
The Power of Seven

Harry realizes that he's a horcrux a year early. Desperate to help her best friend, Hermione discovers a ritual that can save him. The problem? Harry needs to have sex with and bond with seven witches. THIS STORY WAS COPY PASTED YOU CAN FIND THE ORIGINAL STORY IN THE LINK BELLOW link:https://archiveofourown.org/works/14253384/chapters/32871009 AUTHOR:https://archiveofourown.org/users/VelvetInferno/pseuds/VelvetInferno

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Finding the opportunity to find the book was remarkably easy. No one would bat an eye at Fleur being in Bill's room, not even Bill. Ron had provided the distraction, grabbing Bill and the twins for a game of two on two quidditch.

Breaking into Bill's spelled cabinet was more difficult, but Fleur was accomplished in charms and runes in her own right, and most importantly, she knew Bill- she knew how he thought and protections he would place.

Her original plan was to simply copy the book and return it without him noticing, but after a diagnostic charm, she realized that that would be impossible. Not only was the book spelled so that only someone who was touching it could properly read it, it had an anti-copying charm, and an imperturbable charm keyed into a specific magical signature. Bill was the only one who could touch the book, and only someone who touched the book could read it.

She tapped her chin thoughtfully, fortunately, Bill hadn't taken the security of the book as seriously as he could have. There was no consequence to attempting to read the book- probably wise since he was using it in public and didn't want to accidentally hurt someone. Nevertheless the fact that he was using it in public belied either a carelessness or an arrogance that wasn't like him. She wondered again what had gotten into him.

After several attempts, she was able to break the imperturbable charm without incident. Fleur instantly realized as she scanned the first page this was not a spell book or tome- it was a journal. Scrawled on the pages were arithmetic equations, runes, and notes- none of which made sense to her without the proper context. Why didn't he just explain what he was writing about? It must have made sense to him, but it left Fleur rubbing her forehead in frustration.

She was so engrossed in deciphering Bill's work that she was caught by complete surprise when the door opened- it was Bill.

"Wha- Fleur? What are you doing?" Bill's eyes zeroed in on the book in her hands. "How did you even know about that? And why…" He trailed off as he tried to piece things together.

Fleur fortified herself- calmly setting the book down and turning to face him. "What you're doing is wrong, Bill."

"You're working with Harry." It wasn't a question.

"Oui." Fleur held her head high "He's a good man. He doesn't deserve to be a puppet, or a sacrificial lamb."

Bill sneered "A good man?" He asked incredulously "A good man who sleeps around with witches, who manipulates them into fucking him with his fame and his 'tragic plight'? If he were a good man, he'd make the sacrifice, he'd do whatever it takes. Instead, he's just being selfish."

"There's no point to him dying if he can avoid it! He hasn't manipulated anyone. He's been completely honest with those girls. He's risked his life to save so many people, including your sister. He just doesn't want to throw his life away, is that too much to ask?" Her defense of him was passionate, perhaps too passionate, because Bill had become suspicious.

"Wait. Are you… are you and him?" He looked stricken, not even able to finish voicing the thought, and all Fleur could do was look down in guilt.

"No." The despair in Bill's voice struck at her heart.

"Bill, wait. Its' not what you think." Fleur hurried to explain. "Harry and I, we've never even kissed."

"But you want to." Bill said flatly.


"And you've done something." He continued, his voice darkening.

"One of his girlfriends kissed me, by surprise." Fleur hastened to add "I didn't want it to happen, but I can't say that I didn't enjoy it."

Fleur looked back up at Bill and was shocked to see the pure ugly rage blossoming on his face. "That… that BASTARD!" He shouted, sending his fist into a wall.

"It's not his fault. He never did anything!"

"And I'm supposed to believe you! He's corrupted everyone around him, including you! IT'S ALL HIS FAULT!"

Fleur hadn't known how this conversation would go, but she hadn't expected Bill's anger to be so… violent. "But you know what… it doesn't matter. He's going to get what's coming to him. And I'm not going to let you stop us." She certainly hadn't expected him to draw his wand on her in anger, or to a rather nasty and debilitating curse at her- one that would have sent her to an extended stay at St. Mungos. It was nearly dark magic- it certainly had a better claim to the title than Harry's ritual.

