
The Point Legacy

PLANET EARTH in the year 2020, The ground shakes with a heaven sundering roar, a massive figure is seen in the vast skies above, the figure both stationary but omnipresent. A voice thunders, like the massive roar of the inimitable tide, "You have been selected to represent me in 'The Games'." It sounds almost displeased when it utters the word "selected". "Brace yourself and say goodbye to the little attachment you have to your planet, for never will you see it again, unless...." Then the lights went out on a planetary scale. The world that Raj is sent to is one where people get stronger by absorbing energy from different sources. Watch as Raj uncovers the secrets as to why he was sent here. Disclaimer: May contain strong imagery and emotions, also contains violence and blood. This is a completely rewritten plot from my original novel, so old readers should read this too.

MasterOfTheCouch · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
6 Chs

A Walk In The Desert

Author's Note : Dont skip the prologue, it will make more sense if you read it. Without further ado, here is chapter 1, enjoy.


The sand burned against my naked feet, the sun unleashed the entirety of its fury as it shone brighter than I thought possible.

'Where was I?' How did I even get here? it didn't take much brainpower to understand that the voice was responsible for me being here, but why? Why did it choose me, or did it only choose me? No, I remember it speaking as if it was talking to numerous people, not a single person.

Thus, I couldn't be the only one brought here could I? Questions for another day, what I needed right now was shelter. The sun was unbearably hot and I didn't know if I could take it much longer. I felt sweat forming on my forehead and knew I had to make a move quickly. Choosing a random direction, I started walking. The sand beneath me felt a lot more solid than normal and walking on it was a bit easier than walking on beaches on Earth.

One hour later and my clothes had become damp from my sweat, they would be sopping wet if not for the dazzling brilliance that was the sun. I was in a bitter mood from the whole situation and if not for luck, I would've missed the slight movement that I caught at the corner of my eye.

It was a rabbit, or at least I think it was a rabbit as my scrunched up eyes were making it hard for me to see clearly. I was highly excited that I had finally spotted a sign of life. And why wouldn't I be excited? It meant that life could exist in this place, therefore I would be able to find some sentient creature that I could get help from.

Emboldened by this thought, I searched around the dunes for the rabbit but couldn't find the animal no matter how hard I searched. By this point I was getting very tired, the heat had got to me and my thirst finally overcame what little determination I had left. I propped my back against a dune which offered a little shade and closed my eyes, trying to imagine myself back home, comfortably sleeping in my own bed.

I was jostled awake, quite rudely at that, by what seemed to be a giraffe. It was spotted dark blue with lines of white in between. "Woah," I said in very real amazement.

It stands on two legs, or should I say hooves, I don't know. A spear held in its hands, it looks at me with thinly veiled disgust.

"Who are you?" it says in a rough, guttural voice.

That is the sentence that breaks me out of my reverie, immediately I try to stand up and almost slip back to the ground, the hot sand is not doing me any favours in regards to grip. I stand on guard as I size up the giraffe looking creature.

"Do you understand me?" it asks again, this time with more annoyance.

I nod, slowly, with scepticism.

"Where do you come from?" it asks.


"Earth? Where is Earth?" it asks.

That makes me wonder, where the hell is Earth?

"I...don't know," I reply in a grieving tone.

The giraffe looks at me with even more disgust, it must think I am not mentally sound. It turns behind and calls out to someone. Before my very eyes, two other giraffe creatures suddenly come out of the sand. They seemed to have been hiding in the scorching sand, I am shocked at how well they hid themselves.

The two other giraffe creatures look a bit different, with each of them having a different mix of colours that made up their fur.

"You are coming with us, lets go," the first giraffe said.

"What? No I'm not coming with you," I answer, backing off slowly.

The blue-black giraffe sighs,"do it," he exclaims.

I see a haze of light and then, black, I pass out.

The small cell I am in looks almost out of a movie, its grungy and smells off. Except for the fact that its underground, the ceiling above me is hard sandstone, it looks like the giraffes live underground. I hear a grunt and look towards the noise, at one corner of the room;if I can call it a room; is what looks like a bundle of cloth. I move towards it, my curiosity aroused, and shake the cloth.

It whimpered, the cloth whimpered, I was stunned, that must be a person in there. A face peaks out of the cloth that previously covered it, he looks dazed as he looks at me.

"Are you from Earth too?" asks the boy as he pushed the locks of brown hair that falls in his eyes. He looks relatively clean and doesn't seem too traumatized by what happened to him, doesn't seem like he has been here for long.

"Yes," I answer, I want to ask him more questions but I don't want to scare the poor child. He looks small enough to be a eleven year old, I fume at the thought of a eleven year old alone in a small cell underground, those giraffes do not seem like good people.

"How long have you been here?" I ask him as gently as I can.

He seems to squirm at the question before answering,"E...Eight hours I think. Have you seen my mom?"

Eight hours alone in a damp cell? He doesn't even look scared, one has to acknowledge his bravery.

"My name is Raj, what is yours?" I ask, trying to change the topic from his mother, that is one question that I would not like to answer. Who knew where his mother was? It was unlikely that he would ever see her again, no, being negative never helped.

"I'm Yuuta," he answered, frowning as he realized that I had evaded his question.

His name drew my attention over to his face, he looked like a young japanese boy. Did he know english? But those giraffes had understood me too, something else was causing me to understand what they were saying, maybe it had something to do with the voice I heard on Earth. I decided to make sure anyways, I was opening my mouth to ask Yuuta if he spoke english when the cell door opened with a heavy creak. The rusted hinges emitting a screech as they were forced to move.

I turned around to look at the opening and saw a pair of giraffes standing at the opening, they stood to either side of the door, respectfully standing upright, their gazes rigid. A solitary giraffe walked in past them, he paid the two no heed as he walked inside the cell. He smiled brazenly and said,"How are my guests doing?"

Chapter 2 will come out tomorrow, I don't know if I can keep this pace up. I apologise in advance if I am unable to post a chapter a day, but I will try my hardest.

Hope you liked this chapter, leave a comment (it really makes me happy to see people reading). Most of all, thanks for taking the time to read my book, even if you did not enjoy it thus far, I hope you stick around and give me a chance.

Signing Off,


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