
The regression of a shadow monarch for its revenge.(bl)

Cain, an orphan classless student lost his childhood friend kris in an mission so he make a deal with his lover cassian so that they could find kris as soon as possible. But year after year there were no news of him. But after few years Cain found a clue related to a mystery organisation where they were kidnapping talented students and using them in some experiments but after sharing this news with cassian , he told Cain not to meddle in their business but Cain didn't listen to him and went in the organisation location by himself but at the end was killed by his own lover who was a part of that organisation. After being killed he regressed as the shadow monarch and came back 10 years in past where he found himself infront of his lost childhood friend kris. Now that he know the future will he be able to change it or not? since with new powers, new obstrucles will come in the future .

_Engene_ · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
33 Chs

*special info *

Character info of " the regression of the shadow monarch for its revenge"

1. **Cain**

- **Role:** Protagonist, Current Shadow Monarch

- **Background:** Cain was an ordinary warrior who rose through the ranks, eventually inheriting the title of Shadow Monarch after his death by his past lover. After regressing to his younger self, he is determined to change his fate and seek revenge against those who betrayed him.

- **Personality:** Cain is driven, calculating, and fiercely determined. His experiences as the Shadow Monarch have made him more cynical and wary of others. He possesses a deep-seated sense of justice but is not afraid to use ruthless methods to achieve his goals.

- **Abilities:** Cain wields dark magic and the powers associated with the Shadow Monarch title, including the ability to manipulate shadows, summon dark creatures, and wield devastating shadow-based attacks. His knowledge of future events gives him a strategic advantage in battles and alliances.

- **Motivations:** Cain's primary motivation is to exact revenge on those who betrayed him and to uncover the truth behind the former Shadow Monarch's death. As he delves deeper into the mystery, he becomes increasingly concerned with protecting those he cares about and preventing the same fate from befalling others.

2. **Jun**

- **Role:** Mysterious Ally/Antagonist, assissan.

- **Background:** Jun is an enigmatic figure with a deep connection to the former Shadow Monarch. He has his own hidden agenda, which often puts him at odds with Cain. Though outwardly friendly, Jun is a master manipulator who keeps his true motives close to his chest. He is someone Cain both distrusts and needs.

- **Personality:** Jun is charming, intelligent, and unpredictable. He enjoys playing mind games with others and often appears to be one step ahead of everyone else. Despite his seemingly carefree demeanor, Jun harbors deep secrets and a complex emotional past.

- **Abilities:** Jun is skilled in illusion magic, deception, and manipulation. He can create convincing illusions, alter perceptions, and even manipulate memories to suit his needs. His fighting style is more about strategy and outthinking his opponents rather than brute strength.

- **Motivations: Jun's true motivations are shrouded in mystery, but they revolve around a personal vendetta related to the former Shadow Monarch. He seems to be testing Cain, pushing him towards certain actions, all while pursuing his own shadowy goals.

3. **Kris**

- **Role: childhood friend of cain , a swordmaster .

- **Background: Kris is a powerful warrior and was a close ally of Cain. However, as Cain rises to power, Kris becomes increasingly suspicious and wary of Cain's newfound abilities and behavior. Kris is someone who values honor and loyalty, and the changes in Cain cause him great concern.

- **Personality: Kris is honorable, loyal, and fiercely protective of those he cares about. He is straightforward and values truth and justice above all else. However, his strong moral code can make him rigid and resistant to change, especially when it comes to those he once trusted. But he is playful when it comes to cain.

- **Abilities:** Kris is a master swordsman, known for his unmatched skill in close combat. He wields a unique weapon passed down through his family, imbued with powerful magic that enhances his strength and speed. Kris is also adept at defensive magic, making him a formidable opponent.

- **Motivations: Kris is driven by a sense of duty and honor. He is determined to uncover the truth behind Cain's strange behavior and the former Shadow Monarch's death. If Cain is indeed corrupted, Kris believes it is his responsibility to stop him, even if it means facing his former friend in battle.

4. **Former Shadow Monarch :

- **Role: Catalyst for the Story, Deceased Mentor

- **Background: The former Shadow Monarch was a legendary figure known for his unmatched power and wisdom. He ruled with a firm yet fair hand, and many looked up to him as a mentor and protector. His mysterious death marked the beginning of the dark events that led to Cain's rise and regression. While dead, his influence is felt throughout the story, especially in how other characters view Cain.

- **Personality: The former Shadow Monarch was wise, patient, and deeply strategic. He was a mentor to many and was known for his ability to see potential in others. Despite his power, he was humble and often acted in the best interest of the realm.

- **Abilities: As the Shadow Monarch, he possessed immense dark magic, with mastery over shadows, death magic, and powerful enchantments. His abilities were far greater than those of any other monarch before him, making his sudden death all the more suspicious.

- **Legacy:** The former Shadow Monarch's death is the central mystery that drives the plot. His legacy haunts Cain and influences many of the decisions made by other characters. Understanding the truth behind his death is key to unraveling the story's larger conspiracy.

### 5. **Supporting Characters**

- **Allies and Advisors:** These characters include Cain's trusted allies who assist him in his quest. Some may be former allies from his past life who are unaware of his regression, while others may be new characters who see the potential in Cain.

