
The Power of Seven

Harry realizes that he's a horcrux a year early. Desperate to help her best friend, Hermione discovers a ritual that can save him. The problem? Harry needs to have sex with and bond with seven witches. THIS STORY WAS COPY PASTED YOU CAN FIND THE ORIGINAL STORY IN THE LINK BELLOW link:https://archiveofourown.org/works/14253384/chapters/32871009 AUTHOR:https://archiveofourown.org/users/VelvetInferno/pseuds/VelvetInferno

mooooooooooow · Livros e literatura
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81 Chs

Castle of Glass

Hermione listened with attention and more than a little confusion and Ginny unloaded her tale onto her. It probably didn't help that she'd been working herself to the bone ever since Harry had been taken.

It'd been like those days right after they discovered that Harry was a horcrux. She'd been determined to do anything, pay any cost to save her best friend. She wondered if, without the impetus the ritual provided, if she'd ever had realized that she didn't just love him as a friend.

It was poetic, perhaps, that what sparked this new flurry of research had been the same person who'd resolved the first. A woman who went by the pseudonym of 'Michelle Wheeler', but who's true name was unknown to her. A woman who she only met once, yet who had had an incredible impact on her life.

When the doors to the supposed 'love chamber' of the Department of Mysteries had swung open on their own accord for her, something had taken ahold of her, that beyond those doors, waiting for her, was destiny, or fate- something unknowably and fundamentally important to her life, the key to everything. Her instinct had been right- the fact that the Department of Mysteries had a backdoor exit from the Ministry was- while possibly life saving, far from the most important thing she'd found. This 'Michelle Wheeler' hadn't fallen off the face of the earth after writing the book that Hermione had stumbled across in the Room of Requirement those months ago. She travelled the world, eventually ending up with the one organization that would fund her passion- research into the nature of love and magic.

She'd known immediately, what Hermione had done. The safety precaution, the only way to open the door, was to be bonded to someone else. Thus 'Michelle' and her husband were the only Unspeakables to work in the chamber full time.

Hermione had realized that it was time to put all her cards on the table, so she told her everything, and had come out of it with a powerful magical instrument, an escape route from the ministry, and hope.

Their first proper use of Hermione's prize had raised as many questions as it had answered. "Wait… you're saying he's trapped at the Dursleys, or, I suppose, a simulation of the Dursleys?"

"Yes, the potion must have done something to him. He didn't remember us, not completely. He dreams of us."

"Does he?" Hermione smiled slightly, sharing a knowing look with the redhead "Guess you enjoyed being the girl of his dreams."

"Oh, you know it." Ginny smirked.

"Wait. You didn't." Hermione's jaw dropped as she recognized what Ginny's body language was telling her. "You did, Ginerva Weasley you couldn't keep your hands off him if your life depended on it."

"I knoooow." Ginny whined "But Hermione, you should have seen him. He was so innocent, and lonely, and… receptive. I just wanted to smother him in love, so…"

Hermione waved her off "Whatever, I'm sure you didn't get any complaints."

"Of course not. In fact…" Ginny mused "I think it helped. Or at least, being with me in general did."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, the way he told it, he'd been sort of listless before I showed up. Not at all like himself." Ginny explained "He seemed ready to just accept being with the Dursleys indefinitely."

"Well, the potion wouldn't be very effective if the person it was constantly struggling against it subconsciously." Hermione mused "I don't understand, though. The draught of living death shouldn't put you into a dream state, it just knocks you out cold."

Ginny shrugged "It was a modified potion. Or maybe the bond has something to do with it. Take your pick."

"Okay, well I'm glad. Though we still need to get him out of this. I know Bill's working on how to break into wherever they're keeping him, but that'll-"

"Take a while." Ginny finished for her "That's what he told me anyway. Who knows what wards he's under right now."

Hermione sighed. She was glad that they'd been able to reach Harry, but a little lost on what to do next. Thankfully, Ginny already had an idea "I think you should visit him."

"It'd be nice, to see him." Hermione agreed.

"No, I mean. I think it'd help." Ginny shrugged "Just… a feeling. I can sense him much better now, with the bond. I think if you talk to him, maybe be intimate with him, it'll help us bring him back."


When Harry woke up Ginny was gone. The moment he realized this, he felt a frisson of fear and jerked upright. Had it been real, or a dream? Was he losing it? He fumbled for is glasses, and squinting, he saw a note left at his bedside.

It wasn't a dream, luv.

In relief, he pressed the note to her face and the familiar, flowery scent of her shampoo further put him at ease. It was okay. It had been real. Ginny was out there, trying to get him out of this. He was okay.

Harry prepared for the day, and then made his way downstairs, but one look at his aunt and uncle- who both studiously ignored him aside from the occasional contemptuous glance, set him on edge. What was he doing here? He didn't have to put up with them anymore. He could… just go.

