
The Resident of Apocalypse

What if the worlds of Resident Evil and High School of the Dead are one world? And what if one detail appears in them, which should not be, namely a new hero - Felix. Additional tags: incest, OP, Harem ( will be in 2 thome but for that moment I wrote only one) , Zombie *** Everything in this book except the main character does not belong to me! This is a translation of my story, but from Russian. It doesn't seem to read that badly, so good luck)

LarchOut · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
49 Chs

Chapter 31 - Everyday racket (2)

Then I looked through the global news to make sure that this is not happening only here... and I was right. A lot of million-plus cities were under attack. Infected people appeared too abruptly and unexpectedly, and it was not immediately that people realized about protection from bites and shooting in the head. After all, not everyone will be able to shoot civilians, whom you have to protect, in the head to calm them down.

For example, in New York, they immediately tried to suppress the outbreak of infection and even fence off the territory, but they simply did not keep track of everyone. Someone has already managed to come out with a bite, perhaps some military man who was just afraid to admit it. And now the infected are walking into Times Square.

The girls just looked at it quietly and you could tell from their faces that they were just in shock and didn't know what to say. The phone volume was decent, so Sido's group heard a lot and silence fell on the bus.

— "We can't get through this road, so we'll try a detour." — I said in silence. —" Saya, did you manage to contact your family?"

— "No... this road just led to our estate, but there will still be a bridge there and, judging by what I saw here, it is also unlikely to be much better there." — she said without the usual arrogance in her voice.

—" So, we will go on a detour straight to us, and then we will try to contact your relatives." — I made a decision.

— "I agree with Felix... I think we need to hide somewhere first." — said Takozo, who sat down with his girlfriend at the window next to us and comforted her. He also heard our conversation and, apparently, he is more on our side than on Sido's side.

— "But why is it his house "somewhere"? — An irritated Tsunoda asked the question.

— "Listen, if you don't like something, you can get off the bus." — Saeko told him softly, but rather harshly.

—" I can understand why you are upset and react so sharply... because you are afraid, and I understand it perfectly. These are troubled times, and we need to stay united. Each of us must contribute to the general vote in order to choose a leader ... namely, the one who will lead us, otherwise we will swear at every step." — Shido said, stealing glances at me.

— "Yes, who needs your vote. "— sister waved her hand. — "I'm for my brother, I think most of it will be for him. "— she looked around the audience and most of them, except for those sitting behind the transport, nodded. Even Takashi, even though he didn't understand why many of us turned against the teacher, nodded. After all, I saved his life recently, and we spent a lot of time on all sorts of trainings.

— "Okay... then let's go." — the infected did not interfere with our bus too much. If there were thousands of them around us, then yes, problems could arise. But Sido at this time poured into the ears of gullible students ... to throw him off the bus is to condemn him to death, and I do not know if I am ready to purposefully kill a person if it is not a matter of life and death.

A couple of minutes later I received a message from my parents who were worried about our long absence, so I gave the phone to Alicia and asked her to explain that the driver had not arrived and, most likely, we would not see him again.

— "Look there are people." — Rei attracted our attention, looking through the glass at the noisy bikers. They were now having fun driving along the main road and smashing the heads of the infected, apparently temporary anarchy hit them in the head. And not only them, along the way I saw a lot of shops with broken windows and, as I already understood, infected people would hardly do this, but people looking for something to profit from quite. The road itself was littered with corpses and torn bodies, so I often had to run over them or knock down the unlucky infected, even though I tried to avoid it.

In general, in Japan, this subculture associated with motorcycles and bikes appeared somewhere in the two thousand and ninth year and adopted the names Busozoku. In America, this is a more developed movement than here, but apparently, we were lucky to run into such merry fellows. And judging by their tattoos, they also used to be Yakuza, well, or even continue to be. Just when I looked at them, one of the bikers prescribed another with a bat in the face, which caused him to fall and an infected person standing next to him immediately attacked him. But the one who had a woman sitting in the passenger seat was just having a lot of fun and he did not regret his act at all.