Fleur managed to roll out of the way, but Bill had anticipated that and summoned her wand out of her hand in her distraction. She had no idea what Bill was capable of, and no way to defend herself.

…well, she had one.

With a desperate will, she sent every ounce of her allure at him she could muster, straining her Veela magic like she never had before. It was more than just letting go, it was channeling it with purpose, like a weapon.

It wasn't enough to enrapture him- for all his faults Bill was not weak willed, but it had clearly caught him by surprise, setting off his aim so that his follow up curse collided with the wall.

Despite his obvious distraction, Bill managed to send a follow up stunner towards her, forcing Fleur to duck. There was one last trick Fleur had up her sleeve- a bit of Veela magic that she had never used before. After a brief moment of focus, Fleur sharply exhaled into her cupped hands, kindling a flame between them.

Instead of throwing the fire at Bill- which could have been dodged and caused collateral damage, she instead shoved it towards herself. When Fleur rose, the front of her blouse and skirt had been charred off. Her skin was blemish free, as it was resistant to her own fire, and Fleur easily cast off the remains of her clothes.

"You really think you can-" The taunt had been at Bill's lips, but it had choked in his mouth the instant that Fleur had risen, baring herself to him. Fleur didn't realize it, but the intensity of her allure had created a visible aura around her and small plumes of fire- remnants from her magic- were curling and dispersing on the floor around her. What she did know was that she felt powerful. It was euphoric, and almost orgasmic pleasure, and she felt like a shooting star as she burned through long suppressed stores of magic. To Bill she appeared as a radiant goddess made flesh- the will to fight her vanished completely, replaced by mindless, worshipful desire.

Fleur approached Bill cautiously at first, only smirking as she realized that he was completely under her power. His eyes were glassy and staring at her chest. His mouth was hanging just slightly open, letting a trickle of drool out. She could smell how intense and complete his arousal was, and it was quite the power trip. She practically sauntered as she closed the gap between them, and he barely reacted when she plucked both of their wands from his nerveless fingers. He did, however, make to grab her, to run his hands over her body, but she batted them away.

"Don't touch me." She commanded, and then added "Take off your clothes." Bill nearly tripped over himself to fulfill her request. Fleur let her eyes idly roam over Bill's body, knowing that it was the last time that she'd let herself appreciate it- he really was good looking, handsome features and an athletic body. Her eyes dipped down to his cock as Bill let it spring free from his boxers, it was hard and twitching desperately as it leaked precum- both the scent and sight of which was enticing to Fleur's senses. She licked her lips

Naturally, Bill tried to touch himself, it surely would only take one firm stroke to put him over the edge, but Fleur had been prepared for that. She distracted him with a kiss, before pressing him back and pinning his hands to the wall with a sticking charm. At this point, their bodies were inches from each other, and it was clearly having an impact on Bill. His hips were arching forward and soft whimpers were escaping him, finally culminating in him outright begging her. "Please, please, pleasepleaseplease." He repeated.

She had him. She had bent this strong, independent minded man to her will, and now he was completely under her power. She leaned over and crooned into his ear "I know, I know Bill, you need it."

"Please, I need it." Bill pleaded- his mind incapable of doing anything other than echoing her own words.

"But if I'm going to give you what you need, you're going to have to give me what I want."

"Anything." Bill promised.

"Good." Fleur smiled, "Tell me, what are you and Dumbledore planning on doing to Harry."

For a moment, a bit of awareness flickered in his eyes, but Fleur quenched it by running a finger up the length of his cock. He moaned piteously at even that small amount of stimulation. "Tell me."

"W-we're going to use the blood wards at Privet Drive." Bill uttered quickly "We're going to force them to collapse around Harry."

"That would be catastrophic." Fleur murmured "Who knows what that would do to him." Not to mention it'd most likely backfire on the other occupants of Privet Drive, but Fleur was not too concerned with their wellbeing. Her anger was rising, but she kept up the slow stroking of his shaft with her finger, keeping up the spell.

"There was a book in Grimmauld." Bill replied "A way to control the collapse of wards. We couldn't figure out how to undo the bond-" Bill's explanation was interrupted by a whimpering gasp, and Fleur had to pull her hand back just in time to prevent him from tipping over the edge. His cock twitched uselessly in the air, emitting several more drops of precum.

