

Eight normal teenagers. One school field trip. One immortal. One witch. Eight magical stones. One great battle... Gabriella is a 16 year old normal high school teenager with two best friends, two younger siblings, one crush and one arch enemy. Her life is the best definition of a totally-boring. Her life is perfectly normal until she goes on her school's field trip without her mom's permission. Suddenly her life, her best friends and her siblings lives transforms in an extraordinary way by that one field trip. There they meet an immortal sorcerer named Amun, the ancient sorcerer of Egypt and they get this incredible amazing powers but the excitement is short lived; when a witch, Octhelia, who is an arch enemy of Amun; wants their powers for herself.... Will Ella, her friends and siblings give up their powers to the witch? Will Amun teach them how to battle for their powers and defeat Octhelia? Let's find out in this story series....

Emmanuella_Ibemba · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
18 Chs

Chapter Two

After getting on a flight to Cairo, I was so excited that I literally couldn't sleep or eat. Meanwhile my besties and siblings ate and slept off immediately they were through with their snacks. I got up to use the rest room when I stumbled over someone's feet. I looked up to find Derrick looking down at me with concern.

His jet black straight neck length hair blocked his eyes, he ran his hands over the stray hair and pulled it back, Immediately his beautiful sky-blue eyes came to view.

"Hey, I'm so sorry I didn't see you there, are you okay?" He asked.

Ouch! Typical. He didn't see me there? Like seriously? Am I that invisible to him?

"Nah, it's okay, I'm fine" I said, straightening my skirt and also clearing my throat.

"Hi" I said smiling

I think? Cause to me, it sounded more like a squeak.

"Hey" He said, smiling back at me.

'I could stare at that smile all day' I thought. I quickly cleared my throat.

"So I thought you weren't gonna come cause of your basketball match which in three weeks and you do know that we're spending a week in Cairo, right? So shouldn't you be practicing?" I asked.

"I know, but Susan insisted I come with her and this meant a lot to her, so I decided to come; besides, I wanted to see the famous pharaoh's statue" He said.

Wow...who would've thought...?

"Really? I didn't know you were the curious type" I said

"There's a lot about me that you really don't know, Gabriella" He said

What?! He said my name, how does he know my name? I mean we've never really talked except in Spanish class and maybe as lab partners in biology. I wonder if he's seeing the look on my face right now, but I'm thanking my stars for this sign, cause it means I still have a shot at getting Derrick to notice me.

"Really?" I asked, trying hard to sound nonchalant.

"Yes, so...see you around in Cairo?" He asked,

I blushed.

"Sure, see you around Derrick" I said.

I forgot about peeing cause of the butterflies I was feeling in my stomach and went back to my seat.

Derrick noticing me, me talking to Derrick...wow, I gotta tell Anne. Wait, will she believe me? Of course, she's my best friend.

"Anne, Anne, Anne wake up" I whispered.

"Hmm? What's up? Are we there yet?" She asked.

I grinned.

"No, but you'll never what miracle happened to me just now" I said

She sat up immediately, I mentally rolled my eyes at her attitude. Always the gossiper.

"What happened?" She asked, wide awake now.

"I talked to Derrick Haynes!" I shrieked quietly, smiling at her.

"No way!"

"Shh...you might wake the others up" I warned

She rolled her eyes at me.

"I don't care, now tell me, you mean you really talked to my cousin Derrick Haynes, without blabbing or freaking out?" She asked

"Yes Anne, it's the same Derrick Haynes I'm talking about" I said.

Yep, Anne is Derrick's cousin from her mother's side cause Anne's mom is Derrick's dad twin sister.

"Okay, tell me everything, don't leave a single detail out" She demanded.

I smiled, "okay" I said and began to tell her everything that happened.

"And that's when I_"

"Ladies and gentlemen, this is your captain speaking, pls fasten your seatbelts we'll be arriving at Cairo shortly, thank you" The pilot said.

We fasten our seatbelts and Eddie, Flow and Gab woke up and fasten theirs and we all waited for the plane to land before we took our luggage and followed our history teacher, Miss Phillips, out of the airport. Suddenly my belly started rumbling.

God, I'm hungry.

"Guys cover up for me, I'm gonna buy myself some food. Anyone feeling up to eating again" I asked

"Nah" Gab said

"I'm good" Eddie and Flow said

"I'll go with you Ella" Anne offered.

I smiled, "okay, thanks let's go" I paused and turned to face Eddie and Flow, "pls try not to fight while I'm gone" I Ieft.

"What does she mean by that?" Eddie grumbled

"Eddie, you remember what Ella said, that we shouldn't fight cause if we do, Ms.Phillips won't let us explore this beautiful country" Flora said

"Oh come on Flow, you know we ain't even supposed to be here, cause if mom finds out we left the house for the field trip without her permission, we're gonna get grounded for life and besides, if we do fight it'll be Ella's fault for leaving us all alone" Eddie said.

"She didn't leave you both alone, I'm right here remember?" Gab said not taking his eyes off his phone.

Eddie rolled his eyes.

"Eddie grow up, why don't you like doing things Ella's way? I kinda like it. So stop being a wimpy baby" Flow said.

"Me wimpy? I'll show you wimpy, come here" He said, trying to fight her, but Gab stopped them.

"Hey stop that, both of you! Behave yourselves, we're at an airport not your backyard" Gab scolded them and they quickly behaved themselves.

"Good day students" I heard Ms.Phillips say, as she addressed the students.

"Good day Ms.Phillips" Students answered her greeting.

I sneaked back with Anne into the group.

"What'd I miss?" I asked Gab

"Not much" Gab answered

"Did they fight?" Anne asked

"No! Now shh! Or she'll hear you" Gab whispered harshly to us.

"Mr. Stone, would you like to tell the class what's so amusing that you were talking about while I was speaking?" Ms.Phillips asked, glaring at him.

The whole school stared at him. I'm sure he was wishing he died at that very moment. I know I would.

"No Ms. Phillips" Gab said

"Good, now keep quiet and listen" She said.

"Gab, I'm so sorry I got you into trouble. Again" I apologized.

Yea that's right, everytime I'm with him, I always get him into one trouble or another.

"No it's alright, it's not your fault" He said.

I sighed. That's what he always says, even though he knows fully well that it's my fault.

"So students, tomorrow is the D-day we begin explore Egypt artifacts, their crafts and arts. Now who's ready for an adventure?!" Ms.Phillips asked enthusiastically.

"We are!!!" We all cheered

"Okay! Now grab your bags and follow me" She said.

We boarded a tourist bus which took us to the hotel where we'd be staying. The hotel was pretty expensive looking even the lobby was twice the size of my house.

I looked over at Derrick as we were all shown to our rooms and I could almost swear that I saw him looking at me, or maybe it was my imagination.

I laid on my bed and looked up at the ceiling, somehow I couldn't shake up the feeling that my life was going to be more interesting than it ever was.

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