
The Rebirth of The Ancient Sword Sovereign

The Ascension of Ye Dao Cang and the Supreme Family System In a fantastical world, Ye Dao Cang became the patriarch of a powerful clan, awakening the extraordinary Supreme Family System. Realizing that the continuous growth of his family was the key to limitless strength, he witnessed each generation surpassing the previous one in power. As the family thrived, the Supreme Family System endowed Ye Dao Cang's descendants with incredible abilities, making them formidable in the Great realms. United by bonds of kinship, they faced challenges together, creating a legacy that transcended the ordinary in their pursuit of greatness. The system became not just a tool for personal strength but a catalyst for the ascent of an entire lineage in the enchanting world.

EverGreen · Oriental
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471 Chs

Following the order of the family leader, he came to destroy the family.

"What? The Fengling Ye family plans to attack the Zilin Sect?"

"That makes sense. Now that all of the Zilin Sect's strongest cultivators have been slain, there are hardly any powerful figures left in the sect. If they don't destroy it now, are they going to wait for other factions to come in and carve up the resources?"

"Sigh, such a powerful faction, and now it's going to be wiped out like this?"

"It's only natural. Over the years, how many factions have been wiped out by the Zilin Sect? It's just karma coming full circle!"

"This Ye Daocang is truly formidable! He's rewritten the power dynamics of Donglai County. We never saw this coming."

"I wonder if there's a chance to grab a share of the spoils? The Zilin Sect controls a full twenty percent of the resources in Donglai County!"

Someone watching Ye Zhantian lead his group away murmured to himself, noticing that Ye Zhantian only possessed the cultivation of a first-level Grandmaster.

Hearing this, those around him looked at him like he was a fool.

"Hmph! If you want to die, don't drag us into it!"

"That's right! Ye Daocang was able to kill the Grand Elder Wang Shouti, a fourth-level Spirit Bridge expert. What do we count for in his eyes?"

"If he can destroy the Zilin Sect, he can destroy the factions behind us as well. Do you really think he'd hesitate?"

"Not to mention, Ye Zhantian is carrying Ye Daocang's sword, a sword capable of killing a first-level Spirit Bridge expert!"

The crowd spoke one after another, quickly silencing the man. Normally, they would have taken advantage of this opportunity to notify their factions and join in the plundering of the Zilin Sect. But now, none of them had the slightest intention of doing so.

Ye Daocang was simply too terrifying!

As they looked at his white-robed figure standing there, they felt as though his very presence was enough to suppress an entire region.

"Ye Daocang, the strongest in Donglai County!"

At that moment, a quiet voice rang in the ears of everyone present, sending chills down their spines.

Yes, Ye Daocang had killed Wang Shouti, a fourth-level Spirit Bridge cultivator. Even though he was only at the first level himself, he was more than qualified to be considered the strongest in Donglai County.

With Ye Daocang and the Ye family leaving, there was no longer any reason for the others to stay. They, too, departed.

Meanwhile, news of the battle quickly spread to all the major factions in the region.

When they first heard that Wang Shouti had reached the fourth level of the Spirit Bridge realm, they were mildly surprised. But when they learned that Ye Daocang, a first-level Spirit Bridge cultivator, had killed Wang Shouti, shock quickly took hold.

No one had expected Ye Daocang to be so fearsome.

At that moment, Ye Daocang's name was engraved in the minds of all the major factions.

In Donglai County, Yun Zhan and his Spirit Bridge realm cousin, Yun Kuang, received the news. They exchanged glances, seeing the shock and disbelief in each other's eyes.

"This Ye Daocang is much stronger than I anticipated. I've truly miscalculated!" Yun Kuang said with a hint of regret. If he had known earlier how much potential Ye Daocang had, he would have aligned himself with him sooner. Winning him over would have been far easier.

"This Ye Daocang seems rather extraordinary," Yun Zhan remarked, still processing the shock.

He recalled how, when the Ye family had approached him with the God-slaying Crossbows, he hadn't thought much of it. At the time, Ye Daocang had only recently broken through to the Grandmaster realm, and Yun Zhan had dismissed him. He had held back only because his family had instructed him not to act rashly.

But less than half a year later, the Ye family had become a force that now demanded his respect.

