
The Path To Greatness (High School DxD fanfic)

When the old true God died, he did something that no one could have expected, he knew that all worlds would enter an era of chaos, but he did not want his throne to be completely taken, nor give his enemies the chance to destroy everything, so he used his remaining energy to ensure that a human being in an extremely far away realm would receive his "present", and one day this very human would take his place as the true ruler. This human turned out to be a boy called Tendo Ryutaro, and even if he doesn't know, his potential is limitless! -------------------------------------------------------------- Alright, this is an alternate universe, Hyoudou Issei does not exist! Tendo Ryutaro took his place and will have a harem composed of no more than 3! Also, don't like Rias and her Peerage? Then just don't read, don't waste my time with pointless hate comments and reviews. I'm still trying to understand the world of Highschool DxD, so, don't expect too much I might end up creating a few original events instead of simply following canon. Also, this will be a slow-paced story, don't expect mc to be the strongest right at the beginning, in fact... he might even end up being considered the weakest, but this will change given enough time when his talent really blossom.

DaoistUltraGamer · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
4 Chs


As the sunlight entered through the windows Ryutaro finally opened his eyes, for some reason his body was feeling really good right now, he didn't sleep like that in years... He opened his mouth and closed it soon after, he was feeling a little thirsty...

'What happened... Was it a dream?' Memories of him being attacked played on his mind, unfortunately, he blacked out right after seeing a bolt of black lightning, he wondered what was happening with him to have so many dreams.

He decided to sleep a little bit more and stay home today, he still had to miss a single day of school, but he already knew all the subjects they would teach anyway, one day wouldn't make any difference...

He turned to his left and was about to fall asleep, but the moment he stretched his hand, he felt something... different? He couldn't really understand what that feeling was, it was something round and a little bit hot, but it definitely had an amazing feeling to his touch... 'So soft and smooth...'

He kept squeezing the object to his heart's content since his eyes were closed and he was still tired, he thought that this was merely his mind playing tricks on him. But after some minutes he felt something touching his bare chest as someone hugged.

He heard a few moans and was startled, besides what is this feeling in his chest? It's almost as if he wasn't wearing a shirt and was hugging someone... Soon he identified what seemed to be two white peaks pressing his chest, the owner of the peaks would moan softly every time he squeezed the object.

Curious, he opened his eyes and couldn't believe his eyes, right in front of him, the most beautiful girl he knows was hugging him and sleeping naked at his side, she had a blush on her face and hugged him even more tightly every time he squeezed the... wait, what was he squeezing again? Looking at his hand his mouth opened wide...

He was actually groping her ass... He was so shocked that he couldn't help but squeeze it harder, at that moment Rias opened her eyes and looked at him, in what he assumed to be the cutest gaze a human being was capable of doing.

"When... will... you... stop...?" She panted as she mustered all her strength to say those words.

When Ryutaro brain's finally decided to fully work, he noticed what he was doing and paled, completely scared with what just happened he backed away and fell from the bed. He stood up and looked at Rias while blushing madly... 'Why there is such a beautiful girl naked in my bed!?'

At that moment he felt the breeze flowing through his lower parts... 'Don't tell me...' He looked down and was surprised seeing his big dragon exposed to the world! Shuddering he took the closest book and use it to cover his mighty companion.

Seeing his behavior she laughed lightly and sat down on his bed.

"This!? H-how did you end up here? Am I still dreaming?! What the hell is going on with my head!?" He asked in a panicked way.

"Hihi... You aren't dreaming, everything you went through is real." She smiled as she looked at him while showing all of her body... even the lower parts... "I'm Rias Gremory, a Devil."

'What the fuck!?'

"And I'm also your master, it's nice to meet you, Tendo Ryutaro."

Ryutaro could only stare with his eyes wide at her, he couldn't understand what was going on! Did he die or not? Did he lose his virginity with his crush? Was he still dreaming or was he finally awake?? His heartbeat increased every time the thoughts of doing that with Rias crossed his mind...

She stood up and walked to the corner of the room where she left her clothes.

"Wait! If this isn't a dream then why were you sleeping naked in my bed!? And... did... did we..."

"Oh, about this, I had to soak your body in magical energy to heal your wounds, thus I had to hug you naked to make it more effective, and since your injuries were so serious, I had no other choice than sleeping here." She smiled at him and wore her panty. "But don't worry, I'm still a virgin."