So Harry turned and left, out the door without a second thought, taking with him only the note that Ginny had left him. He walked without knowing where he was going, just away, until he didn't recognize where he was. All the houses looked alike, every turn put him on a seemingly identical street. Still, Harry pressed on, past row after identical row of houses and lawns. It wasn't until the sun was setting that Harry began to second guess his decision. What was he even doing?

"Harry, what are you doing out here?"

Harry turned at the sound of a woman's voice behind him. "Wait." Harry remembered her from his dreams "…Hermione?"

The smile she gave him in response confirmed that he'd remembered correctly.

"How much do you remember?"

"Not much." Not anything, really. He knew intellectually who she was, one of his oldest friends, brilliant bookworm. He blushed as he also recalled that she was also his girlfriend. He had no idea how but Ginny had convinced him that she wasn't pulling his leg after she'd dropped that bombshell. She was also familiar to him, in the same way Ginny was, but when he strained his mind, trying to remember something, anything… nothing.

"Don't worry, we'll get it all sorted out." Hermione said. "The fact that we've even gotten this far is promising."

"I'm still not completely clear on everything." Harry told her "Ginny told me I'm in some sort of coma? And about my first two years at… Hogwarts. But we sort of got sidetracked." The flush returned to his face.

"I can imagine." Hermione smiled slyly. "Come on, we can walk while I tell you more. Where were you going?"

"Err, away." Harry scratched the back of his neck "I'm not actually sure. I just wanted to leave the Dursleys, but it just occurred to me that I have no idea what I'm doing or where I'm going."

Hermione cuffed him affectionately "Its fortunate that I showed up, then."

"Well, then, oh wise one, what am I to do? Go back to the Dursleys?"

"Absolutely not." Hermione seemed offended by the thought. "Hold on. Homenum revelio." Whatever spell she'd cast, it hadn't had a visible effect. Not very impressive for his first look at magic.

"Have you seen anyone since you left the Dursleys, Harry?" Hermione asked him. Now that she mentioned it, he hadn't. Not a single person or car.

"No, not a soul."

Hermione nodded in satisfaction "To be honest, this isn't a very convincing simulation. I'm guessing you've been under something resembling a compulsion charm to preventing you from noticing it. Come on." She took his hand and led him to a nearby house.

"Wait, we can't just invade someone's house!" Harry protested.

"Harry, none of this is real. There's no one here, because whatever magic you're under, it can't fill in every detail of a real world. Alohamora." The lock unlatched with a click, and Hermione pushed the door open. The interior of the house looked very much like number 4 Privet Drive. In fact, it looked exactly like his relative's house.

Hermione's brow furrowed, no doubt picking up on the same thing. "Hmm." She made her way past a bookshelf, idly picked up a book a flipped through the pages. "Blank. Of course." She then walked up the stairs and opened the door to what would have been his room. "See, Harry. Look." She called back to him.

"It's… my room." Harry uttered, scrutinizing every detail and finding it exactly the same. "I… I…" What could he say?

"Oh, Harry. Come along." Hermione took his hand and guided him onward. He didn't want to look, to see any more of this house that was mockingly alike the house he'd grown up in. His brain felt overloaded, it was all too much, too much, too much. Hermione led him to the one room he was perhaps least familiar with- the guest room, where Marge had slept on those few occasions she'd visited.

"It's alright." Hermione soothed him, stroking his upper arm "This room is much nicer, right?" Harry nodded, though he didn't feel much better. Hermione cast several spells, remaking the room with a red and gold color scheme. "Is that better?"

Harry nodded, sitting on the bed and rubbing his temples. "Its just, a lot."

Hermione sat next to him, her face just inches from his while she rubbed his back. "It must be, but this is good." Sensing Harry's irritation with that description of the situation, she hurried to clarify. "I mean, breaking out of this would never be easy. The fact that you're seeing some effects from this tells me that we are making progress." Harry grudgingly agreed with her, and he was beginning to feel better- whether from having a new environment, Hermione's comfort, or it just running it's course, he couldn't say.

"Why don't you lie down?" Hermione offered.

"Are you trying to get me in bed, like Ginny did?" Harry teased.

To his surprise, she actually blushed. "I don't want to presume." She hurried to say.

The implications slowly percolated through his brain. "Wait. You mean to say, that you'd like to, but what's stopping you is whether I want to or not?"

Hermione's blushed again. "Harry. I thought you weren't feeling well."

For some reason, Harry was feeling bold. Perhaps Ginny had lit some confidence in him, or perhaps it was Hermione's own admissions that had him feeling so daring. Perhaps part of him knew her and trusted her, even if he didn't remember. "Well, maybe sex will help me feel better." He said cheekily.