But besides three, or rather two bikers, there was a car with people inside behind them. It was hard not to notice us and this group of survivors immediately drove in our direction, and by this time I had already turned in the other direction, but they caught up with us quickly.

—" What do they want from us?" — One of the girls sitting in the back of the bus asked.

—" To be honest, I don't care what they want, as long as they get away. "— my sister has already spoken. In America, she saw a couple of such individuals, and it's clear from their faces that they don't want anything good. A biker with a girl behind him drove up to us quite close and knocked on the glass of the bus with a bat, and then gave a horn signal.

—" Let's ask them about the situation in the side of the city from where they came." — Gave Takashi an idea... a stupid idea, that's what Saya noticed.

—" Takashi, are you really stupid? Did you see his face and the look he threw at Rei looking out?!" — she asked, coming close to the guy, boring him with a hard look.

—" What kind of look?" — he didn't understand.

— "The ones that all sorts of perverts look at girls, like this. "— she said and turned around sharply, thereby hitting the guy in the face with her pigtails.

—" Felix, I think he's getting angry." — my sister said, and that biker really, after several unsuccessful attempts to stop us, pulled out the barrel, namely the New Nambu M60 police revolver and shot at the bus window, thereby scaring everyone in it. Perhaps he stole this weapon from some law enforcement officer.

—" G-God." — Rei shouted, covering her ears with her hands.

"W-we're going to die..." — someone shouted from behind.

— "It seems they are more than serious. "— I exhaled, squeezing the steering wheel with force ... I did not expect that problems with people would arise so quickly. The fact that in such a situation there will be a lot of scum, I had no doubt, take the same Sido, give him power and he will immediately arrange some kind of orgy on the bus, well, for example. And then he will sacrifice people right and left, suppress new arrivals. In general, I had to stop on the roadway and a car immediately blocked the road ahead of us, I even have some kind of deja vu with this whole situation.

— "Be ready for a fight." — I said to my group and only Saeko nodded confidently.

—" A fight?" — Hisashi said doubtfully.

— "He shot us in the glass because we didn't want to stop... it's unlikely that he wants to treat us to cookies. "— I said, approaching the open door. —" Koto, hide the nail gun behind you and try not to get off the bus. If it presses down completely and a fight begins, shoot at the one who will have a weapon. And the girls... keep your heads down and don't show yourself."

—" I-got it." — the guy nodded, but some girls turned pale at all, realizing what I was hinting at.

— "You guys thought for a long time before stopping... my argument was impressive, yes," — said this guy, twirling a revolver in his hand. —" Hmm, why are you so blond? Are you wearing makeup? Ugh, there are only faggots around... although you're a Gaijin, so it doesn't matter."

—" What do you need?" — I asked, frowning at this guy.

— "What a brave Gaijin, did you see?" — he turned to his companion, and she did not take her eyes off me. — "Bitch, look at me!" — he got angry sharply and hit her in the face. — "What women are around, without a fist, they immediately stare at others. Although I saw some pretty girl on your bus, I suppose there is still one." — he looked at the bus, and in the windows were visible some, like the same Yuki, girls who did not deign to move away.

— "Boss, the perimeter is clear." — some guy came up to him with a bloody axe in his hands. As soon as his boss stopped, he got out of the car and started hacking infected people with his friends, of whom there were not too many in the area right now. But behind us, two hundred meters away, in the place where the shot sounded, there were enough of them.

There were eight of them in total, not too many, but now they feel permissiveness, and one of them has a revolver, so they can do anything.

— "Well done, look what a catch we have." — He pointed the muzzle of his revolver at me. — "Hey, get off the bus! I said come out or I'll kill the blond one, and then I'll come out to you!" — he shouted louder. — "Make sure that these creatures don't get close to us, and I'll deal with the kids... I can already see some blonde with huge tits from here." — He licked his lips when he noticed Shizuka. — "Get moving. " — he fired, which hurried everyone who was on the bus. Only by this he also attracted the infected…