
The Power of Seven

Harry realizes that he's a horcrux a year early. Desperate to help her best friend, Hermione discovers a ritual that can save him. The problem? Harry needs to have sex with and bond with seven witches. THIS STORY WAS COPY PASTED YOU CAN FIND THE ORIGINAL STORY IN THE LINK BELLOW link:https://archiveofourown.org/works/14253384/chapters/32871009 AUTHOR:https://archiveofourown.org/users/VelvetInferno/pseuds/VelvetInferno

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81 Chs

Cold Blooded

Ron self-consciously slid into a chair near the back. It really wasn't that he was worried about being found out, he was just… just a little intimidated. He'd spent two years wondering what was going on during Order meetings, and he was about to find out.

Bill was on his left (Fleur was guarding Harry that night, apparently), and Ron was relieved when Prof- Remus and Tonks took seats on his other side. His mum had pitched a fit when Ron had been let into the Order, and he didn't want to deal with her fussing.

It turned out that Order meetings were actually boring. There was a lot of discussion of politics that Ron didn't care for, routine patrols and the like, but Ron was surprised at how little actual action was being taken. Everything seemed reactionary to him. Weren't they supposed to be trying to track down Death Eaters?

Ron sat back and did his best to look like he was paying attention. Susan had told him it was unlikely that there'd be any sensitive discussion in the main Order meetings. Dumbledore would pull people aside and speak privately about important missions… like what he was doing with Bill.

Ron jolted when an elbow dug into his side, and sent an annoyed look at Tonks, who smirked unapologetically. He glanced quickly at Bill to see if he'd noticed the byplay. He hadn't, and was in fact engrossed in a book, occasionally he scribbled something in the margins, but he was barely paying attention to the meeting himself. He'd seen Bill with that book earlier that day, and when he had asked him about it, he'd said it was something 'for Harry' and nothing more. Ron peered over, trying to peek at the pages, but for some reason he couldn't focus on the words…

Ron's gaze went from briefly befuddled to calculating as it registered in Ron's mind- the book was enchanted. Whatever was in there must be important. He'd have to tell Ginny tomorrow.

He must have only spent a few seconds scrutinizing the book, but when he turned his attention back to Tonks, it was clear that she had noticed something. Her gaze was penetrating, and Ron felt like he was being examined under a lens.

The corner of her mouth turned fractionally upwards and she looked to Remus, who almost imperceptibly nodded.


Much like Susan had been, Hermione had retreated to her own self-imposed exile after school. Unlike Susan, Hermione was eager to focus on her research without distractions. Hermione had spent the end of term reading up on alchemy. Frankly, she was surprised at how rigorous it was, it was almost a science. No wonder it was basically a lost art.

Hermione reached into her bag, where she had, ah, 'saved up' a substantial quantity of Harry's semen for her alchemical studies in small glass vials that she had enchanted with preservation charms. It would have been impossible for her to find the necessary equipment for what she wanted to do in Diagon Alley. Perhaps in some shops in Knocturn Alley… but she didn't dare go there, she didn't dare step foot in even Diagon Alley these days unless she absolutely needed to.

Thankfully, the Room of Requirement had come through for her- she now had an alchemical scale, a fey flame, and an alchemist's kit. The scale and the flame were simple enough to use. The scale seemed to be a simple metal disc mounted in a rune-engraved stone frame. Hermione had already tested out a number of common potion ingredients on the scale- all with the expected results. Each ingredient, when placed on the scale, would quickly dissolve, like a drop of water in a hot pan. Then, a number of the runes etched along the side would heat up- warm to the touch. Each specific combination of runes was linked to a certain set of properties.

It was true that many combinations had never been found- they were entirely theoretical. There had been a lot of argument about that a few centuries back- some alchemist claiming that there must be undiscovered magical species and speculating at the potential of various combinations. Others believed that some runic combinations were just contradictory or downright impossible.

Hermione hadn't bought that- surely there were some combinations that were impossible, but it seemed to her an act of complete hubris to assume you had discovered everything there was to discover.

The vial felt warm in her hand- though she knew that sensation came not from any actual heat but from magic. To activate the scale, she placed her wand into the center of the disk and muttered and incantation. She deftly uncorked the vial and allowed a few drops to fall onto the scale- they disappeared with a sizzle as they made contact with the plate. Hermione ran her hands around the edges of the scale, scribbling down the runes that heated up.

