
The power of control

A young man far from home finds himself in a world of heroes and villains, and is granted the power to control all...

DaoOfPusy · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
45 Chs

chapter 17: demonstration

It seemed the rumors were true. Only the best people came to U.A. high. However, it seems only the strangest came to U.A. as well, because everyone here was very, very weird.

I, along with Izuku, had just arrived at our designated classroom. As we entered, the stiff rich kid Tenya Ida approached us, who immediately initiated a conversation. He seemed polite, and since I knew proper manners, I started conversing with him, even if I actually wanted to sit down. As we exchanged pleasantries, still standing at the entrance of the classroom, another person approached us. This time, it was the cute girl I had seen briefly interact with Izuku on the day of the entrance exams. From the way she started conversing with him, I knew she was the person he had saved during the exam, at the cost of an arm and a leg. I smiled inwardly. It seemed these two were destined for each other, at least if Izuku learned to talk to girls. Though, from the looks of it, even that was unnecessary. What a lucky bastard he was.

We still stood there, forced into perpetual pleasantries by our two new classmates while the rest kept staring at us as I desperately tried to find a way out of this situation. Thankfully, I was saved by the third and final arrival, though this one seemed less human and more larva, one with a tired human face. Upon seeing it, everyone, including me, was speechless. The larva used the quietness as an opportunity to stand up and pull down a zipper, revealing that the tired, disheveled face belonged to an entire tired, homeless-looking human.

"I'm your homeroom teacher, Shota Aizawa. Nice to meet you." It said in a tired voice. So the homeless man was our teacher. Who would have thought?

Having turned our class speechless two times in a row, he reached into his larva outfit, which was just a large yellow sleeping bag, and pulled out what seemed to be a red, white, and blue gym outfit.

"It's kind of sudden, but put these on and go out onto the field," he said, still sounding like he had not slept in years. We complied, as he did appear to be our actual teacher.

Moments later, we stood together in a large field, donning our newly acquired gym clothes. Mr. Aizawa stood before us, explaining the reason for our sudden change of location. We would be taking a quirk apprehension test, to everyone's surprise. On the first day of the school year, formalities such as an entrance ceremony and orientation took place. But, according to our new teacher, heroes had no time for such leisurely events. In contrast to my classmates, I was rather glad for the change of pace. I had always detested such unnecessary formalities.

According to Mr. Aizawa's explanation (which was more him complaining about the educational system), The quirk apprehension test was the same as the physical fitness tests they would conduct in middle school. In the physical fitness tests, however, it was forbidden to use your quirk. Here, it was a requirement. Supposedly, it was to find out your maximum, which was crucial in the path to power. It was a sound theory and one I could get behind. After all, one of my goals in enrolling in this institution was to use my powers without restraint.

To demonstrate, the teacher called me forward, as I had the highest score in the entrance exams by a long shot. I was to throw a softball as far as possible using whatever means to my disposal. It was easy enough. With my power, there were hundreds of ways to launch a ball into never before seen distances. With that mindset, I stepped into the throwing circle.

I held the softball before me and concentrated. Formless, kaleidoscopic energy surrounded it as it floated. I looked up into the sky, making sure there were no birds, planes, or celestial bodies in the way.

"You guys might want to close your ears," I warned my classmates.

I lazily waved my hand. The ball shot out into the sky, creating multiple vapor cones as it flew at hypersonic speed, disappearing almost instantly. The enormous acceleration produced a shockwave large enough to crack nearby windows and almost shatter the eardrums of those that did not heed my warning.

In Mr. Aizawa's hand, a device displayed the distance the ball traveled. The number rose so quickly that it was unreadable until it eventually stopped, no longer showing a number but rather the symbol for infinity.

A.N./// who would've know ya boi Akai was strong. it's almost as if it's the point of the story. let's hope there will be some challenges soon.... also mc discovers izuku has shounen protagonist syndrome