"Go on." Fleur said flatly, all sense of seduction drained from her voice.

"B-but we could stop him from making more of them." He continued "If he doesn't have a sex drive, he can't sleep around. When he's dead, Ginny would be free."

Fleur's rage spiked and she lashed out, slapping him across the face. "Bastard." She seethed. How dare they? How dare he?

"Please. You promised you'd- you'd..." Oh, how pathetic.

"I did." Fleur conceded, a few moments ago, having Bill begging like this had been so sexy and empowering, but now she felt nothing but disgust. She wanted nothing more to do with him. She lashed out anew with her allure. Even after just a few minutes of use, she had grown into her ability and was able to wield her allure with even more devastating force. She had so much built up from years of repression that she had plenty to burn for this moment. It would be enough to melt his mind with pleasure, to make any touch feel orgasmic. Any touch.

Her hand, which had been hovering over his cock, moved lower, closing around his testicles and then squeezing. His balls tried to curl up into his body, but she yanked them back, tightening her grip even further. She met his gaze, so that he could see her eyes- burning and vindictive.

Bill broke, he screamed and bucked, but Fleur could tell immediately that he was cuming. She could feel his testicles working to expel his semen even against her iron grip. And sure enough, his screams quickly morphed into loud moans of both pain and pleasure. His cock twitched freely as his release dribbled out without force, running down his shaft and dripping to the floor.

With only last spiteful twist at his scrotum, she released him and the sticking charm holding him to the wall. Bill promptly collapsed to the floor, still moaning, still shaking, and his cock still twitching even though it had no more semen to give. She wondered how long he'd be incapacitated, but she had no desire to stay to find out. She needed to get to Harry.

Both Ron and Ginny were waiting outside of Bill's room- no doubt debating on whether they should check inside or not. Comically, their reaction to Fleur was nearly identical, blushing, dropped jaws, and a complete inability to look away from her. She no longer had the reserves to use her allure aggressively as she had with Bill, but neither was she holding back.

Fleur belatedly realized that she was still undressed but was simply not bothered by it. In fact, she found she enjoyed the two siblings' reactions to her, very much. Ginny was babbling, trying and failing to string words together in a coherent matter, and Fleur decided to put her out of her misery- propping her jaw shut and placing a single finger over her lips to silence her. Ginny let out a muffled sound somewhere between a squeak and a moan.

"Tell Harry to pack up. I'm taking him away." Fleur told her "Those monsters were going to keep him from ever making love again." Ginny nodded dumbly, and Fleur wondered if she had fully processed her words. No matter. Fleur turned to Ron with a sultry smirk, leaned over to kiss him on the cheek. Ron moaned softly as her lips made contact. "Thank you for the tip." Fleur said as she pulled back, and Ron managed to nod in response.

When Fleur then left them, Ron and Ginny shared an awkward glance, and simultaneously retreated to their respective rooms post haste. Neither would be seen about the Burrow for a solid half hour.


When Fleur apparated to Privet Drive without incident, wand in one hand and a portkey- a small knotted piece of rope- in the other, and completely nude. It was Mundungus Fletcher's shift, and Fleur didn't doubt that he'd buggered off to a pub. She was only mildly surprised to find Harry waiting for her in the living room with his luggage- she knew she had very little to pack.

Harry, for his part, took her presence much better than Ginny and Ron. He blushed more than she thought he was capable of, but his eyes studiously avoided her body- with great effort, no doubt. "Er, hi Fleur. Ginny told me that you're taking me somewhere? I guess whatever you got from Bill is pretty serious." He was very jumpy, his voice brisk in a way that felt forced. It was adorable, how much effort he was putting into being a gentleman. Adorable and completely unnecessary.

"Harry." Fleur with a playfully smile "Look at me."

His eyes needed no further prompting, sweeping down and then up her body slowly, drinking her in. Thrillingly, as he met her eyes again they were not glassy, but vibrant- burning with lust. "Don't be shy about your desires, Harry, not around me."

"Right." Harry smiled back at her, peaking again and again at her body. He was so freaking adorable, she wanted to eat him up.

The moment was ruined by Petunia's shrill cry. "You! Get out of here you whore!" Clearly, the woman was completely heterosexual.

