
✨Chapter 4 ✨



Letting go is apart of healing



"Wake up Avery it's your first day of public school" my mom walked into my room opening up the curtains in my room.

Gosh! I forgot these public school schoolers wake up early.

"5 more minutes" I moaned throwing the blanket over my head.

"No, this what you wanted" she pulled the blanket off me.

I groaned kicking myself out of bed and stomping to the bathroom to take a shower. 

I got out of shower and walked over to my room going through my outfits,

what to wear? What to wear?

I pulled out a high waisted jeans and a hoodie. Fitting on my converse.

I walked down stair and my mom served me breakfast.

I ate my cereal watching my mom grab a few things and put them into her purse.

"Eat up. I am taking you to school" she walked out the kitchen.

I finished up and waited for my mom at the door.

"Let's go" she dangled her keys in my face. I locked the door behind and skipped down to the car. I got into the passenger seat and my mom drove off.

"So are you ready for your first day"

"Yes, just nerves" I started rubbing my hands against each other.

"Don't worry. It won't be that bad" she rubbed my shoulder.

We pulled up in front of the school and I took a few deep breaths before steeping out.

I followed my mom until we reached the reception. My mom to the receptionist while I stared at the trophy case.

"Come on Avery" my mom called out to me.

We walked into the principals

"Mrs Ryecroft, how are you doing" a man with a round stomach in a brown suit stood up to the shake my mom's hand. He had a small beard and was going bald.

"Mr Walker" my mom gave him a fake smile.

"You free for lunch sometime" he said sitting down.

"I am still married" she showed him her ring finger, was he seriously trying to hook up with my mom.


"Still" he groaned. "Anyways whose this young lady" he gestured to me to take a seat

"This is my daughter Avery, who I had with my husband that I am married too" she said emphasizing on a weird selection of words.

"I didn't know Justin had a sister" he said staring at me. I grabbed hold of my mother's hand. "And you look just like him"

"They twins" my mom trying to get his burning gaze off me. I didn't like people staring at me. It made me very self conscious and shy.

"She seems to have a good record. We would love to have her here" he stood up to shake my mom's hand, my mom declined it.

"Thank you Mr Walker" she turned to walk out.

"How about dinner" he shouted as we walked out.

"Still married" my mom closed the door.

We walked up to the receptionist where I was given a schedule of everything. My mom kissed me goodbye and left me alone in the office.

Having no clue where I had to go.

I read what class I had homeroom in. G29.

I wonder where that must be. I walked out the office and into the packed corridors. I had lost off sense of direction.

"Ava" I heard someone call out and I looked in that direction.

"Amels" a huge grin appeared on my face, finally a human being I know.

She ran up to me and hugged me.

"Save some love for me too" Daniel joined in on the hug.

I pulled away trying to breath.

"You guys. I can't believe I am actually here, but lost. But still here" I jumped up and down.

"Where are you headed" Daniel grabbed the paper from my hand. "Oh I know where your homeroom is, but you can skip it"

"Skip it?" isn't homeroom important or what.

"Only needs go to homeroom, and we aren't nerds" Amelia hooked her arms with me and we started walking

"C'mon we are gonna show you around" Daniel came in between us putting his arms around our shoulders.

We walked down the corridor, while Amelia explained what was where and who was who. From her point of view.

"That's the teachers lounge. For some odd reason they always look like they'd rather be any where else than here" she tilted her head staring through the glass doors. "I wonder why?"

"Can we continue with the tour, watching the teachers depressed is going to make me depressed" Daniel moved us away from the lounge.

Amelia continued with the tour. We walked pass the library where the 'nerds' and 'geeks' hang out. Then the football field 'sexy man paradise'. And we were back in the building walking through the hallways

"Danny" the voice was high pitch.

We turn around and saw a girl with brunette hair and hazel eyes running into Daniels arms. He lifted her off the ground and they shared a brief kiss together.

"That's Daniels girlfriend" Amelia whispered into my ear.

"He has a girlfriend, and a pretty one as well. How did that happen" I leaned over.

"It's true when they say love is blind, but Daniel ain't bad looking, his just a big emotional baby" Amelia rolled her eyes

"Oh my word is this your friend you keep talking about" she jumped out his arms and walked towards. "Avery right?"

"Wait Daniel you talk about me" I looked over her shoulder to look at Daniel.

"Alot" Amelia said covering her mouth.

"I am flattered" I battered my eyelashes.

"Anyways I am Jordan Anderson. Your best friend's girlfriend. Does he talk about me" she smiled with hope inn her eyes

"So much that I can't even remember one thing his said about you" I smiled at her nodding my head.

"While me and my baby are off, see you ladies later" Daniel pulled Jordan by her wrist and they walked away.

Amelia and I turned to face each other and exchanged a few gazes before walking off. We went to the locker where she had to exchange a few books.

I stood against the locker with my back while I waited for her to get done. Then a girl with dirty blonde hair and pink highlights. Green eyes in a cheerleader custom walked towards us.

I tapped Amelia's shoulder to get her attention.

"Oh god, why do I have to deal with bitches so early in the morning" Amelia groaned.

"Hey there, I am Catherine Jones " she gestured her hand out for a hand shake.

Is this the girl Blake has been crying over. She's gorgeous, of cause he'd be depressed because she left him.

"Avery Ryecroft" I shook her hand.

"I am leaving, this is too much bitchness for me" Amelia walked away. "See you after "

"Seriously Justin's lil sister" she smiled.

"We actually twins" I corrected her.

"While I am there's cheerleader trails in two days and I would love for you to try out, you would look great in a cheer costume " she winked and walked off.

Just like before I was lost. I started walking God knows where?

The suddenly I writed was pulled into an empty classroom. I wanted to scream,shout but there was a hand over my mouth. My heart was pounding in my chest, it's like I was reliving my childhood trauma

"Shush, it's OK. It's just me" the voice whispered in my ear.

I opened my mouth and turned my head to look at his face.