"I can see that you've been spending time with Ginny." Hermione shook her head bemusedly. "Very well, Harry." She leaned towards him and whispered in his ear "Lie down."

She didn't wait for him to comply, instead gently pushing him back. Harry looked up at her, wide-eyed. For all his bravado, he'd only ever had sex once. Hermione must be far more experienced than him, and all of that experience was with him.

Suddenly, silken ropes wrapped around his wrists and ankles. Hermione smirked "We have this game, Harry, and you've had the tendency of getting the upper hand lately. But seeing as how you don't know how to do magic… it looks like you're at my mercy. It's time for a little payback."

Harry couldn't restrain a bare whimper, being at Hermione's mercy was quite appealing "I can do whatever I want to you." Her hand cupped his crotch, feeling up his raging erection. "And you like that, don't you?"

"Yeah." Harry answered honestly.

"You like that I can do whatever I want with you." She continued, crawling up his body so that they were face to face. "I could have had you stripped and lying prostrate at my feet the second I saw you." She punctuated this by planting sensual kisses along his neck, and nibbling at his ear.

Harry couldn't help but moan. "'Mione. Please."

Her eyes danced with delight. "That's a good boy." She cooed, once again caressing his erection through his trousers. "Now let's get these clothes off you. Evanesco." Suddenly, her hand wasn't cupping him through fabric, it was right on his cock. Harry moaned again.

"Hermione." He moaned again. "Fuck!"

"Oh, was that a request?" Hermione teased as her hand started stroking him. "Do you want to bury your cock in my tight, slick pussy? Is that what you want?"

"Hnng. Yes. I do. I do." He strained his hips upward, into her hand, which only caused her to pull back. The brief flicker of disappointment at the loss of contact was dispelled as Hermione began to disrobe, unbuttoning her blouse the creamy skin of her torso, shoulders, and her bra. Ginny had been wearing a plain black bra, but Hermione's were white- almost transparent- he could practically see her nipples pressing against the fabric, and he swore it must be too small for her, as her cleavage practically overflowed the fabric.

Harry wished he could just reach up and touch. He couldn't look away, even when she slid her skirt down to reveal her thighs, his eyes only darted down to return to her chest. "Like what you see?" Hermione smiled, glowing at his awed response to her body. Harry, somewhat guiltily, met her eyes, but Hermione chided him. "No, look all you like. Not like there's much else you can do."

Harry gratefully returned his gaze downward, and belatedly answered her question "Yes, I do like what I see, a lot."

"I can tell." Hermione lightly touched his cock, which had begun throbbing needily as Harry's eyes drank their fill. She smirked mischievously as she lightly caressed his shaft, which was the only warning he had before she undid her bra and tossed it haphazardly to the side.

"Oh my god." Harry moaned wantonly as his member pulsed urgently. Hermione forefinger swiped across his cockhead, gathering the drop of cum that had gathered there and bringing it to her mouth. Her eye's flickered shut and she moaned as she tasted him, and when her eyes opened, there was a flicker in them, hunger. "Hermione?" Harry said unsurely, but was shushed by a finger pressed to his lips.

"If you love my boobs so much, why don't you show your appreciation to them." Hermione purred, sultry as she crawled back up his body and presented her breasts to him. Her invitation was clear, and Harry didn't hesitate to lean forward and capture a nipple in his mouth. With no other outlet, he sucked and licked with abandon. "Mmmmh. Yes. Just like that. Just like fucking that." She moaned. This was accompanied by the repetitive schlick of her own self pleasure. One hand was stuffed in her panties, rubbing her clit more and more rapidly, and her breathing picked up as her moans became ever more harsh. Her other hand had woven itself through his hair, pressing him into her as she arched her back and pressed her breasts into him, this became increasingly forceful until she was nearly smothering him, and Harry could only ride it out, taking as much of her flesh as she could into his mouth. "Hng! Hng! Hng!" Hermione grunted as her body began to jerk "Harry! Fuck!"

Her grip on him slackened, and Harry breathed gratefully, but it would only be a brief respite. Her eyes told him she was far from done with him, the desire burning in them had only grown.

Hermione crashed her lips to his, and then proceeded to shove his face into her other breast. This round was far harsher, with her nails digging into his scalp and her language becoming more explicit as she descended into a mini-power trip. "Yesss, fucking suck! Worship my tits! Fucking worship me!"

Fortunately, this didn't last long, and within a couple minutes, Hermione was screaming out from another orgasm. This time, her body crumpled. Her hands come to his chest to support herself as she straddled him, her head hanging down and framed by her wild hair. The shaking of her body combined with her heavy breathing had an exquisite effect on her breasts.

"Hermione?" Harry asked.

"Oh my god." Hermione gasped "I guess, I just really missed being with you." She looked back up to him, the hunger in her eyes hadn't abated one bit. "I want to try something." Harry nodded without thought. He was sure that whatever Hermione wanted to try, it would be okay.