Fleur didn't hesitate. She had put a lot of thought into what she'd do to those monsters, and she'd been forced to admit that there was nothing she could do that could even begin to measure up to what they had done to Harry. So, she'd decided, she might as well have fun with it. She'd taken inspiration from Victor's masterful transfiguration during the second task.

"Shut up, you shriveled bitch." With a flourish of Fleur's hand, Petunia's yelling quickly became far less human and far more equine in nature. The grotesque twist of Fleur's chosen method of torment was that she'd only transfigured Petunia's head. Her hands came to feel her face in horror, and she promptly toppled over- top heavy as she was in her new form.

Fleur was a little disappointed that Vernon Dursley was currently away. While she had no doubt that she'd enjoy inflicting her own brand of torment on that excuse for a man, she figured that Petunia was an equally deserving target of her rage.

She turned back to Harry "Are you ready to go mon tresor?"


"France, of course. Dumbledore has no authority there. My parents gave me a portkey when I moved to England, in case I ever needed to escape."

"Ah, are you sure your parents would be okay with me staying with them?" Harry asked.

Fleur snorted, she'd need a club to keep Gabby off of him, and her mother… well she certainly had more restraint than Gabby, but if Harry weren't spoken for Fleur had no doubt she'd try to 'collect' him. "You're welcome, of course. My parents are very grateful for you saving Gabby during the second task, and for sending up sparks over me in the third task."

Both of them were doing their best to ignore Petunia's cries of distress, but Dudley had finally heard enough lumbered down from his bedroom. "Wasgoinon?" Her muttered, before freezing at the sight of Fleur. She quickly shot a body-bind hex at him, trying to ignore the growing wet spot on his shorts.

Harry was ready, his firebolt under his arm and trunk and empty birdcage in hand- 'Hedwig can fly to France no problem' he would later tell her. Fleur cast a sidelong glance at Dudley, who was looking on in with a frozen expression, but no doubt experiencing desire like he never had before. She might as well give him something to be extremely jealous over.

So, without a word of warning she lunged at Harry, pressing her body to his and plundering his mouth with her tongue. She eagerly swallowed his moans as she deepened both her kiss and her embrace. Her hand gripped the base of his skull and tilted his head to give her a better angle, her leg wrapped around his waist, pressing his hips closer to her until he couldn't resist grinding his erection against her thigh.

"Oh my god, Fleur, Fleur, Fleur." Harry's soft panting moans as she pulled back were music to her ears. She wanted to coax more of those sounds from him. She wanted shower him with affection, to pleasure him until he couldn't help but cry out. She wanted to take him until he was trembling and blissed out, so adorably vulnerable for her.

But now wasn't the time.

She de-escelated until she was giving his lips repeated light kisses. "Don't worry darling, there is so much more to come. But first, activate." The portkey whisked them away. Away from Privet Drive, away from a lifetime of abuse at the hands of the Dursleys, and away from the wards that were meant to protect Harry but were to be perverted into a weapon against him.


Voldemort sat back in contemplation- it had been a while since he'd had an academic problem truly worth sinking his teeth into. He'd had to seclude himself and delegated the responsibilities of prosecuting the war to Bellatrix, who he had heard was currently playing mind games with the Malfoys and the new recruits.

Truthfully, he should have anticipated something like this happening, horcurxes were pieces of his very soul, it made sense that they act on their own, without his will. The diary had done so, even though he had no memory and hadn't wanted the Chamber to be opened- and the risk to the diary horcrux that had entailed, the version of him in the Diary had other goals.

Several things had changed since the Malfoy boy's failed attack on Hogwarts. If he had known then what he knew now, he would have called off the invasion entirely. If it had actually succeeded in it's objectives, paradoxically he would have found himself in a worse position than he did now.

The pain that Potter had inflicted on him had been excruciating, but they had opened his mind, allowed him to think in ways he never would have before. He had reached out and felt the connections to his horcruxes, tenuous links that he had barely acknowledged before but had now taken on new importance to him.

To his fury, more had been destroyed than been expected- not just the diary but the locket and the diadem as well. But there had been upside. He had never been able to predict how opportunistic his little slivers of soul had proven to be- how they had demonstrated the remarkable ability to latch themselves onto the enemy. It was remarkable how such a small but truly pivotal quirk had won him the war.