
The Problem Child

A/N : I rather you read the updated version of this book! Find it under the same name in my profile. When Charlie Carlton first laid eyes on Trevor Hillinger, he immediately knew he admired the boy. But how long would it take for him to sort out his feelings? And how long would it take for the other boy to do the same?

Timothy_Zeke · LGBT+
Not enough ratings
50 Chs


Charlie was feeling awkward.

Like, really awkward.

He was simply standing in the halls scrolling through his instagram when a group of girls approached him asking for the directions to the auditorium.

He was a bit confused at first.

Who doesn't know where the auditorium is?!

He gave them clear directions anyway. However, the girls continued to chit chat and Charlie almost understood what their true objective was.

How was he supposed to tell them that he is no more into pretty girls like them and that he was madly in love with someone who just would not admit what he is feeling?

So, he just stood their, listening to whatever they said with a fake smile plastered on his face, nodding every now and then to make it seem like he was paying attention to whatever it was they said.

"I'm the daughter of Erwin Stone. You know, the music teacher. And if you need anything, I mean, anything at all, you know where to find me" One of the girls said, playing with her hair and the others giggled.

Oh, trust me, I don't. Charlie thought to himself and sighed internally.

How long has it been since he's stuck here?!

Charlie wished the girls to leave as soon as possible. He was feeling so restless and awkward.


Now, where did that voice come from...

Charlie turned around to see Trevor standing behind him and he let out a breathe he didn't know he was holding in.

He actually felt relieved...

Trevor was staring blankly at the girls.

And, God , did he look irritated...

"Carmel has been looking for you" Trevor said, finally swifting his gaze towards Charlie.

"Uh... Where?"

"The Library"

"Uh.. Okay" Charlie nodded towards the girls, silently bidding them farewell and started walking towards the library.

He couldn't help but notice the way they scrunged their noses up at the look Trevor gave them.

What was up with him anyway?...

Soon, Trevor was walking beside him with one of his hands dug deep in his pocket and the other holding on to the strap of his back pack.

"You don't really have to head to the library" Trevor said, his eyes still fixed on the front.


"Uh... Why?" Charlie's tone screamed confusion.

"I lied" Trevor shrugged.


When Charlie raised a questioning eyebrow at him, Trevor explained further.

"Those girls were really disgusting to watch and they were consuming your time" he shrugged. "You should be studying"

"I should be studying, eh?" Charlie mused.

"Yeah, so that I can copy your answers"

Oh, really?...

Charlie sighed. "Thanks anyway" he mumbled and Trevor nodded.

They walked beside each other in silence.

And after a few moments, Charlie felt the silence eat him up.

Just as he planned a conversation in his head, someone else filled in for him.

"Treeevooorr!" Conner squealed as he jumped on to Trevor's back, causing him to stumble forward.

"Conner, I am done giving you piggy backs. Now, get off of me" Trevor complained, his voice filled with annoyance.

Conner pouted, but snuggled himself even closer to Trevor.

"No" he gave Charlie a toothy grin, who was watching him amusedly.

Trevor grunted, but continued to carry him anyway.

"Joe send me for you" Conner told Charlie.

"Why?" Charlie was getting a little deja vu here.

"I dunno. He asked for Trev too"  Conner said as he laid his head into the crook of Trevor's neck, his face completely turned towards Charlie.

Charlie gave him a smile.

Conner looked like a baby clinging on to its mother's body.

The thought made him chuckle.

"What's so funny?" Conner mumbled, almost sleepy.

Charlie shook his head. "You look like..." He planned a change of words. "...A monkey. Orangutan, to be specific"

"Hey!" Conner complained, all the sleepiness out of his tone.

He started kicking his feet to his side, trying to reach Charlie who dodged every kick.

"Kon, stop wiggling around or I might have to drop you" Trevor, after much effort, managed to hold Conner's legs from moving.