
The Resident of Apocalypse

What if the worlds of Resident Evil and High School of the Dead are one world? And what if one detail appears in them, which should not be, namely a new hero - Felix. Additional tags: incest, OP, Harem ( will be in 2 thome but for that moment I wrote only one) , Zombie *** Everything in this book except the main character does not belong to me! This is a translation of my story, but from Russian. It doesn't seem to read that badly, so good luck)

LarchOut · Anime & Comics
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49 Chs

Chapter 32 - Everyday sorrow

The shot scared a lot of people on the bus, it was clearly visible on their terrified faces and trembling hands. This biker had already noticed Shizuka and the others, so his threat that he would shoot me worked and the girls started coming out one by one. Even Koichi Shido's group came out, just like him.

— "Oh-ho, there are so many juicy girls here." — he said with a smile, scratching his beard with the barrel of a revolver.

— "W-why do you need all this? Aren't you afraid of the police?" — Takashi asked the question... very brave of him.

—"The police?" — the biker arched an eyebrow and burst out laughing. — "Well, did you hear that cunt?" — he turned to his accomplices, who were guarding the perimeter and killing suitable infected. But soon there will be too many of them for them to get rid of, the shot attracted many in the neighborhood.

—" Did you hear boss, maybe we'll break his kneecaps and leave them to these creatures, we'll watch him die?" — suggested some guy with an eye patch and a bloody bat in his hands.

— "Or it's better to do as with that trash who tried to protect his little wife... haha, how sweetly she moaned under me... well, or it wasn't a moan, but it doesn't matter to me. " —the boy with the axe waved his hand. — "And then we fed this whore to these creatures... is there your girlfriend here? " —He asked Takashi, and Takashi immediately started shaking his head as if denying it. —" It's a pity... but there are other bitches here."

—"I'll be their first." — said this same biker with a revolver. — "So shut your mouths. Why are you asking?" — He came a little closer, looking directly at Takashi. —" Because we can. These insignificant laws have always held us back hand and foot, but now we can take a deep breath and enjoy life." — with each spoken word, my group worried more and more, and I still could not find a way out of the situation. After the words I said, I realized... they are what I was afraid of, those who decide that the law is no longer written for them and will go all out. They will rob, rape and kill, they have already done it, and it hasn't even been a day... how quickly a person can fall in such stressful conditions.

— "Can we talk like men, why are you hiding behind the trunk?" — Tsunoda took a step forward, and he probably did it because of Yuki in order to impress her. Apparently, some kind of stupefaction on the biker's face gave him faith in his strength and he continued. — "Do you think this anarchy will last for a long time? I think ..." — the shot that rang out and the hole in his head, from which he began to fall to the side, did not let him finish.

—" A-a-a. " —The girls of the Sido group shouted.

— "Well, shut the fuck up! There will be some assholes teaching me how to live here, ugh." — he spat in the direction of the corpse. — "Do you still have someone smart among you? Maybe you're grey-haired? "— he pointed the gun at me.

—" What do you need?" — I asked calmly.

— "Ahem, excuse me, may I say?" — Sido raised his hand, clearly restraining a tremor.

— "Hmm, well, tell me." — they let him talk.

—" I'm Koichi Shido, have you heard about Ichiro Shido, the famous politician here? So, he is my father and I have a connection with him, and already he has huge connections, and I am more than sure that he has taken refuge in his own place." — he began to speak and carefully monitor the reaction of the interlocutor.

—" So you're a big shot, huh?" — the biker spat again, and Sido continued:

—" Y-yes. I want to offer you a good shelter where you won't have to worry about these creatures." — he squinted at the infected person wandering in our direction, who immediately had his head smashed in. — "And where you won't have problems with food and water, as well as with girls. I see that you like the young ones, like the ones with me... there will be even more of them there. And, of course, no one dares to forbid you to take these. "— he waved his hand in our direction.

— "Bastard ... "— hissed Rei, directly drilling Sido's back with a withering look.

— "Shut your mouth, chick." — the biker looked at her. — "And you go on." — He clearly liked what Koichi was saying.

