
The regression

Marcus is a veteran of Eldergard, a world humans were mysteriously transported to and were stuck at for a few decades, one day he died and returned to when he was younger before Eldergard. He now has a chance to help the people he cared about to stay alive and for him to grow and become the most powerful being in Eldergard.

Tsauce_the_king · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
22 Chs

Chapter 15: The Irish pub

Marcus opened his eyes and was in a large cave area.

It was lit by gems that glow on the ceiling, had no openings anywhere making escape impossible and was large enough to put a few mansions it with room to spare.

"As big as I remember" he said under his breath.

[Dungain quest]

[Slay all the beasts]

[Participants: 1]

[Difficultly: Hard]

[Beasts slain: 0/15]

Marcus nearly lost his breath,he couldn't believe what he was seeing at all.

'A Medium difficulty dungeon on my own would already be a pain, but Hard, how shit is my luck?!' he thought.

He heard a growl near him and wasted no time in unsheathing his sword and looking towards the noise.

He looked at his shaking hands.

'I need to calm down' he said as he took a deep breath. 'From what I remember, the guy who hit this dungeon the first time said it was hard and he got out alive and he was level 8 at the time' he thought as he calmed down.

'If I think about this carefully I remember that the average stats of a level 8 are lower then the ones I currently have, and my sword skills are better then a beginners so I should be fine,all I need to do now is figure out what kind of beast I'm up against' he thought as his grip got softer and his shaking stopped.

He looked at the direction the growling from before came from and picked up a nearby pebble.

"Come on out" he said as he threw it with all his strength.

He heard it connect with something.


A large growl was heard again, but this time it nearly shook the earth.

"I think I made a mistake" he said and before seeing the beast started running.



He turned to see what

It was a giant bull the size of a diesel truck, it had dark black hair, four horns all pointing forward, two bloodshot eyes and a long nose that had a gold ring on it.

'A scorching bull!' he thought as he kept running.

[Scorching bull<normal>]

[Level 9]

[Health: 10 000]

[Speed: 1200]

[Attack: 1500]

The gold ring heated up each time it exhaled out of its nose from rage and it stomped the ground a few times before charging at him.

The horns on its head began to catch fire and the rest of its body followed.

'To fast' Marcus thought as he turned to face it.

He held his sword with both hands and took a deep breath and his body began to glow red.

[Flow activated]

As the bull came a few inches closer he blocked one of the bulls horns and twisted the blade slightly to the right.

To the bulls surprised he didn't impale the man in front of him but he was currently in the air.




"I knew parry wouldn't negate all the damage, but to think I lost that much HP" he said as he felt his hands go numb.

The scorching bull hit the ground and it shook the earth.


[Health: 9950]

"And here I was hoping you be as hurt as me, well at least your stuck" Marcus said.

The bull landed on its back and since it hit the ground so hard it was stuck in the ground.





[Health: 9590]

"Your defence is damn impressive, even with all my buffs I'm barely scratching you" he said as he kept attacking.

Half an hour later the bull finally died.

[Beasts slain: 1/15]

[+600 Exp]

[Exp: 1300/12000]

"That was tough" he said as he took some [Sweet bread] and began eating.

His Stamina returned and his health began to restore, so he sat down to rest.

"9 more to go, I pray the rest of the beasts aren't as difficult to kill as a scorching bull" he said.

[Slash: Level 2](active)

[Mastery: 2%]

[A vertical cut that causes heavy damage to a single opponent]

[Attack +10]

[Effect 1: Stun chance +7%]

[Effect 2: The next attack after the skill will have +25% damage]

[Stab: Level 2](active)

[Mastery: 47%]

[A thrust attack that causes heavy damage]

[Attack +25]

[Effect 1: Armor damage +20]

[Effect 2: Critical damage chance +8%]

[Effect 3: Generates wind pressure that damages anything in ten meters]

"At least it helped increase my mastery of my skills" he said with a sigh. "I need more though, I can't survive with just these two, higher leveled enemies need more heavy hitting skills" he brushed his hair back and looked at the gems on the ceiling, his red eyes reflected the light coming from them. He looked at how packed the ceiling was of gems.