- **Enemies and Betrayers:** These characters include those who were responsible for Cain's downfall in his previous life. They are powerful figures who fear Cain's return and seek to stop him before he can unravel their plans.

- **Mysterious Figures:** These are characters with hidden agendas, whose true loyalties and motives are unclear. They play crucial roles in the unfolding mystery and can either aid or hinder Cain depending on their goals.

### 1. **The Monarch of Destruction (King of Fire)**

- **Abilities:** The King of Fire commands the element of fire with destructive precision. His powers include summoning infernos, controlling volcanic eruptions, and unleashing flames hot enough to melt anything in their path. He can also manipulate lava and magma, using it to devastate entire landscapes.

- **Personality:** Ruthless and aggressive, he thrives on chaos and destruction. He believes in the philosophy of "might makes right" and sees no value in mercy or compassion. His fiery temper often leads him to act impulsively, but his sheer power makes him a formidable foe.

- **Backstory:** Once a warrior who sought power above all else, he ascended to the rank of Monarch by conquering countless worlds. His betrayal of the Shadow Monarch was driven by his desire to eliminate any potential threat to his supremacy.

### 2. **The Witch of Death (Queen of Death)*.

- **Abilities:** The Queen of Death has mastery over life and death. She can reanimate the dead, control spirits, and drain the life force from living beings. Her presence can bring decay and rot, and her powers grow stronger in places associated with death, such as graveyards or battlefields.

- **Personality:** Cold, calculating, and devoid of empathy, she sees death as a natural part of existence and herself as its rightful ruler. She is meticulous in her planning and enjoys playing with her victims, often prolonging their suffering before granting them death.

- **Backstory:** Originally a sorceress who sought immortality, she was cursed with eternal life but at the cost of her humanity. Her betrayal of the Shadow Monarch was motivated by her belief that only she could rule the universe with the finality of death.

### 3. **The Queen of Ice**

- **Abilities:** The Queen of Ice controls ice and cold, able to freeze anything in her path. She can create blizzards, summon glaciers, and encase her enemies in unbreakable ice. Her cold is so intense that it can shatter steel and freeze time momentarily.

- **Personality:** Aloof and distant, the Queen of Ice is as cold emotionally as she is physically. She values order and precision and sees emotions as weaknesses. She often acts as the voice of reason among the monarchs, but her cold logic can lead to ruthless decisions.

- **Backstory:** Once a ruler of a frozen world, she ascended to power by freezing her enemies and ruling with an icy grip. Her betrayal of the Shadow Monarch stemmed from her belief that his emotional connections made him weak and unfit to lead.

### 4. **The King of Swords**

- **Abilities:** The King of Swords is a master of all forms of weaponry, particularly swords. His abilities include summoning spectral blades, manipulating metal, and wielding swords with unmatched skill. He can cut through almost anything and can even slice through dimensions.

- **Personality:** Honorable and disciplined, the King of Swords adheres to a strict code of conduct. However, his sense of honor is twisted, as he believes that betraying the Shadow Monarch was a necessary evil to maintain the balance of power.

- **Backstory:** Once a legendary swordsman, he became the King of Swords after proving his superiority over all other warriors. His betrayal was driven by a belief that the Shadow Monarch's power had to be contained to prevent chaos.

### 5. **The King of Thunder**

- **Abilities:** The King of Thunder wields the power of storms and lightning. He can summon thunderstorms, control lightning bolts, and manipulate the weather to his advantage. His lightning strikes are capable of obliterating anything they hit, and he can move at the speed of light.

- **Personality: Brash, unpredictable, and with a penchant for showmanship, the King of Thunder enjoys flaunting his power. He is impulsive and loves the thrill of battle, often seeking out strong opponents to challenge.

- **Backstory:** A being born from the heart of a storm, the King of Thunder's rise to power was marked by his conquest of sky-bound realms. He betrayed the Shadow Monarch out of a desire to prove his dominance and assert himself as the strongest of the monarchs.

### 6. **The Queen of Saintess**

- **Abilities:** The Queen of Saintess possesses healing abilities and light magic. She can cure any ailment, purify darkness, and even resurrect the dead under certain conditions. Her light can banish evil, but she can also use it offensively to burn and blind her enemies.

- **Personality: Benevolent and serene on the surface, the Queen of Saintess hides a darker side. She believes in the concept of "sacred duty" and sees herself as the only one worthy of deciding who lives and who dies. Her betrayal of the Shadow Monarch was cloaked in righteousness, believing it was for the greater good.

- **Backstory:** Once a revered healer and leader of a holy order, she ascended to the rank of Monarch by purging the universe of what she deemed "impurities." Her betrayal was motivated by her belief that the Shadow Monarch's power was a corrupting force that needed to be eradicated.


This will give you the idea to know them better so I hope you guys will like it . Oh ! And this is not a chapter, it's just some information about them that i wanted to share with you guys so yeah see you soon in next chapter 😽.

I'm extremely sorry that I couldn't update the chapters for so long . so from now I'll try to make up for it >_< .

_Engene_creators' thoughts