
The Power of Seven

Harry realizes that he's a horcrux a year early. Desperate to help her best friend, Hermione discovers a ritual that can save him. The problem? Harry needs to have sex with and bond with seven witches. THIS STORY WAS COPY PASTED YOU CAN FIND THE ORIGINAL STORY IN THE LINK BELLOW link:https://archiveofourown.org/works/14253384/chapters/32871009 AUTHOR:https://archiveofourown.org/users/VelvetInferno/pseuds/VelvetInferno

mooooooooooow · Book&Literature
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81 Chs


"Harry! Oh my god, Harry." Ginny stepped towards him her eyes glistening with untold emotion.

Harry was dumbfounded. He felt, deep down, that he knew her. But for the life of him he couldn't remember. As Ginny reached out, Harry jerked back, conscious of the fact that under the covers he was only wearing his boxers. However, Ginny didn't acknowledge his hesitance, and flung her arms around him regardless. Harry sat stiffly, unidentifiable emotion welling up in his chest.

Ginny sniffled "I can't believe it, we actually found you." Harry felt even more awkward now. How was he supposed to comfort her?

At this point, Ginny did notice that he wasn't quite returning her affections. She pulled back and scrutinized him. "Harry, luv, are you okay?"

Damn, there was no good way to put this, was there? Harry cringed. "Err, don't take this the wrong way. But I don't quite know who you are."

Real smooth, Potter.

Ginny blinked, and blinked again as she processed this information. "Oh." She uttered; her expression utterly unreadable as she slumped back.

"Er, sorry."

Ginny choked back a dark laugh. "You mean, you don't remember me, at all? What do you remember? Do you even know that you're a wizard?"

"A what?"

She turned, looking scathingly around at his room "And you're stuck with the Dursleys. Voldemort went and put you in your own little personal hell."

Harry shrugged helplessly. "Its not so bad. I'm okay, really."

She gave him a flat look that plainly told him she wasn't buying it. "God help me. Its like I'm starting from square one."

"Look, I don't know what to say Ginny-"

"Wait!" Ginny interrupted, her emotional state pinwheeling around once more "How did you know my name?" The hope in her voice made his heart ache.

"Well, you're going to think I'm barmy." Harry prefaced, and Ginny levelled him with another flat look "I've been dreaming about you."

"You've been… wait." She held up a hand "How about this what do you know about me?"

Harry wracked his brains "Er, I know that you've been very sad lately. I saw you talking with… a redheaded man about something… I remember you with Hermione."

"You know her too." Ginny said softly.

"Yeah, you were trying to find a way to get someone back, though I don't know who."

"It's you, you idiot!"

"Oh." Come to think of it, that did make sense.

Ginny let out a breath, seemingly assured by what he was saying. "So… you're saying that I'm your dream girl, eh Potter. A little forward of you." She smirked at this, and Harry found himself heating up.

"Errr…" He fumbled, flummoxed.

Ginny chortled. "Merlin, it hasn't been so easy to tease you like this in a while."

"What do you mean?" Ginny considered her answer, but Harry followed up "No, I mean. I don't know anything about… anything. Who are you? Why are you here? What's going on?"

"Its going to sound crazy." Ginny temporized. Harry raised an eyebrow. "Do you trust me?"

"That's the thing, Ginny. That's why I'm listening to you even though I have no idea who you are or what's going on. Because I do."


Ginny hadn't known what to expect. She was half prepared for nothing at all to happen. For this desperate moonshot that Hermione had cooked up to come to nothing.

She'd seen what happened to Harry just as clearly as Hermione had. Voldemort had taken him, put him under with a modified Draught of Living Death and then… nothing. For the first time since she'd bonded with him, she felt nothing from Harry. Even when he was sleeping, she got something, a sense of him, something warm and comforting, letting her know that he was there, safe, and whole.

