
CHAPTER 06 : "I Don't Hate Him Anymore"

"And in the middle of my chaos, there was you."


The next day, we gathered outside in the corridor to discuss our plans for the day.

I had been trying my best to avoid Tyler's gaze ever since the class started, but all my efforts were failing terribly.

"Hey Lucy. How are you?" Luke asked, with a smug expression.

"That's generous of you to ask, after all the crap you pulled on me. But anyways, I'm doing fine. Thanks for asking."  I blurted out, folding my arms on my chest.

"Whooppss. It reminds me of last night." Luke said dramatically. "I can't stop thinking about this. You guys pretended to sit like you are allergic to each other and then a moment later-"

"Cut the crap.... Let's not waste our time and get going." Tyler said decisively, gratefully cutting Luke off.

From the corner of my eye, I saw him blush crimson when Luke mentioned 'that'.

I was acting like a weirdo . A moment earlier I was trying not to meet his gaze and now I was trying my hardest to look into his eyes and nod on every single word he said like, acting like I didn't remember anything.

I wonder how long this pretense would continue.


As soon as we arrived at Tyler's house,  we started working on editing the pictures taken by us and making them presentable.

It took us some time to finish the task.

My head was throbbing by the time we were done.

"Ahh finally... We are done." Luke said sighing in relief.

"Now there's only one thing left to do". Tyler said, ceasing his brows tightly together.

"What now?" The three of us blurted out at once.

"Relax guys. We just have to make a presentation of these photographs". He said.

"Umm.. Maybe we can prepare it at our place". Anna said. I think she didn't notice me staring daggers at her.

"Anna! What even-" I gritted my teeth.

"Okay... We will surely come, why not. Invitation accepted. Isn't it great Tyler? " Luke said, rubbing his hands together in glee.

"No... Its just.. I mean it would be better if we could do it at our place. Some people would be troubled by- " Tyler said hesitantly.

"Okay... Alright. Why do you guys have to blame me for everything? It's fine. Our place. Tomorrow." I stated, throwing my hands in defeat.


The next day after attending the class, we all headed to our place.

"Oh I can't believe this!" Luke said ."Lucy let me in? I thought she would slam the door at me.... "

"Just shut up or next time I'll make sure I do that". I said, rolling my eyes at him.

"Next time? What do you mean. You'll invite me here again. Wow.... " He teased.

"In your dreams ". I said and walked away.

"Okay! You guys please don't start again". Tyler said.

We headed to our room and I turned on my laptop.

Preparing the presentation wasn't that big of a task. It didn't take us long to finish the task.

Finally, when we were done, Luke said.

"How rude of you, Lucy. You didn't even asked us for some coffee! Tsk. Tsk." Luke said, dramatically.

"Guess what? I'm craving coffee right now. Hehe. Lucy please.". Anna said with puppy eyes and I stared at her coldly.

"Oh wait. There's one more picture we haven't added to the presentation." Luke snapped his fingers.

"What are you talking about? We have already added all the photos." Tyler said.

"No! There is one left! Let me show you". Luke said taking out a USB drive from his pocket and inserting it inside the laptop.

I wonder what wicked scheme he was planning now.

He scrolled through some files and stopped on one.

"So, now what you all are about to witness will certainly make it clear to you what I can do when someone's my enemy." Saying this, he opened a file making me jump in my place.

It was a picture of me, sleeping peacefully resting my head on Tyler's shoulder and Tyler looking at me.

You shouldn't have done this to me. I wish murder was not a crime.

I looked at Tyler who looked taken aback.

"Luke. When on earth did you click this picture? I swear I was keeping an eye on you the whole time?" He blurted out.

"Why are you guys looking at me like that? I didn't take it. I was driving ugh. Anna took it." Luke said and I glanced at Anna who was struggling to keep a straight face

"I- I am sorry Lucy. But I couldn't stop myself. You guys looked umm.. cute? But it really wasn't my idea. It was Luke who asked me to do it." Anna tried to defend herself.

"Anna, I am not talking to you the rest of my life." I said, feeling betrayed.

I made my way to the computer and tried to delete that picture when I heard Luke say,

"If you want to delete it, go on. But let me tell you that this picture is saved in my camera, laptop, phone and other devices. But if you still want to do it even now, I won't stop you". Luke said shrugging his shoulders in the most idiotic way.

I glanced at Tyler who was staring blankly at the floor.

Why don't you do something?

"So, the deal is, you are making coffee for us, right now". Luke ordered.

"Ha ha ha. I am not-"

"Okay then. I am sharing this picture on my Instagram, putting a caption saying "Your bony, ugly ass shoulder is a better place to rest than any pillow invented. #Tycy." Luke said, fidgeting his phone in his hands.

"You are not doing anything like that." Tyler said, finally breaking his silence.

"No, my friend. I swear I will". Luke blurted out. I was fuming with anger.

"Okay ugh!!! I am making it." I stomped my feet and stormed out of room.

