


Me? I'm just someone lost in dreams, who wishes more than anything to write a successful web novel.

2020-06-05 UnidoBrazil



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A Player Within Perfect World

July 2005 In a time where the most advanced game computer could barely run games at 720p, a young boy, conveniently without parents, was about to play a new game that was set to be released that month. One that was based on the wonderful myths of Taoism, Buddhism, and Chinese mythology. Having been one of the thousand or so individuals in the occident who took their time to read 'Journey to the west', undoubtedly he couldn't be any more excited than he was. When the servers finally opened and he logged on to his account, a thunderous voice reached out to him from the void that existed in between the foundations of the universe, at the threshold of existence once known simply as the firmament. "A perfect world was my goal, I defeated the Void, and from his Chi, I used my flesh and bones to carve out all of existence, using my very being as the source of life both for animals, gods, sentient beings, and concepts. "But the Void itself is relentless and eternal just as I am, he uses his power over creation to corrupt and seeks only to return everything and everywhere to the nothingness that it once was, oblivion without form and substance. The heroes, champions who rose from the weak to increase their power and fight for their beliefs tried, will try, and they will fail at the end, that's why I need you, a champion from Beyondearth, to assist me in my goal, and to assist you, I'll allow the true nature of Heavens Mandate to bind with you, at that time, you'll have every tool needed to face what is to come, fight my child, and one day, a power even above I once had might fall into your laps." Just as his words ended, the boy suddenly lost his consciousness, and the next thing he knew was that a weird purple carnivorous plant capable of walking was trying to eat him.

DaoistUltraGamer · Videojogos
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2 Chs

A Warrior's Legacy

A hero is someone who gives of himself, often putting his own life at great risk, for the greater good of others. However, a hero is also somebody who voluntarily walks into the unknown. In a world like the one we live in is one that could make people go crazy, we are fortunate that there are those willing to put their lives at risk to protect us, after all, could society have ever developed without the soldiers that keep our homes safe? All I know is that not all of them explicitly wish to protect us, neither do I, however, since my dream could only be achieved through this method, I'm willing to risk my life in this job. .......................................................................................................... English isn't my first language and I'm still learning, if you have suggestions and tips on how to improve my writing or any other aspect of this story, please I invite you to tell me how since it's a win-win situation for us. There won't be a Harem in this story and I'll try my best to not make it a wish-fulfillment story, I do not like a Gary Stu main character but as someone who has tried to write a few times, I know very well how easy it is to fall in this damnable type of character if things end up going way too far from what I planned I'll probably erase the chapters where things went wrong and I will rewrite them. And PLEASE, if you do not like my story, at least be gentle enough to explain why instead of cursing me or simply giving my story one star while repeating a few words so that you can publish your review. I won't be able to improve if you do something like that.

DaoistUltraGamer · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
2 Chs


After eons of cultivation, a man was able to reach a level where reincarnation was possible! However, reincarnation was not exactly as he expected, at the time he died and activated this mystical ability, virtually all of his memory was erased and the only ones left were his knowledge of cultivation, alchemy, forge and dharmic spells. Unfortunately, in the world in which he reincarnated, most of his knowledge became useless and he had to start over from the beginning. Follow the story of the man who will revolutionize the world of magic and will play the most important role in the fight against the dark lord! ------------------------------ This story happens in an alternate universe, the reason for this is, to give me more freedom. This is a just-for-fun project I have been working with, there will be a lot of non-canon things in the story. Also, don't expect too much of it, I'm not planning the chapters or anything, this is more like me reading the first seven books again and writing the chapters based on what I think it would be interesting or fun to read next since I really wanted to have a Character of my own going through all the things that happened in the series! Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction that draws heavily upon the original source material of Harry Potter. Please support the official material and know I claim no ownership or credit regarding content related to the series. All recognizable characters, plot, setting, etc, are the property of J.K.Rowling and/or Warner Bros. 

DaoistUltraGamer · Livros e literatura
19 Chs