For some reason, he smiled after hearing these words. "Wait, why am I smiling?"

Rias was wearing her bra when she noticed something in the desk next to her, it was a notepad and some drawings that Ryutaro made, in one of them she saw that he had drawn the two of them together watching the sunset. She smiled at the drawing and thought, 'how cute...', seeing that she couldn't close her bra, she turned to Ryutaro and asked.

"Can you help me with this?" She took her hair out of the way, exposing her smooth and beautiful back, making him blush once again.

He helped her but couldn't help but ask her something that was on his mind.

"Hey, Rias-San... doesn't it troubles you to be seen naked by me?"

"Huh...? Not really, you are mine after all, so there is no harm." She caressed his face and approached him, they were only a few centimeters away from each other.

He gulped and continued. "Then, what is that talking about being a Devil, you're kidding, right?"

"No..." She touched his lips with her finger. "I'm a real Devil and your master. Can I call you 'Ryutaro'?"

"Uh, ah... yes..."

Since she was dressing he decided to do the same, and somehow, although he started after her, he still finished before her...

"Your home is really quiet, isn't it? Do you live alone?"

Hearing her words he smiled with a blush on his face. "Most of the time, yes. My grandpa also lives here, but he is a workaholic that can't stay one minute away from the military, he only visits me every 6 months to spend the holiday with me and make sure that I didn't die."

Since so much weird shit happened recently he decided to be a little bold and say something he usually wouldn't be capable of doing.

"Why do you ask? Do you want to live here? I wouldn't mind your company..." He turned away to hide his face that was red like a tomato. He wasn't the type of guy to take the initiative... It was his first time being so bold...

"Really? Well, we'll see in the future." She smiled at him but didn't really answer his questions, although that 'we'll see' made his heart beat a little bit faster.

They left his room and went to the kitchen, on the way she praised his house since it was his mother who designed it, it had a happy and peaceful environment, a very good place to live, in fact, he was not irresponsible, he did As far as cleaning the place every week and keeping up to date, there was not a single problem with the house.

"Eheeem... since you helped me so much, I might as well cook breakfast for you, but first, are you allergic to something?"

"I'm not, it's interesting that you are offering to make something for me, I thought that boys usually didn't do this kind of thing." She sat down at the table after cleaning her hands.

"It's the least I could do to thank you, isn't it?"

He cooked something for them, they talked for some time and went to the school.

On the way, many people would stop to look at them with eyes of envy or curiosity, but for most students of Kuoh academy there was only envy, somehow even the girls felt envy of him, just how charming was Rias Gremory to have this capability.

As for the boys... they felt that the world was too unfair, some of them were trying to ask her out for eons and never managed to make it work, some of those were much more handsome than Ryutaro, so why did they failed and he succeded?

"Ryutaro, I want you to follow me after the class end, but until then, try not to die okay~?" She laughed lightly.

Ryutaro sighed and kept following her since they were in the same class. "I'll do my best..."

They went up the first row of stairs, but Rias stopped in front of a girl with short black hair, purple eyes, and glasses. She was a little bit shorter than him and Rias.

"So, it is him?" She smiled at Rias.

"Good morning, Sona."

"Good morning, Rias."

Hearing her name, Ryutaro was startled, 'Wait, her name is Sona? Like that champion from league of legends?'

"Taking him on a whim ... you usually aren't like that," Sona asked.

"Really? Well, I think I have a new talented little brother." Rias smiled at Ryutaro, while Sona stared at her with surprise on her face.

Before Ryutaro could say anything Rias called him. "Let's go, Ryutaro."

He nodded and waved at Sona before following Rias to class.

Life is beautiful... I wonder if I'll ever have a girlfriend... Anyway, if you know how a relationship should progress than please tell me, Rias will definitely be part of his harem, but her personality is a little bit too weird, I don't want to rush things, but I guess she would end up liking the mc in a way or another, even more so considering he unlike Hyoudo Issei, will actually show real interest and try a few times to ask her out. I just don't know how to write this in an interesting way, I never went on dates or things like that, so if you the handsome or beautiful reader could help me with this, I'm pretty sure that a god will bless you with an isekai world just for you! OwO

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