Uruz and Ingwaz- she might've guessed. She jotted down her thoughts as they came to her in a messy scrawl- might be useful for strengthening solutions, maybe even healing potions, the runes had a very strong association with fertility and sexual desire which… made sense.

She bit her lip and turned her attention to the fey flame. It was by far the flashiest and most subjective of the instruments she had at her disposal. After this, the easy part would be done- she would have to spend weeks testing how semen reacted to various ingredients and treatments if she wanted to be able to actually use it for anything.

The fey flame looked, well, an awful lot like a Bunsen burner. She tapped her wand at the base, and it sputtered to life, producing a small white flame. It would burn at an intensity based on the magical potency of the material fed into the flame. Knowing the magical content of ingredients was important in potion making because – of course- you didn't want to blow yourself up by adding too much of something.

When Hermione added just a drop of semen into the flame, it suddenly billowed outwards in a flash. She stumbled backwards as it flared, her arm moving to cover her eyes to shield them from the intensity of the light. The vial clattered to the floor harmlessly as Hermione scrambled back to her feet and drew her wand- making sure to avert her eyes from the intensely burning- yet slowly dimming ball of white magical fire in the middle of her room.

"Finite." The fire vanished, and Hermione put a hand to her face, blinking to ward off the spots in her vision. Maybe conducting experiments by herself wasn't a good idea.

Wow, how reckless of you. Harry teased. What next, are you going to brew an illegal and dangerous potion in the bathroom again?

Hermione smiled. Hypocrite. What's the status with… everything.

She could feel Harry deflate, and almost regretted bringing it up, but it needed to be done. We really fucked up with Fleur.

You didn't do anything.

Yeah, but I also didn't do anything to stop it. There was a very real temptation on her part to argue that point, but she let it go. Look- that's not the point. Ginny's going to ask Fleur about the book.


Yeah. We really don't have another option here. We need to know what they're planning. But… I just hate this.

I hate to ask this, but after last night, we really need to discuss it… is Fleur going to be your seventh?

There was a long pause as Harry collected his thoughts. Hermione could feel the gears turning in his head.

Not sure if that's up to me.

So you'd be open to it. If Fleur wanted to.

And the rest of you were okay with it.

Hermione couldn't see any of them turning away someone who wanted to help save Harry's life. She certainly wouldn't, even if the thought of Fleur being with Harry made her feel rather inferior.

Hey, none of that. Harry chided gently. You know me better than that. Just remember, I love you.

Hermione found herself smiling uncontrollably as Harry projected his affection to her- his admiration, his trust, his respect. His love.

She blinked back tears. Love you too.


When Ginny had come to her the morning after... after she had been unfaithful to Bill, Fleur had been expecting her to apologize. She didn't think that Ginny needed to do so, but the serious look on her face made it clear to Fleur that the conversation would be weighty- it had seemed obvious what they would talk about.

Except she'd been completely wrong. "You're asking me to spy on Bill." Fleur had uttered with incredulity.

"I know." Ginny then admitted "I know, it's terrible of me to ask you this, but no one else could get that book and break the enchantments on it."

Fleur shook her head "No, I can't betray him again."

"It's for Harry."


"That's what Bill said, whatever's in that book… it's for Harry." Ginny let that hang in the air for a moment "And I have a feeling it's not a present."

"No." Fleur agreed.

"Fleur, please." Ginny pleaded, a hint of desperation in her voice, but Fleur held a hand up.

"You misunderstand. I was a agreeing with you." Fleur assured her. "If it's for Harry, I'll do it."

"And for the record, I am sorry."

"None of this is your fault, Ginny."

"I meant, for everything. For being a bitch." Fleur could tell that it was a difficult thing for her to admit. "You didn't deserve it."

"Thank you." Fleur didn't know what else to say.

That wasn't the only… enlightening conversation she'd had that day. Luna had visited for lunch and had spent most of the meal staring at her. She wasn't ogling, which Fleur half expectied given her previous behavior, no, it was like Luna was examining her in detail, picking her apart and trying to figure her out. It was tad unnerving.

Ginny had, more or less, pushed the two of them together when she suggested they all take a walk, and Ginny had not too subtly wandered off soon after. Fleur was expecting another apology… this one, she thought, would be warranted. But once again, she would be surprised.

"You know, its not healthy to pretend to be someone you're not."

While it had come completely out of the blue, Fleur knew the statement rang true more than she'd like to admit. She didn't respond, but Luna continued on, unperturbed "I know what I did last night was wrong. But I could just see you. I could see how much you were enjoying it, and I wanted you to be a part of it too."

