
Chapter 1

No one knew that the potion pipe at Hogwarts was leaking. It was 4 weeks into the term and now weird things had begun happening.

When many potions mix together they all have very negative outcomes, and when the pipe drips, something different comes out. Only people in the area are affected by it, yet people haven't noticed, and the teachers surely haven't.

But Hogwarts is a mess that cannot be fixed.

Harry Potter was walking through the Dungeon, out from potions class with his two best friends, Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger.

"Hey. Have you guys brogan noticing weird things happening here over the last few weeks?" Harry asks and Ron nods.

"Things have been mental mate! I don't get what's going on."


"Well I think that someone is probably just pulling a prank! Or that people are acting like that on purpose." Hermione replies.


Ron shakes his head. "Only person who would have enough smarts for that is your 'Mione. So I wouldn't pin yer hopes on that." Ron says with a chuckle.




A drop of something blue lands on Harry's hand and he pauses.

"Hey guys. Something fell on me?" Harry says and Hermione rolls her eyes.

"It's probably water Harry. This is the dungeon under the lake after all." She replies.




When they all get back to the common room Harry doesn't feel good.

"Guys. I don't feel too great. I'm gonna head to bed. I must have ate something weird." Harry says and Ron looks with concern but nods.

"I hope yer okay mate. Sleep well." He says and Harry just nods as he heads to the dorm.

When inside, he flops on his bed and groans. "Uhh. I think it was that blue thing.. my head feels funny.." He groans but manages to force himself to fall asleep.




When he awakes in the morning he yawns, feeling a little better, but when he opens his eyes all the boys in the dorm are stood around him with heir eyes wide.

Harry blinks. "What's is it?" He asks and the boys gasp.

"Harry your hair is changing colours." Seamus says and Harry blinks, realising the other was being serious he jumps up and runs to the bathroom in shock and fear.

And his hair was showing just that. Bright light purple. What was happening.

"Someone get Hermione. NOW!" Harry yells and Ron shouts a 'will do' before rushing out to grab her.

When she comes in she she's Harry and gasps.

"Okay then. Maybe it's not a joke. Harry sit down. Tell me what you think is happening."

"Gee Hermione. I have no idea." He says yet his hair turns dark blue rather than a burgundy sarcastic red colour.

Hermione studies it. "Do that again. Your hair. Ron said it reflects your emotions. But it isn't reflecting the ones you're showing. It's reflecting your true emotions." She says as she lifts a piece of Harry's hair.

"From what I can tell it seems you've been hit with a mixture of potions. I think a mix of vercitium, rainbow hair dye and some sort of emotional balance potion. Your hair will reflect your true and personal emotions." She says, writing everything down as she speaks.

"Well fuck me. That's fucking great isn't it! Everyone will read me like an open fucking book because that's now exactly what I fucking am." He says with an eyeroll yet his hair turns a pale pink, the colour of embarrassment.

"Harry. Your hair is pink." Ron says and Harry falls back into the pillow and groans.

"Great! Well then. It sucks to be me because I'm missed that many classes over the years that I can't fucking skip today!" He groans and stands up.

"I meet you all down at breakfast." He says with a sigh and his hair turns to a pale blue colour to show his annoyance and discomfort.

Everyone nods and they all head out to breakfast.




The Gryffindors waited patiently for Harry.

Once Harry had dressed he headed out and made his way to the great hall, only to crash into one Draco Malfoy. While he was like this. Fucking great.

Harry sighs and his hair turns a light orange to show his annoyance.

Draco pauses before laughing. "What the hell happened to you Potter?" He asks cackling and Harry groans.

"I was hit by one of those weird potion things okay Malfoy? Now what do you want? I want to have breakfast today." He says in annoyance, forgetting that his hair shows his true emotions and it goes a lightish, medium pink colour.

Draco looks at the pink and blinks. He swore when Harry was annoyed it was orange, what was medium pink?

Still Draco smirked. "Oh really. So those things are real then and not just pranks?" Draco says and takes a stride closer to Harry.

Harry steps back nervously and the link hid his hair brightens a little.

"Hm. Say your hair Harry. It's rather misleading." He says as he steps closer until the other is back against the wall and he whispers into Harry's ear tauntingly.

"What's bright pink?" He says with a hiss and Harry shivers as his hair turns hot pink.

Draco then chuckles and steps back. "Fun to know that's where I stand Potter. Maybe this unusual thing will uncover a lot in Hogwarts." Draco says with a wink before walking away.

Harry scowls but his hair stays hot pink. His true feelings saying he's infatuated.

When Harry walks into the great hall and sits down his friends raise their eyebrows.

"Mate. Your hair is bright pink." Ron says and Harry groans.

"I don't wanna talk about it. Let's just eat." Harry says as he begins eating. And that's the case until everyone hears a scream.

It was a guy, wearing a skirt and slytherin robes, but a guy they had never seen before.

Everyone began laughing as the guy yelled.

"It's not funny! One minute I was minding my own Pansy Business, the next minute, poof! I look like a dude!" They yell and everyone blinks.

"Pansy Parkinson?!" Everyone gasps and Pansy sighs.

"Yes! Whatever is going on, it's dangerous." They say before going to sit down.




All the students tried to mind their own business. Tried to be normal even though they were afraid of what could happen. And went about their day.



Draco walked with Pansy and tried to calm her, him?

"Pans. Don't worry about it! You look great as a guy. We just need to fix you up. I promise. Look you always want people falling for you right? Maybe this is the way!" He says and Pansy pauses before nodding.

"You really think so?" They ask and draco nods.



"Yes. Now come on. Let's get you to the dorms and fix you up." Draco says and Pansy smiles and nods.


"Okay!" Pansy says with a small blush. Maybe her friend would finally see in her what she sees in him like this.

She's always known what her friend likes. And it wasn't her. But maybe now it can be..


A boy who hides his feelings, forced to physically show the truth.

A girl who wants love from her best friend, forced to become a guy.

What else was in store for them?


