
The power of control

A young man far from home finds himself in a world of heroes and villains, and is granted the power to control all...

DaoOfPusy · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
45 Chs

chapter 25: disciplining a child

It was late afternoon. The U.A. campus was quiet, and the sun was slowly setting, dyeing the heavens a fiery red. Before the front gates, a young man stood waiting. His face radiated anger, but his pacing back and forth betrayed his nervousness.

"So you are here. Good. I was afraid I'd have to do some impromptu home renovation." I exited the large building, a small smile on my face, Izuku on tow, as usual. I bid my brother farewell, instructing him to save some food for me at home before facing the scowling Katsuki.

"Tell me, have you ever flown before?" I said, approaching the blonde kid. "And I mean actual flight, not the cute hovering you do with your quirk."

He looked confused, a slight hint of fear leaking from him as I slowly walked towards him. "No, why? what does that have to with anything?" He said in his classic rude, angry tone.

"No? That's good. The first time's always the most fun. For me, of course. You'll probably shit your pants."

When I stood in front of him, I placed my hand on his shoulder. I used my power, forming my energy into a spherical barrier around the both of us.

"Buckle up."

I flared my aura. We shot into the sky at a monstrous pace. Katsuki immediately screamed like a girl as we rose into the sky, going beyond where most airplanes flew. When I felt like we were high enough, I stopped us, floating in the air. I admired the scenery for a bit. I did not grant Katsuki that pleasure. When I saw he had recovered from the sudden acceleration and started to look around, I decided to continue our trip.

"Alright, enough rest. Let's go."

We flew forward at an enormous speed, immediately breaking the sound barrier. I continued to accelerate, a blue trail of energy forming behind us as we tore through the clouds at impossible speeds. I felt we were going slow, but Katsuki had already continued to scream like a little girl on a rollercoaster.

Eventually, I flew us downwards towards an enormous forest, the same forest I would always train (and, on rare occasions, kill ghosts, though that had only happened twice). We slowly slowed down until we reached the average walking speed and landed gently between the giant trees. Katsuki, weak as he was, immediately fell to his knees and vomited violently. I snickered in amusement.

Eventually, the boy returned to his usual mad demeanor. "Why the hell did you bring me here?! Are you going to kill me, huh?! Well, come on then, I'm not scared of you!"

Annoying. "First, I will kill you if you keep asking questions. Second, yes, you are scared. Just look at your knees. You can barely stand."

I sighed. "Anyway, I'm not going to hurt you, for now. I only want to talk."

I released a bit of energy and shaped it into two glowing, slightly translucent chairs. Forming my power into physical objects was a technique I had recently developed. Depending on the creation, it could be very taxing on the mind. Thankfully, chairs were quite simple objects.

"Sit," I instructed Katsuki as I sat as well. He reluctantly complied.

I opened my schoolbag and grabbed a pen and notebook. I wanted to mess with the boy in front of me by acting like a therapist. I put one leg over the other, opened the notebook, and clicked on my pen.

"Alright. Tell me, Katsuki, why do you act the way you do?"

"I ain't telling you shit!" He exclaimed.

"Hhhmmm." I nodded before scribbling in my notebook. I did not write anything. I was only messing with him.

"Hey, cut that out!" He said. I looked at him, then continued to write.

"Hey, stop that!" Veins were visible on his head as I continued to scribble. Eventually, I stopped.

"Alright, let me ask you this. What's your problem, Katsuki?"

"My only problem is you! You and that shitty brother of yours! I hope you both fucking die, you fucking pieces of shit!"

"That's enough." He was slowly getting on my nerves. I flared my aura. The surrounding trees shook in response.

"I am sick of you, boy. Your infantile antics bore me. Your demeanor is that of a pouty toddler. Your entire self-worth relies upon your imaginary superiority to those around you. The moment anything is even remotely different to your wishes, or if there is anyone that challenges that superiority ever so slightly, you throw a tantrum. You turn livid at even the slightest provocation. You cannot display any emotion other than anger. You are incapable of holding a normal conversation, and your inferiority complex and fragile ego are a bane to every single person you meet. You are nothing but a mosquito, a pest that contributes nothing but sheer agony to everyone you come in contact with."

As I spoke, my aura continued to rise. The skies darkened, and strong winds bombarded the surroundings. The trees groaned in agony as an invisible pressure arose, bringing Katsuki to his knees as he struggled to breathe.

"I will honor our relationship as classmates and thus not kill you. But I will tolerate your childishness no more."

I extended my arm and grabbed the air, lifting Katsuki into the air and pulling him towards me.

"If you alienate me, my brother, or any of our classmates ever again, I will bathe the halls of our school with your blood. If you so much as look at me without my permission, I will show you that there are fates worse than death. That, I promise."

I let the boy go. The surroundings returned to normal as I flew away, leaving Katsukin alone in the forest. He could return home on his own. That is if he didn't get killed by a ghost. For now, though, I had other concerns. It seemed my brother needed a stern talking to as well. But first, I was hungry.

A.N./// well, that's one pest taken care of. speaking of, does anyone know what mosquitos actually contribute to the ecosystem? or are they nothing but a pain? also, i love y'all