
The regression

Marcus is a veteran of Eldergard, a world humans were mysteriously transported to and were stuck at for a few decades, one day he died and returned to when he was younger before Eldergard. He now has a chance to help the people he cared about to stay alive and for him to grow and become the most powerful being in Eldergard.

Tsauce_the_king · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
22 Chs

Chapter 17: Goblin dungeon 2

Marcus and Ben were running away from the group of children sized green monsters running their way.

"Why are we running?!" Ben asked gasping for air with every step.

"If you use your new spell now we won't get all the benefits" Marcus replied.

Marcus turned to the right into an extension of the cave that seemingly wasn't there before.

They jumped down a hole and ran until they saw another hole in the ceiling.

"We seem to be stuck" Ben said.

Marcus help Ben by his collar.

"Don't worry, we're good" he said with a smile.

"Your not" Ben said.

Marcus smirked at him before throwing him up towards the hole in the ceiling.

Ben got into the hole and landed on his face.

"Oww" Ben said rubbing his nose.

"Be prepared to cast the spell when I say!" Marcus yelled.

Ben looked down and saw Marcus was waiting for the goblins.

'Hopefully he knows what he's doing' Ben thought.

Marcus waited and smiled when he saw the horde of goblins falling out of the ceiling.

"Come on you bastards" he said.

He took a step back when the large horde was getting closed and immediately jumped up.

"Now!" he yelled as he went through the ceiling.

"[Overflow]!" Ben yelled.

A blue magic circle appeared infront of his hands as he aimed into the hole and a jet of water shot out like a geyser.

In a matter of moments the entire cave beneath them was full of water.

"What now?" Ben asked.

"We wait" Marcus replied.

After a few moments they were bombarded by Exp notifications.

"Oh shit, what's happening?" Ben asked.

"They drowned" Marcus said.

[Level up!]

[Level up!]

Marcus smiled at his two level ups.

"Oh shit, I leveled up just from this!" Ben yelled.

"Makes sense, they are high leveled monsters" Marcus said.

"How high leveled we talking here?" Ben asked.

"The normal goblins are probably at level 6, while the stronger ones are level 7" Marcus said.

"Wait, if the the normal mobs are that high leveled, what level is the boss?" Ben asked.

"I think 9" Marcus replied casually.

Ben shivered when he heard the reply.

"I'm guessing we're gonna leave after grinding the lower level mobs then?" Ben asked slightly sweating.

"Of course not, we're gonna fight it, there's no telling the loot we could get from it" Marcus said flatly.

Ben looked at him as if he wasn't being serious.

"We can't fight a level 9 boss by ourselves!" Ben yelled.

"Says who?" Marcus asked.

"Common sense!" Ben yelled again.

"Relax, with my new toy and my strength I have faith that we're good" Marcus said unsheathing [Dragon tooth].

They were both surprised when they heard a growl coming from the sword, the growl was low but they both felt the whole cave shake before it stopped.

"You said it was a silver grade correct?" Ben asked looking at the sword.

"Yeah, it's a bit special" Marcus replied with an awkward smile.

"Alright" Ben replied.

Marcus swung the black sword around a few times to get used to it.

"This is very comfortable" Marcus said with a smile. He could feel the power within the sword with every swing.

Ben watched and saw a purple energy linger in the Swords path with every swing.

"This is a really cool sword" Ben said.

"Yeah" Marcus said unsheathing the [Masters first weapon] in his left hand.

He started swinging both of them in tandem to each other.

He looked at a rock and started attacking it.

At first his hands didn't move that well, all his movements were shaky and a bit amateurish leaving very crude marks, but with every swing even Ben as a mage could see that Marcus was getting better and better.

The flow of his movements became in sink. Not only his hands but his entire body began moving as one.

The marks started getting cleaner and straighter, his eyes had a dim glow as his body was moving better and his strikes getting faster and more precise.

The two Swords moving closer together without even touching.

He cut the rock in a diagonal line making the top part slide off.

[<Ambidextrous> has been learned!>

[<Swordsmanship> and <Ambidextrous> have merged and has turned into <Dual swordsmanship>!]

"Thank goodness" Marcus said smiling.

He looked at the skill and frowned.

[Dual swordsmanship: Level 1] (passive)

[Mastery: 30%]

[Increase damage to all sword damage]

[Effect 1: All sword damage +40%]

[Effect 2: Attack speed +40%]

"I didn't think it would decrease my mastery percentage, how annoying" he said. "Not that it matters in the long run" he said while taking a deep breath.

"Ben is the cool down over for your spell?" he asked Ben, while looking at the cave that was now empty of water.

"Yeah" he replied.

"Good, I'll bring some more to the cave, now to level up" Marcus said with a toothy grin as he jumped into the hole.

To be continued...