
Where is Katie?

Merry immediately tried to change the subject, hoping that Miles wouldn't keep asking about Cole.



"Are you coming to the exhibition next week?" Merry asked, desperate to shift the focus onto the upcoming exhibition where her artworks were going to be displayed.


Miles hesitated for a moment, maybe he realized that Merry was trying to avoid the topic about Cole. So, instead of pressing further, he replied, "Yes, of course I wouldn't miss it for the world."



Relieved, Merry smiled and said, "Great!



"Your parents will be there too, right?" Miles asked as he knew Mr. Rogers and Mrs. Miller were not that of a fan of Merry pursuing a career in art.


Merry's smile faded slightly, but she quickly regained her composure and replied, "I'm not sure."


"Oh," Miles replied, sensing that the topic of Merry's parents was a sensitive one.