She moved back down his body, grasping his cock and placing it in her cleavage. Harry moaned softly, not so much at the sensation, but at the implication. Hermione shot him a knowing grin "Like where this is going?"

"You know it." Harry responded.

"We've never done this before. Fleur did it with you, but she has some…advantages." Hermione explained. Harry didn't even contemplate what those advantages might be. "However, there's a spell…" She retrieved her wand and, well he wasn't exactly sure what she did with it. "You can move, if you want."

Harry immediately took her words to heart, and twitched his hips upwards burying himself in her cleavage and moaning at the soft feel of her. It was then that Harry realized what her spell had done- it had sealed her breasts together, creating a channel between them that was a perfect fit for his cock.

Hermione began to move herself, methodically pumping his cock with her cleavage in contrast with the erratic jerking of his hips. Harry was entranced by both the feel of her soft flesh squeezing him and the visual aspect of it. When she had him fully enveloped, his cockhead just barely peaked out from the other side of her cleavage. After all the teasing she'd put him through, he didn't last long. "Uhn! Hermione, I'm getting close!" He warned her. He thought she might pull back to let him safely discharge himself against his chest- understandable as he didn't have those months of experience with her. If he had, he might have been able to predict what she did next.

Two of fingers dipped lewdly into her folds, gathering a sheen of her arousal. Then she reached down, and Harry squeaked as he felt her probing at his asshole. He clenched reflexively, but her slick fingers wormed their way in. The sensation was odd, but not unpleasant, and then, suddenly, it became very very good. Harry cried out as his entire body shook from this unexpected pleasure. "Oh my god. 'Mione. Please. Please. Please." He babbled, not even knowing what he was asking. Waves of pleasure crashed through his body as her tentative probing became purposeful massaging. It felt like his cock was melting, just primed to explode but lacking the trigger. Precum generously leaked from the tip, lubricating Hermione's cleavage and just enhancing the sensation of her tit-job.

Tears began to form as Harry began to beg "Please let me cum, please." He repeated. Hermione, for her part, responded quickly. As soon as she detected his distress, the games were over for her. The sensation of her cleavage around him was swiftly replaced with her mouth. For a moment, Harry was at the precipice. She looked up at him, and this time his gaze was inexorably drawn to her eyes, the determination, hunger, and feminine dominance displayed in them was more enticing even than even her breasts. Then, she sucked.

Like with Ginny, it was abundantly obvious that Hermione had mastered the art of giving Harry a blowjob. In a different state of mind, he might have been able to compare and contrast their techniques, but he was in no position to judge at the moment. She had tipped him over the precipice. The instant she began to apply suction, it was over for him. Over several seconds, his orgasm built up and boiled over, first in his prostate, then in his scrotum and the base of his cock, then racing up his shaft before exploding in his cockhead.

Even Hermione was unprepared for the strength of his orgasm. Pulling back reflexively as he sprayed himself across her face. However, this set back only redoubled her determination, and she immediately returned to her task of sucking him off. Her gaze never again left his as she swallowed everything else he had to offer.

When the last shuddering pulses of his orgasm had finished echoing through his cock, Hermione pulled herself back up his body and kissed him. He was so caught up in the moment that he didn't particularly care that he could taste himself in her mouth, or the fact that some of his cum had smeared between their faces.

They smiled giddily at each other at what had just happened, and as Hermione cast a scourgify on her hand, he figured that they were well and done. "Harry." She said, upending his assumption "I'm going to fuck you now." It was then that he realized that far from being satisfied, her eyes were black with desire.

Despite everything his cock twitched at her words. Harry could only watch as her hands expertly worked his cock back to hardness. Then, with a sultry grin, she mounted him. He wondered if this is how Ginny felt when he'd lost control of himself with her, because Hermione rode him like a wild woman. He was sensitive from his last, mind-shattering orgasm, and it was only his second twice feeling the sweet embrace of a woman's sex. Even having just cum, he knew this would undo him again.

She grunted and moaned as her hips pounded against his relentlessly for several minutes until with a sharp thrust and a guttural cry she sheathed him entirely within her. She ground her hips against him as she found her release, but whatever had possessed her had made her insatiable. After only a few moments rest, she returned to riding him mercilessly.

This process would repeat several times until Harry felt the inexorable approach of his own orgasm. Hermione could feel it too and was all to eager to spur it on. "Cum in me. Cum in me. Cum in me!" She repeated harshly, while her mantra was simple, it was effective. He cried out he released himself, but Hermione screamed. Her body received his orgasm like an impact, her hips locking against his, her eyes rolled back, and her hands clenched rigidly on his chest. "FUCK! FUCK! FUUUUUUUCK!"

She never would get around to telling him about the rest of his years at Hogwarts.