A Spirit Bridge cultivator commanded respect wherever they went in the Da Qian Dynasty.

Yun Kuang stood up and said, "We can't wait any longer. Prepare yourself. Tomorrow, you'll accompany me to Fengling County to meet this Ye Daocang."

"Understood!" Yun Zhan nodded in agreement.

Yun Kuang paused, then looked at Yun Zhan again. "If I recall correctly, you have a concubine with a grudge against the Ye family, don't you? Cousin, those who accomplish great things don't sweat the small stuff. Don't let a mere woman become an obstacle to your advancement."

Hearing this, Yun Zhan's eyes flickered with cold determination. "I understand, Cousin. I know what must be done."

The concubine in question was the sister of the former magistrate of Fengling County. She had been constantly whispering in Yun Zhan's ear, seeking revenge for her brother's death.

If the Ye family had been defeated by the Zilin Sect, Yun Zhan wouldn't have hesitated to seize their resources and exact vengeance on her behalf. But now that Ye Daocang had killed Wang Shouti and was sending forces to destroy the Zilin Sect, there was no longer any reason to pursue this matter.

With the Yun family aiming to conquer the Da Qian Dynasty, they needed to form alliances, and Ye Daocang was too important to alienate over a petty grievance.

Seeing the resolve in Yun Zhan's eyes, Yun Kuang smiled approvingly.

"Well done. Those who accomplish great things don't let trivial matters hold them back. When I return, I'll request a Foundation Pill for you. It should help you break through to the Spirit Bridge realm, as compensation."

"Thank you, Cousin!" Yun Zhan's eyes gleamed with excitement as he bowed deeply.

Yun Kuang nodded. "Cousin, the Da Qian Dynasty is currently in turmoil. Conflict has already broken out among the nine cities and thirty-six counties. Even the Ouyang and Duanmu families, both among the Eight Great Families, are at war. Soon, our Yun family will be drawn into this struggle as well. This is a critical moment, and we cannot afford to be careless. We must prioritize the family above all."

"I understand, Cousin!"

That very night, Yun Zhan quietly disposed of the magistrate's sister, citing fabricated charges. Word of her death was quickly and cleverly passed on to the Ye family in Fengling County.

Meanwhile, back at the Zilin Sect, the Grand Elder was growing increasingly uneasy as his right eyelid twitched uncontrollably.

"What's going on? Why do I have such a bad feeling? Could something have happened to the Grand Elder and the others?"

He quickly shook his head, trying to dismiss the thought. "No, it can't be. The Grand Elder is far too powerful. Who in Donglai County could possibly be a match for him?"

However, just as this thought crossed his mind, a blinding sword light cleaved through the sky, heading straight for the Zilin Sect.


The long sword struck with a deafening boom, instantly shattering the gates of the Zilin Sect!

The disciples of the Zilin Sect were immediately filled with dread, their faces pale with fear.

The Grand Elder was initially startled, but then his fury erupted. His Grandmaster peak cultivation flared up.

"Who dares to wreak havoc in the Zilin Sect? Do you not know that this is the sect of Wang Shouti, a fourth-level Spirit Bridge cultivator?"

He didn't hesitate to invoke Wang Shouti's name, confident it would deter any enemies.

But the only response was hearty laughter.

"Hahaha! Wang Shouti, a fourth-level Spirit Bridge cultivator? Take a look at this!"

A streak of light flew toward the sect from the sky, landing in full view of everyone.

The crowd gasped in shock as they looked down. Their hearts trembled as they realized what it was.

It was a severed head, still wearing an expression of horror.

And it was none other than the head of their Grand Elder, Wang Shouti.

Panic instantly gripped the entire Zilin Sect.

"It's the Grand Elder! He's dead!"

"Wasn't he supposed to destroy the Ye family? How could his head have ended up here?"

"My God, if the Grand Elder is dead, what happened to the sect master and the others?"

"They've come to wipe out our entire sect! It's over, we're doomed!"

Chaos erupted as disciples ran around in a frenzy, their fear palpable.

At that moment, Ye Zhantian stepped forward, a cold smile on his face.

"By order of the patriarch, we have come to exterminate the Zilin Sect. All disciples below Inner Sect level, leave immediately, or you will be killed without mercy!"