— "What if the army will deal with this quickly? No one will know about your deeds and my father will put in a good word for you, I guarantee you that." — he declared with holy confidence.

—" Ha... ha-ha-ha, I definitely like you and your words warm my callous soul. "— bayer realized that it is better to have someone like a famous politician and his son as friends. — "Since my new younger brother says so, I will accept this invitation. What about these? Have you played with these chicks yet? "— he pointed to the place behind me, and it was there that Saeko, Alicia and the rest of our group were standing.

—" No, so they're all yours." — Sido said with a smile and adjusted his glasses.

— "Boss, there are more and more of these creatures, we need to get out of here." — The guy with the axe, who was a little out of breath, said.

— "Shut your mouth and just do your job, then you'll get some of these girls." — he shouted rudely. But Koichi at this time, while the Biker was distracted, looked at me with a smug look in which there was no longer hidden gloating.

— "That chubby kid has a nail gun with him, so be careful with him." — Koichi said. — "And in general, this group is quite combative, I would recommend dealing with them, or rather with this grey-haired one, he can bring problems."

—" A nail gun?" — he heard the main thing and threw an angry look at Koto. — "What are you doing, fat man?! Do you think you can fuck me and play the hero?! Get the fuck out here, quick." — I turned the muzzle of the gun in his direction and Koto hiccupped in fright. I just kept standing there, waiting for the right moment. There is no point in talking to him, only if you do not proclaim his name and his significance, as Sido skillfully does. Beg for mercy? You can see everything from him, he's an ordinary garbage man who can think of something about himself until power returns. If he killed me, then I'm not sure what would happen to Alicia and the other girls... definitely nothing good. Of course, they can try to escape, but he still has a cartridge in the drum.

—" I-I... "— Koto began to stutter when this biker approached him and fired again, just a little above his head.

The guy himself was standing slightly behind and to my right, that is, this guy had to come quite close. And here is the moment. Perhaps he just didn't feel any danger from us, after all, he's not a hardened soldier, but almost an ordinary man in the street with a crappy character ... well, also stupid.

So, my hand, which forcefully twisted his arm, causing the weapon to fall out, was a surprise for him, unpleasant. There was no time for reflection, there were still opponents nearby and there was no time for mercy. I don't mind helping someone in need if I have the opportunity, but here... he's a thug, a murderer and a rapist who wanted to lay his hands on people close to me. Therefore, I don't think for a long time, I strain a little harder and hear the cherished crunch of the cervical vertebrae and the rattle of this bastard and he falls dead from a broken neck.

— "Kill him! "— Sido was the first to react. —" He is dangerous, and then I will take you to your father where you will bathe in luxury." — said the nervous former teacher.

—" Boss! " —the guy with the axe shouted and ran in my direction... but he didn't have time to run, as the tip of the spear entered his side. —" Huh, slut!" — He said to Rei, who was staring in horror at her hands holding the weapon. Apparently, she did it reflexively because of fear and his scream, but she didn't really want to hit a living person with the aim of killing.

—" Don't sleep!" — Saeko shouted at her and attacked the other bastards, which brought Rei out of her stupor and the girl ran to help her friend. It was clear from her that she did not want to harm people, but she had no choice, and she was well aware of it.

— "Take the bagpipes out of the car!" — The one with the bat shouted.

— "You bastards shouldn't have decided to stop us," — I said next to him, and he struck backhand in fright. Diving under the blow, I drove hard into his jaw and just felt it break, and the man himself landed unsuccessfully and hit his head on the curb.

— "Shizuka, start the bus! " —I shouted to the blonde who was still dumbfounded watching the short fight.

— "Y-yes! " — she said and quickly ran into the transport, as did the rest of the passengers, except for part of my group. The cat stuffed one of the scumbags with nails and he shouted something obscene, stumbled upon an infected person, who gladly stuck his teeth into him.

—" Go away!" — I shouted to the girls and my sister. Alicia during this time tried to reduce the number of infected people who came up, after all, no one had been dealing with them since the beginning of the brawl and they managed to get closer. A few dozen infected people were walking fifty meters along the road in our direction, and maybe even more.