to relax together, of course. They are already trying to give us all their free time, so let them rest. And since mom is not at the workplace, she is replaced by her assistant, Melanie, to whom her uncle has been trying to approach for some year and all without success. In general, I noticed that she kind of likes him, but he's an uncle... well, he's a rather windy person and has already slept with several employees, which the girl is probably well aware of. That's why she treats him with ostentatious coldness, behind which hides a vulnerable girl who is very offended that the guy who is trying to impose on her sleeps with other young ladies. And now my uncle seems to have realized this truth and has been following abstinence for a month, which is very difficult for him, apparently.

— Mr. Vaddergov, here are the counts for the last month. — after knocking on the office, Melanie herself came in.

— Thank you. — He nodded with a slight smile. — Children, do you want to take a walk?

— I don't mind watching my uncle try to hit on Melanie, it's even kind of funny. — I nodded. It's just that Roman brought us here, so it's not surprising that he's still here, since he just recently arrived from Japan.

— Hmm, that's right. — Alex smiled at something and coughed into his fist. — Melanie, are you free and can you take the children to their uncle?

— Of course. — she nodded. — Felix, Alicia sends with me. — she smiled at us and held out her hand, which I immediately grabbed.

— Brother, and me? — Alicia grabbed my hand from the other side and immediately calmed down. — That's better.

— Melanie, you don't have a boyfriend, do you? — I decided to ask her a question.

— Hmm, did your uncle put you up to finding out? — she looked at me suspiciously as we walked along the corridor of the building.

—Not really — I shook my head. — I wonder why such a beauty is still alone.

— Brother... — my sister muttered jealously, squeezing my hand harder.

— Sis, your beauty is generally out of competition, so don't be jealous. — I kissed her on the cheek and the little sister flew off to nirvana ... figuratively speaking.

— I would like such a relationship with my sister. — Melanie muttered to herself. — No, I don't have a boyfriend and I hope I won't, because all guys are assholes.

— Hey, I'm actually a guy too. — I reminded her.

— You are still small, and society has not had time to spoil you. —she smiled.

— Melanie, it's good to see you. — uncle's voice was heard, and he came up to us from the side. — I see you and Felix are quite close, do you like children so much? — he tried to start a conversation, seeing that the girl was holding my hand.

—You don't have a chance. — she just said, and after a little thought she added. — Your nephew has more than that. — she snorted.

— What are you... ahem. You're hitting the patient. — that's all my uncle said, looking at Melanie's ass, when she said goodbye to us and went to work further.

— Uncle, I found out that she doesn't have a boyfriend. I tried especially for you. — I told him, and he immediately cheered up. — But she also thinks all guys are assholes, so it's still going to be difficult for you.

— Felix, why does she think that all guys are assholes? — the sister innocently asked the question.

— I don't know... when you grow up, you'll probably understand... although I hope not. — I said to the girl, patting her on the head, which was quite easy, since I was a head taller than the girl.

My uncle exhaled heavily and took us to the nearest amusement park, where my sister ran around with a smile on her face, leading me along. She especially liked to ride on the river of lovers, as this place is called... but my uncle sailed on this attraction all alone behind us.