

She was surprised to hear that as they only took few tests of her which only included some medical tests.

They neither checked her strength, speed nor she took any kind of written tests for cognitive development.

Last week, Cole had even showed her how he could bend the leg of the bed which was made of metal and later made it straight again.

When she saw that she wondered what could she do as she felt nothing out of the ordinary.

It felt like she couldn't do anything superhumanly and if she couldn't do anything why was she here with all these kids who had unimaginable powers.

The days went by and the kids around her were taken more frequently to these supposedly tests including Cole but she was not included.

According to Cole, the tests were pretty similar everyday except for some medicines they were being injected on consecutive days.

Nine or ten kids were taken at a time individually within the span of hour and when Cole would be taken she usually just laid down on the bed doing nothing.

Even after 3 weeks since the last test, she was not called on to take any tests.

She passed these days very boringly. One day one of the people who looked like a doctor, who was wearing a white coat came and made a small talk with her.

"How are you feeling?", the man asked.

Merry was reluctant to talk to him but nevertheless she replied, "I feel fine."

"I came to visit you because you must be feeling down as all your friends usually are not here in the afternoon", the man said ignoring Merry's discomfort while talking to him.

At that moment, Merry thought maybe the man knew something and decided to ask him.

"Why am I not included in the training sessions?"

"You don't need to", he only said that and left after leaving a drawing book and some color pencils with her.

After she got those supplies, her days were not that boring she would draw the room they were staying, the beds, the small table at the far corner of the room with a water dispenser, faces of the kids, the guards or sometimes the doctors she remembered and Cole.

He had been proven to be a great friend, she was able to rely on him a lot.

He would keep her company and tell her about the tests he took and the kids he met during those everyday trainings.

After some time, she was certain that she had no powers like Cole or any other children present in the room.

She felt left out when everyone was taking tests or classes to enhance their power she was just sketching sitting on the bed almost everyday.

She didn't realize at first but slowly the number of kids staying in the same room as her were getting low.

Until she realized and talked to Cole about it, nobody said a word about the kids not being there.

"Were they taken to different room?" , she asked Cole one day while pointing towards the empty bed after the bed time when they were laying on their bed talking as they do everyday as part of their daily routine.