Without him, she felt empty in a way she couldn't quite described. As if something had been ripped from her chest, rending into her a hollowness that cut straight to her soul. Hermione, Luna, and Demelza, she knew felt the same. They'd spent hours secluded together, mourning a loss that the others couldn't really understand.

Hermione, at least, had found hope. Ginny could admit that she didn't quite understand Hermione's plan- the arithmetic equations were far beyond her or anyone else in their group. But Hermione's hope and conviction had buoyed her, buoyed all of them, really. The artifact that she'd brought back from the Department of Mysteries was the key- while it appeared similar to a penseive, inscribed along the rim were the same runes that they used in the ritual. As Hermione had explained it, it would amplify their connection to Harry, allowing them to feel him, reach out to him… maybe even wake him up, get him back.

Hermione had told her what expect from touching the shimmering, enchanted liquid pooled within the basin, but Ginny wasn't prepared. Like a blossoming flower, she could feel her connection to Harry spring to life, she could feel him again. He was close, so close to her, like he was right next to her. "I can feel him, Hermione." She choked out, blinking away the urge to cry. She followed the connection, pouring herself into the bond, tugging him closer and closer until it was almost unbearable, having him so close but being unable to see or touch him.

At a certain point, the world around her faded away. She hadn't even realized it was happening until she blinked and realized she was somewhere else. It took her a moment to recognize the room- it was Harry's room, the one the Dursleys had kept him in. A moment later, and she saw him, Harry, and her heart lurched in her chest.

She was so caught up with emotion that she didn't realize how off his behavior was at first. He was right in front of her! He was safe and okay and alive. But the truth came out soon enough, he didn't remember her, not properly anyway. He didn't remember Hogwarts or magic or friends, the only life was the miserable existence he had with the Dursleys, which he insisted was 'fine'. Somehow, the potion Snape had given him had trapped him in this… dream, and the only snippets of the real world he got were his own dreams, which he must be getting through the bond. The mere fact that he was back with those people rankled Ginny, she didn't know if this was Voldemort's or Snape's design, or something Harry own subconscious had cooked up for him, but she wouldn't stand for it!

He wasn't quite the same, here. Oh, he was undeniably Harry, but he wasn't exactly the same person who'd been taken from them. He was less confident, less experienced, far easier to tease with even a bit of flirting. He was also somehow more… youthful. More like the downtrodden boy that had first captured her heart than the war hardened man who currently held it. Despite the situation, she couldn't help but be pleased by how easily he reacted to her. How even though he didn't remember her, something in him knew her, trusted her. Not to mention, his blushing and stammering was undeniably cute. It made her want to really give something to blush about.

That being said, he was taking this remarkably well, having a strange woman drop into his bedroom like this. She owed him and explanation, as strange as it would be for him to hear. Hopefully it might spark something in him, and if not, it would at least give him some understanding of the situation. So she told him about how an eleven-year-old Harry Potter found a letter to a magic school, made friends, stopped a dark lord, and saved her life.

"You're having me on." He muttered after she finished the tale of her first year, concluding with his slaying of the basilisk and him freeing her from the diary. "There's no way I could have done that."

She looked at him fondly "You underestimate yourself."

"You're making me out to be some sort of… superhero."

"Harry." She told him, looking him in the eye "Trust me."

She knew she had him and was extremely gratified to see that he couldn't say no to her. "Okay, but I still don't understand…"

"You're brave Harry, and noble and selfless. Sometimes its infuriating, but I wouldn't have you any other way. You like to say that you're never alone when you do these things, that you always have help. And that's true, but its because you inspire that help. People respect you, trust you, love you, that's your real power Harry." Ginny hadn't planned the speech, but it had gotten through to him.

"Love me?" The sheer wonder in his voice broke her heart.

"Oh, Harry… you have no idea how loved you are." She shook her head, placing a hand on his arm and lightly stroking him.

"Do you… are we?" He trailed off, not sure how to ask the question.

Ginny smirked and sidled up to him "Are we what, Harry?"


