"Alpha, you need to see this!" Merin alerted as soon as he stepped into the grocery s
tore with Seriva following behind him.
The Alpha wasted not a second as he stormed down the shop and followed them out.
They walked down the pavement as they got to an alley not too far from the building but quiet and closed off from the eyes.
"We were scouting the area when we saw this" Seriva said as she pointed.
Both Alpha and Lieutenant stopped as soon as they saw what she meant.
On the cemented floor were a few bags with the grocery store's logo on them but that was not the spectacle, just a few steps close to the bags was a black painting which didn't look like a coincidence to be put there.
It was a dog's paw imprinted on the floor and Xavier didn't need to rack his head before he knew who it was.
"Darkin," he growled under his breath.
"Can anyone of you smell her? Or is it just me?" Lieutenant Reil asked.