
The Problem Child

A/N : I rather you read the updated version of this book! Find it under the same name in my profile. When Charlie Carlton first laid eyes on Trevor Hillinger, he immediately knew he admired the boy. But how long would it take for him to sort out his feelings? And how long would it take for the other boy to do the same?

Timothy_Zeke · LGBT+
Classificações insuficientes
50 Chs


Joshua was desperately trying to make Conner shut his mouth.

He had told him they would go through their lessons in the library, but Conner insisted they come to the foundation in front of the school.

Their usual meet-up spot.

At some point while he suffered Conner's never-ending babbling, Charlie too joined them.

He couldn't help but notice his all-time smiling best friend being unusually gloomy. He could almost see exactly what was wrong, by just looking at the way Charlie kicked the soil, with his hands dug deep into his pockets and head hung low.

He has been there before.

Joshua sighed and decided to take care of Charlie later. Right now, he had a guy who just can't seem to keep his mouth shut, to deal with.

"Kon, to solve this--"

"Y'know, when I was a kid, I fell from the kitchen counter. Broke my jaw and I guess it messed with my tongue. Now, it would always just wiggle inside my mouth, trying to speak. Yeah, Poor me, I know" Conner pouted.

Josh quirked up an eyebrow. "Yeah... Poor you" he nodded. "Now, to--"

"Oh, and did I tell you Trevor adopted a cat last week?"

"Conner, can we please just--"

"He named it Achilles. Cute name, right?"

Joshua shook his head, given up.

Why did he even think he could just get this guy to sit somewhere without babbling...

Charlie heaved a long and heavy sigh and looked at Conner.

He seemed so reckless. All he ever talk about is either his favorite superheroes or... Trevor.

Trevor. The name itself brought a knot to his stomach.

Speaking of the devil, Trevor walked upto the trio.

Where did he even come from?!

Seeing his dear pal, Conner squealed and jumped up to him, clinging on to Trevor's body like a little child.

"Trevor, Joe right here was trying to spoil me with all those note books he brought along with him!" He cried, clutching on to Trevor's body even tighter.

Charlie watched the both of them and he felt something... Different.

Oh foe, you are not jealous, are you?...

"You good, Cha?" Joshua asked, quirking up an eyebrow.

"Yeah. All good" Charlie said, emphasizing 'all'.

"I mean, you literally just slapped yourself in the face"

Charlie pursed his lips.

Get yourself together, you.

"It's nothing" Charlie said and hung his head low and went back at kicking soil. From the corner of his eyes, he could see Trevor watching him.


"Now, Kon. Get off me or I'll tell your mom about all those blue films you are sneaking into your vedio games collection"

"Dude, you are not supposed to say that out loud!" Conner yelled, jumping down and Trevor went stumbling backwards, snickering.

"Now, you just ruined my reputation!" Conner pouted.