Ginny pressed her body into his back, no doubt he could feel the press of her breasts against his shoulders, and her breath in his ear. "Are you telling me that you like what you see, Harry?" She whispered "Maybe you'd like me to properly thank you for saving me from Tom and the basilisk?" Being so close to him after being forcibly separated, may have gotten to her a bit. Not to mention he was shirtless, probably only in his boxers under those sheets, and so adorably disheveled from sleep, how could she resist? Should she feel bad about blatantly seducing Harry? She doubted he'd object when all was said and done.

"I wouldn't expect that from you."

"Of course not." Ginny breathed, cupping his chin with her fingers and tilting his head to her. "You've never treated me with anything but respect Harry. But you know what?" She paused to briefly press her lips to his "You're right."

"We're… together." Harry uttered, gobsmacked. "But you're so… bloody gorgeous."

Ginny flushed in pleasure at his raw admiration of her "And you aren't?" She chided "Trust me Harry, I'm the lucky one."

"I beg to differ."

Ginny silenced him with another brief kiss. "You know I never properly thanked you for saving me."

"I'm sure you thanked me." Harry said breathily as Ginny kissed her way down his neck.

"But not properly." She straddled his lap, feeling his erection and deliberately pressing herself against it, while she trailed her hand down his bare chest.

Harry moaned softly "You don't have to."

Ginny giggled "Does it look like you're forcing me, Harry? Do you think we haven't done this before?" She pressed a long kiss to the nape of his neck, causing him to gasp. "The question is, luv, what do you want?"

While she would respect his wishes, she was determined to tip the scales in her favor as much as possible. She was sure that this entire situation had a ton of implications that Hermione was going to have a field day over. But at least right now she could give him something to remember. Something within her egged her on, not just mere lust, but a hunger to reconnect with him, to recement their relationship in the most intimate way possible.

So without saying a word, she peeled off her shirt. Harry's breath caught as his eyes drank in the exposed flesh with wonder. "Gin." She loved it, how he said his pet-name for her, how that oft repeated syllable spilled so easily from his lips, like a prayer.

"You can touch me, if you like." Ginny purred "All of this can be yours, if you want it."

"I do, but…"

Ginny didn't let him equivocate, when she kissed him this time she didn't hold back, weaving her fingers through his hair and using her tongue just how she knew he liked it. His timid, inexperienced response to her thorough kiss only egged her on, and when she finally pulled back she let herself appreciate the debauched look she'd inspired in him. He didn't resist as she gently pressed him backwards into bed with one hand against his chest.

"Harry, luv. Just lay back and enjoy." She said between kisses, as she trailed her lips down his chest, abdomen, and lower.

"Oh my god. Gin. You really don't have to."

"I want to, you idiot. Don't tell me you don't want it to. Don't tell me you don't feel the same way I feel. Don't tell me you don't love me."

Their eyes met, and Ginny could see the truth in them. "I… I…" He struggled. He'd never said those words before, to anyone, and no one had ever said them to him. At least not that he could remember, even though he desperately wanted to now. He desperately wanted back every moment he ever had with her.

"Its okay, you don't have to say them now. Just, let me show you how I feel."

How could he say no to that? He couldn't, and Ginny knew it. He looked down at her with baited breath as she slipped down his boxers and… looked at him. She knew he must be feeling more than a touch insecure in that moment, so Ginny gently, lovingly placed a kiss to the tip, and looked up at him. Harry gasped, his eyes struggling to meet hers. She'd spent the better part of a year perfecting her oral technique, and now she was going to be his first, again.

"Oh my god. Oh my god, Ginny!" He moaned as she took him in her mouth inch by glorious inch. He was trembling, has hands grasping the sheets convulsively as Ginny set a slow deliberate rhythm. For him, this was his first time. She knew how overwhelming all of this must be for him, and she was enjoying getting the opportunity to completely blow his mind.

It didn't take long for Harry to reach his limit. The urgent throbbing of his cock alerted her to his imminent release even before Harry choked out that he was getting close. Ginny, of course, chose not to heed his warning, drinking in his moans as she drank him.