"I wonder" he said standing up.

He started running in the forest until he saw the edge of the cave.

"Finally" he said.

He looked up and saw one of the gems that were closer to the rest.

"Its at least 20 feet, but I should be able to hit that right?" he asked.

He threw a rock at it and without much difficultly it fell to the ground.

Marcus walked up to the house sized gem and hit it with his fist.

"I knew it, shatter gems" he said holding his now hurt hand.

Shatter gems were a kind of gem that was famously used in weapons and armor as it was very durable and if processed properly could be a sharp sword.

It only got its name because of the fact that when it is still in the earth it is easy to break.

He looked around and saw a scorching bull a short distance away.

"That'll do" he said with a smirk.

Marcus threw a piece of the shatter gem at the scorching bull and the bull immediately started running towards him.

"Come on big boy" he said with a grin on his face.

Marcus had his back to the wall and the bull burst into flames as it excellerated like a speeding train.

"Choo Choo, mother fucker" Marcus said as he jumped over him with sword in hand.



He cut the bulls face as he did a flip.

The bull hit the wall and all the gems were shaking.

"Thanks for the assist" Marcus said.

He landed on the bulls back and jumped with all his strength.

He got high in the air and smiled as his whole body glowed red.


He thrust his sword and a burst of air hit not only the gem infront of him but the ones behind it, creating a chain reaction of giant falling gems.

Marcus fell to the ground and watched as the gems followed.

He looked down and saw the bull finally pulled itself out of the wall and was shaking its head.

"Yo!" Marcus yelled.

Marcus landed feet first on the bulls head.

The bull looked at Marcus with eyes full of rage.

Marcus smiled.

"Thanks again" he said before jumping off and running.

The bull almost began to chase before getting crushed.

[Beasts slain: 2/15]


[Exp: 1300->2050]

Marcus was running around and dodging all the falling gems.

"Should've thought this through better" he said as he kept running in his flow state.

Marcus stopped when he saw he was trapped from all sides.

"Shit" he said as he looked at a gem coming right for him.

'Is this my first death?' he asked himself. 'To be crushed by a rock in the early stages?'

"Like hell" he said as red energy enveloped his whole body, his hair lifted to reveal his glowing red eyes and veins on his forehead became visible.





With every thrust of his sword a gust of wind hit the gem and little by little slowed down its decent, when it got closer he slashed upwards and hit the gem on one of the sharp edges.

"Fuck!" he yelled.

The impact of the gem and sword created sparks and he bent his knees as he could barely hold all that weight that just hit him.

Marcus took a deep breath before flinging his whole body to the right and the gem to the left.




Marcus looked at the giant gem and smiled as he rubbed his throbbing wrists.

"I didn't spend all that money just to lose a life to a pebble" he said.

[Beasts slain: 15/15]

[+10560 Exp]

[Level up!]

[Level 6]

[Exp: 2050->610]

[Strength +7]

[Speed +6]

[Dexterity +10]

[Vitality +10]

[HP: 4000]( I decided that 1 Vitality=50 HP)

[Stamina +5]

[AP: 0->75]

"There were some high level beasts here, how could I have cleared this quickly at my level?" he asked.

[Dungeon quest complete!]

[Clear time: 45 minutes]


[Calculating reward]

"With such a short clear time and I'm going solo my reward will probably be good" he said as he rubbed his chin. "The shortest clear time ever recorded in this dungeon was 2 hours and 20 minutes and it had three participants, rumour has it they were rewarded rare materials and high level weapons and that was only medium difficulty, imagine what I can get" he smirked.

[Reward calculated]

[Reward: Silver Grade chest <Legendary rank>]

Marcus shook when he saw the reward.

"A ranked chest?!" He yelled out in surprise.

To be continued...