
The regression of a shadow monarch for its revenge.(bl)

Cain, an orphan classless student lost his childhood friend kris in an mission so he make a deal with his lover cassian so that they could find kris as soon as possible. But year after year there were no news of him. But after few years Cain found a clue related to a mystery organisation where they were kidnapping talented students and using them in some experiments but after sharing this news with cassian , he told Cain not to meddle in their business but Cain didn't listen to him and went in the organisation location by himself but at the end was killed by his own lover who was a part of that organisation. After being killed he regressed as the shadow monarch and came back 10 years in past where he found himself infront of his lost childhood friend kris. Now that he know the future will he be able to change it or not? since with new powers, new obstrucles will come in the future .

_Engene_ · Fantasy
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33 Chs

Crash of powers

The air crackled with tension as Kris stood across from Eli, the powerful mage whose reputation was whispered in fear. They locked eyes, the battlefield around them already bearing the scars of their previous clashes. Kris tightened his grip on his sword, the weight of Cain's words heavy in his mind.

*"Stay on guard, Kris. Eli is more dangerous than he appears."*

The memory of kris's past failure gnawed at cain. He had been too confident, too sure of his victory, and Eli had exploited that arrogance. Not this time. Kris was determined to rewrite history.

Eli's lips curved into a sinister smile as he began to chant, his hands moving in intricate patterns. The ground beneath them trembled as dark sand started to swirl around Eli, faster and faster, until it formed a towering tornado. The wind howled, carrying with it a sense of doom—Eli's infamous skill, *Death Tornado.*

Kris didn't flinch. His eyes narrowed as he called upon his own power. The sky above darkened, clouds swirling in response to his summons. With a battle cry, Kris raised his sword to the heavens, and lightning crackled through the sky, converging on the blade. *Thunder of Judgment* was a skill feared by many, and today it would prove its might once again.

The two forces collided with a deafening roar. The sand tornado raged, its dark tendrils reaching for Kris, but the lightning that danced around him acted as a barrier, incinerating everything that came too close. The ground beneath them was ripped apart, the sheer force of their powers tearing the battlefield to shreds.

But Eli wasn't finished. With a surge of power, the tornado expanded, its speed and intensity increasing. The darkness within the vortex seemed alive, twisting and writhing with malevolent intent. Kris gritted his teeth, pushing his power to the limit, lightning striking down in rapid succession as he tried to contain the tornado.

Just as it seemed that the forces were evenly matched, Eli revealed his hidden card. A wave of dark energy pulsed from the heart of the tornado, forcing Kris back. This was the power that had caught him off guard in their previous life. The very power that had led to his defeat.

[ After seeing this match, everyone was surprised as they never thought eli was this powerful except cain who knew that he had been hidding his skills under his sleeve as he did in his past life and so that he could caught off guard kris and defeat him as he did in their past life ].

But this time, Kris was ready. He had trained for this moment, prepared himself for the possibility that Eli would unleash his full strength. With a shout, Kris poured everything he had into his final strike, a massive bolt of lightning that descended from the heavens, splitting the sky in two.

The impact was cataclysmic. The sand tornado disintegrated, its dark energy dissipating into the air. Eli stumbled, his power drained, but the smirk never left his face. He had given it his all, but Kris had triumphed.

Kris stood over the defeated mage, his chest heaving with exhaustion. The battle was over, but the warning in Cain's voice still echoed in his mind. There were always greater threats lurking in the shadows, and today had been a harsh reminder of that truth.

*"I won't let my guard down again,"* Kris vowed silently, his gaze shifting to where Cain watched from afar,

[ As soon as their eyes meet, a smile started spreading across their face while looking at each other].

" You did it kris, now it's my turn " mumbled Cain with a soft smile spreading across his face .

[ After seeing this changing in event, Cain is more determined now, to change his own fate and his precious ones ]