"Oh my god." Harry repeated "That was… we were so… so incredible."

Ginny lifted her head, sporting a self-satisfied grin. "You know it." She crawled on top of him, pressing a kiss to his lips. "I love you." He said automatically, and Ginny giggled.

"Sucking your cock loosened your lips a bit, eh." Ginny teased, and Harry smiled sheepishly.

"I… I mean it, though. I still don't remember you, but I can feel it. I love you." He said haltingly. "Why am I stuck here? How do I get back?"

"We're working on it, luv." Ginny vowed "I promise you, Harry, we'll get you back. You'll never have to be in this awful place again."

"How long can you stay?"

"I don't know, but I'll stay as long as I can. After all, do you really think I'm done with you yet?"

Harry blinked as her words filtered through his mind "I can return the favor, if you show me how."

Ginny smiled, pleased to see that he was still a considerate lover, but she had other plans for him. "Harry, fuck me. Show me how much you love me."


As she said those words, something inside of Harry ignited. Ginny had come to him like a miracle, and he didn't want to ever let her go. He didn't want to go back to his normal life, loathed by his relatives and invisible to the world. This incredible, sexy, brilliant woman was right in front of him- he wanted to hold onto her and never let go. He wanted to possess her, to claim her so thoroughly that she'd be forever his. He couldn't recall ever feeling so strongly about anything in his dull, meaningless life. He felt like he was on fire, and he wanted to smother himself in her.

Perhaps that's what possessed him, in that moment, to flip them over so he was on top, and crash his lips to hers. "Fuck, Gin." He growled almost unintelligibly as he devoured ever scrap of skin available to him. "You fucking… minx."

"C'mon Potter." Ginny panted goadingly "Show me what you can do. Give it to me. Give it to me!" At a certain point her bra snapped off, and Harry could scarcely marvel at her exposed cleavage before diving in, licking suckling at her ravenously. He trousers came next, he tugged them down roughly, his hands exploring her finely sculpted tights, up to her knickers. For a moment, he paused and met her eyes. Whatever blaze of passion that had overtaken him receding a moment. She returned his gaze boldly, just daring him to finish what he started, and the inferno redoubled itself.

"You're wet." He marveled, as his fingers probed her slick folds, awed by how they seemed to sink into her, welcomed by her femininity. "You want this."

"Always." Ginny promised "Oh Harry, you have no fucking idea how much I want this. How addicted I am to your co-OH FUCK!"

Harry didn't bother with being gentle. Ginny had clearly done this with him before, and she was practically- no - literally begging him to fuck her brains out. He plunged into her easily, as if she was made to fit around his cock. He bottomed out, relishing in the primal satisfaction of taking her, the visceral pleasure of having her warm flesh caress his shaft, and the unexpected intimacy of being with her. All of it mixed in a potent cocktail that stoked his passion all the higher. It felt so good and it felt like they were melting into each other, and all he could think to do was try to get closer, to drown himself in her.

To encourage him Ginny's legs clasped themselves around his hips, as she growled out "Come on, fuck me! Take me! FUCK!"

Harry didn't think and he didn't hesitate, he just fucked. He rutted her ravenously, perhaps selfishly (though Ginny's moans indicated that she enjoyed this very much) as he tried to quench the fire that she had unleashed within him. Even when he came, gloriously spilling himself into her, the fire that animated him drove him on. Ginny, for her part, shouted, moaned, and clawed at his back, egging him on at every turn.

He had no concept for how much time they spent like this. Was time even important wherever he was? But eventually, he did slump back into bed, gasping for breath and resting Ginny against his chest. Ginny was practically glowing as she cuddled into him, flushed from exertion and slick with sweat. After a long minute of peaceful silence, he wondered aloud. "How did I get so lucky to have you?"

"Oh, Harry." Ginny cooed "Just wait until you meet your other girlfriends."

"Wait, what?"