"How many spoons of poison would you like, sir?" I returned to ask.

"No thanks, I'd rather not have any." Luke said, grinning at me.

After sometime I came back in the room.

"Good news everyone. We are out of coffee." I said.

"What? I am not leaving without having a cuppa coffee." Luke said, looking strangely bewildered.

"Oh shit. I'll go get in a moment. Hold up." Anna said, picking up her coat.

"Wait. It's getting dark. I will accompany you." Luke said and they both left, leaving the two of us in an awkward silence.

I saw Tyler get up from the couch and take small, deliberate, yet hesitant steps towards me.

He cleared his throat to catch my attention.

"Umm.. I was wondering if you guys have a..umm..like..a spacious place. You know, to get some fresh air?" He asked, in a slightly different tone as he normally used to talk to me.

Why do I have this kind of effect on people? Am I really that intimidating?

"Yeah of course. We do have a rooftop. Wait, I'll guide you there." I stated, tossing the book on a table, which I had started reading to make the situation less awkward.

I led him to the rooftop. The sudden intake of fresh, invigorating and chilly air felt better than I had expected.

"Oh is that badminton?" Tyler queried, his voice dripping with excitement.

He picked up the badminton racquets and examined them.

"Yeah.. Anna got them a few months ago. We don't play that anymore though." I explained, fiddling with my fingers nervously.

He picked up a shuttlecock and tossed me a racquet.

"Loser buys a meal." He said, with an amused grin planted on his place, which was glowing in the moonlight.

"Ahh... I'm sorry Tyler, but I really am not in a mood toda-" My sentence was blocked by him tossing the shuttlecock my way.

"C'mon. Don't be a boomer. Are you afraid you'll lose?" He shouted from the other side.

Ouch! That really hurt my ego.

I didn't know my competitive nerves were waiting for this apportunity. After hesitating a little, I declared. "Challenge accepted."

I tossed the shuttlecock back to him using the racquet forcefully.

He grinned mischievously before throwing it back at me. I was shocked by how competitive he was. He had always been good at sports.

Not to mention, I sucked at sports. But I had practiced badminton with Anna few times, so I had prettymuch gotten the hold of if.

When throwing it back to him, I realized it was really uncomfortable for me as I was wearing a skirt today. I tried to used it as an excuse to make Tyler go easy on me, because his hits were too hard for a less, lonely girl, like me.

"Hey stop, it's not fair! I'm at a disadvantage." I whined, pouting at him.

"What?" He yelled from the other side, approaching me. "What's disadvantageous?"

I said nothing and just waited for him to notice.

"Huh. Look at you making lame excuses. Lemme fix that for you." He said and took a step closer to me.

He removed his coat, taking another step towards me, almost closing the distance between us.

"What are you doing-" I froze in my place, unable to make any movement.

He wrapped his coat around my waist, making my heart jump in my chest.

"Fine now?" He asked, taking a step not too far away from me.

I was enthralled by his ocean blue, insanely attractive eyes. I felt my legs shaking when I tore my gaze off him.

"Ye-yes." I stuttered, pulling myself together.

He grinned at me and ran off to take his spot.

"Don't expect me to go easy on you Tyler Smith!! Now I'll show you what I got!" I said, furrowing my brows and picking up the racquet.


I don't know what corny kind of spirit had taken over me at that moment. I just found myself completely and utterly consumed by a sudden wave of happiness, which I had felt after an awfully long time.

I felt all my defenses come down when I saw her smile like that. I knew I was probably going to regret that and cringe myself at those thoughts, but if I have to regret it, I'll do that later. Right now, I am going to live in the moment where there's just me, her and our hearts beating to the same rhythm.

She is making me feel an emotion I've never felt in my entire lifetime.

Or maybe just once.

< Lucy >

I can't believe how terribly wrong I was about him all this time. He is not a bad person. Certainly not. Even though he's an egotistical, bossy, narcissistic idiot. But still, in that moment, I knew that he wasn't a bad person. His smile made me feel a thousand emotions at a time. He seemed like a person seeking happiness after going through hell.

After some time, we were too jaded to play anymore. I was out of stamina and I saw Tyler panting heavily.

I fetched drinks for both of us. We sat down on the floor, taking huge sips from our drinks.

"I didn't expect you to be this competitive. You looked so fierce when playing." He said, turning his face towards me.

"Huh! Look who's talking. You looked like you were betting your whole life on it." I answered, letting out a snort.

He smiled. "Well... I've always been enthusiastic when it comes to games."

"Yup. I remember when we were in school, you were so good at sports." I said, reminiscing the memory.

"Yup.. and I remember you sucked at sports." He laughed mischievously.

"Ugh..why do you still remember this." I replied, slightly blushing at the thought.

The rest of the time, we sat there, gazing at the moonlight and the stars twinkling in the galaxy.

I don't know about the rest, but there was one thing I knew for sure.

I don't hate him anymore.