After her paper work was done, she gave him a piece of paper.
"This is your daily schedule of lessons."
"Okay", Cole replied looking at the paper. He could see there were few physical training lessons, language lessons for French and Mandarin and two more lessons which were not specified.
The schedule also stated the time the lessons were to be taken.
"Other kids will also have their own schedules planned."
"Without wasting time, let's get moving", the woman stood up and walked towards the exit of the hall.
Cole followed her without hesitating much.
"How may I address you?", Cole asked the woman as she hadn't properly introduced herself.
"You can just call me the instructor", the woman replied.
When Cole heard that he thought, 'Am I to call her Ms. Instructor?'
But, he didn't ask her anything further about that.
The instructor stopped only when they reached a big automatic door. It opened once she touched a small control panel near the door.
It looked like a biometric device. As she placed her finger there, Cole realized that it was a fingerprint scanner which is a security system of biometrics.
The door opened and on the other side it was a huge indoor court.
There were mattresses on one corner piled up. Cole was just checking his surroundings when he saw his friends.
They had changed their outfits into some kind of taekwondo or judo uniforms.
"You will need to have perfect fitness so, there will be different lessons everyday for your best physical shape along with lessons for extensive hand-to-hand combat skills."
The instructor said that and kept walking without looking back at Cole. He had so many questions but there was no one to answer them.
'Are we going for a war?' Cole thought but couldn't voice out it.
Even before he could reach his friends, the instructor pointed towards a small door and said, "That's the changing room. Go and wear the uniform."
Cole didn't utter a word of agreement or anything, he just went directly towards the changing room.
There were several lockers inside. He didn't need to search long for his locker. A big nameplate with his name was visible as soon as he entered the room.
Cole went outside wearing the uniform within a few minutes.
"Why did you come so late?", Katie asked him as soon as he stood by her side.
"I don't know she just made me wait for her."
"When we all had to gather at the same place, why were we brought separately?", Cole asked himself rather than others in a lowered voice.
"Yeah, I am also confused. Why were we given individual instructors when it looks like we are going to train together", William said distastefully.
They didn't need to wait much to find the reason. They soon started the lessons with a warm up exercises.
Each of their own instructor was closely monitoring and guiding them for their physical training.
As for Cole, a new person was there. His instructor was nearby monitoring him.
Near the end of the exercises, they were also taught one or two combat skills, their instructor being their partner.
It was a continuous practice without a minute of break. They all were exhausted despite having greater strength and resilience than a normal human being.