Fleur nodded shamefully. How could she deny it?

"I really was just lost in the moment of it, and I'm sorry."

"I was too." Fleur admitted "I don't think I've ever felt so alive after you, after we…"

"I think that says something, don't you?"

It was then the Fleur realized that beneath that unassuming face she presented to the world, Luna was sharp as a tack and downright cunning. She knew exactly what questions to ask to get to the point of things, but she didn't outright say it. Letting the obvious answer hang in the air.

She wasn't happy with Bill.

It was then that Fleur finally accepted what she needed to do.


Pansy suppressed a shiver- she was doing everything she could to not show weakness, but it was cold, she was in her nightgown, having not been given the time to even get dressed, and the loose gravel of the country road was hard on her bare feet.

She was a pureblood, so she did not panic when two Death Eaters had abducted her from her room in the middle of the night. But she deserved better treatment than this. She was a pureblood heiress! Not some sniveling half-blood. She was important!

Yet, she couldn't deny that the Death Eater garb was intimidating, and she could find no sympathy or friendliness with her… escort? Captors? She suppressed a jolt of panic. Surely she hadn't done anything to anger the Dark Lord? Besides, if anything happened to her, her family would object, and they were influential people!

Just like Draco's family.

Pansy gulped. No one had heard from Draco since the failed attack on Hogwarts.

They led her on, into a seemingly desolate forest, until she tried to step forward but was stopped by an invisible force. She looked up at one of the Death Eaters, the one she had judged to be 'in charge'. "Right." He said gruffly, temporarily breaking the intimidating façade. He waved his wand over her, muttering an incantation she couldn't pick up and they were walking again. Passing through the ward felt something like diving into water, there was a momentarily disorienting period as she stepped through, before her senses adjusted.

Now she could see signs of activity. A fire a short distance away- more Death Eaters around it, and hovering above it… oh god.

The figure was rotating slowly in the air, naked with horrible burns all over their body. They were being tortured, and someone was laughing- cruel and high pitched. Pansy felt sick, what was she getting involved in?

"We've brought the girl." The Death Eater said.

"Bring her into the light." Said a nasty, feminine voice, and Pansy found herself shoved forward.

"What does the Dark Lord wish of me?" Pansy said meekly, hoping cooperation would make this all easier.

But apparently, those were the wrong words "The Dark Lord does not wish for you. He is busy mastering magics your mind couldn't even comprehend." Pansy felt her stomach drop, she was speaking to Bellatrix Lestrange. "You are beneath him and his notice, girl."

"Forgive me." Pansy said weakly. She briefly considered rephrasing her question, before throwing that idea into the trash. No, better to let Lestrange lead this.

"No, you are here for something, a bit more personal." Bellatrix's voice was positively gleeful as she grabbed the bloody man above the fire and rotated him so she could see him. Pansy's blood ran cold.

It was Draco.

Even in his tortured state, his eyes followed her in recognition. "Your boyfriend and his family have failed the Dark Lord one too many times." Pansy couldn't look away- he was in bad shape, welts, burns and bruises covering his body. Draco had once been proud, now his dignity was shattered, he was a whimpering mess, a ruined man.

Bellatrix stepped towards her and placed a knife in her hand. Pansy looked at it dumbly.

After a moment of silence, Bellatrix encouraged "Go on."

"You mean… you mean you want me to…" She stammered.

Bellatrix smiled cruelly, looking her straight in the eye "Yes. Kill him. Slit his throat. It would be a mercy at this point, wouldn't it?"

"No!" Someone sobbed, and through the haze Pansy realized that Draco's parents were there, and his mother had just broken into tears. She looked up to Draco, who stared back at her pleadingly, his lips mouthed her name, beseeching her.

She didn't want to kill Draco. She didn't really want to kill anyone herself, though she certainly didn't object to the idea of Death Eaters killing mudbloods and muggles. But it was different when you were the one doing it, and it was to be done to someone you knew.

But if she didn't… she could be the next one on that fire. She didn't want to die. Sorry Draco, its not personal. She held the knife aloft, and she could see the betrayal in Draco's eyes. After a moment of hesitation she plunged the knife downwards.

It clanged against something hard, reverberating harshly in her hand. Pansy's confusion was compounded by Bellatrix's laughter. "Looks like she'll make a better Death Eater than you, Draco!" What had just happened? There was clearly some sort of ward around Draco, preventing her from reaching him, which meant…

This was a test.

And she'd passed.