
The Path He Chose Is Revenge: An Idol Once Again

Choi Daniel is average in every aspect. Even though he knows this he still auditioned to be an idol trainee! But wait? He got accepted!? And wait.. He is going to debut in a 5 member group! Daniel was too excited to notice the real reason why the entertainment company used an average man as one of the members of their upcoming group. The idol group members are talented and above average unlike Daniel. After the group debuted using the name 'Heaven'. Scandals to mountains of scandals suddenly popped out of nowhere. All of them are about Choi Daniel. They all weren't even real! What is happening? After Daniel knew the truth it was too late already. He died and couldn't even take revenge on the people who harmed him. They took advantage of Daniel and used him as an exposure for the group. They all thought Daniel couldn't take revenge or do anything now that he is dead. But who would of thought that a famous rookie that appeared is Daniel?! He got reincarnated into a handsome young master of the wealthy Lee family. Xander Lee is talented, handsome and extraordinary in all aspects. Now Choi Daniel is in this body! Do you want to find out Choi Daniel and Xander Lee's revenge?

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22 Chs

The Handsome Heir Of The Lee Family

The first month of rehab was exhausting. Different tests had been done. The first day the physical therapist stretched Xander's feet, the physical therapist range of motion gradually increased. This part was relaxing for Xander. It's like he is getting a massage.

When Xander was able to move his legs he started performing active range motion activities. The physical therapist didn't help Xander move his legs in this. Xander will do the activities without help. This was very exhausting.

After these, Xander working on a stationary bicycle. At this point he is very exhausted.

But in the end of all of these Xander knows he can finally walk again. So he does his best to complete the tasks that he is assigned to do.

4 months had pass, Xander is currently on the treadmill. His recovery is much faster than normal people. It would take atleast 6 months for one to walk properly again but it took Xander only 4 months.

So Xander also started exercising. When he was on Daniel's body he was exercising everyday ever since he was accepted as an idol trainee. It became a habit for him to exercise daily.

Xander didn't do big exercises like he used to do when he was Daniel. This body was still weak afterall.

"Pant.. Pant.. Gasp!" Xander finally stopped his dialy exercise. He is exhausted.

Xander collapse on the floor. After a few minutes he sat down on the floor and took a few sips of the water inside his bottle.

"You held on quite well, Young master Xander." The gym trainer in the Mansion's gym patted Xander's back.

"I will do better next time, uncle." Xander wasn't satisfied by his performance.

The gym trainer sighed when he saw Xander's determined gaze. He knows, no matter how you try to convince Xander. He will remain stubborn.

Woof! Woof!

Xander and the gym trainer turned to the entrance of the Mansion's gym to see Zeus.

Zeus had grown a lot taller. He wasn't like the small puppy that you could carry with one hand like before. It took effort to carry him now.

"Hey, Zeus." Xander smiled and stood up.

Zeus ran towards his owner while wagging his tail. He is happy to see Xander.

Xander played with Zeus for a while before they both exited the gym. The two ran around the garden for a while before heading back inside the Mansion.

Xander took a quick shower. He change into a white button up shirt. He put on a black sweater on top of the shirt. And he put on a simple white trousers.

Xander's hair is long. It reach below his nape. So he tied his hair and left a few hair strands on the front of his face to stick out. He might cut his hair shorter in the future but he likes this style currently.

"Good afternoon, Young Master. Have you finished working out?" A maid greeted Xander as soon as he stepped inside the lounge.

"Good afternoon." Xander nodded and greeted the maid before making his way to one of the kitchens.

Xander entered the kitchen to see the head chef baking pastries for grandmother Lee. Grandmother Lee likes pastries very much.

"Hello, head chef." Xander greeted the head.

"Young Master! Hello!" The head chef replied happily before continuing putting icing on a cake.

Xander made his way to the kitchen cabinet before taking a few snacks. He then went to get some snacks for Zeus too.

After that, Xander went back to the garden to see Zeus drinking water in his bowl. Xander smiled as he took a bite from his banana.

A lot of changes had happened this past four months since he took over Xander's body.

He found out that the Lee family is a very wealthy family, much more richer than he thought. The Lee family had restaurants, clothing stores, car stores, malls, other small companies, hotels, and even an entertainment company.

They are the one of the wealthiest families in the world! They have influence and connections all around the world.

Their villas and mansions around the world couldn't even be counted. The net worth of the Lee family exceeded trillions of dollars. All of these will be soon inherited by Xander.

No wonder people targets this family. This is also one of the reason why the Lee family kept a low profile. They are just too rich! The family isn't even on the Forbes list about rich people. They far exceeded the wealth of those people in the list.

The one of the biggest changes that had happened by the last four months is Xander.

When he woke up in Xander's body. He had the height of 175 cm. Now he had the height of 185 cm! Xander had grown 10 centimeters in just four months.

Xander was not given a phone by his grandmother tho. Grandmother Lee said that Xander should focus on recovering first. After he became healthy again she will give him a phone.

Xander understands this so he didn't persuade the old woman anymore. But he was very curious what people reacted to Choi Daniel's death.

What happened to his sister after his death? What did the media react? Did the people mourn his death or didn't care about it? Are they happy because of his death?

All those questions are stuck in his head ever since.

Xander leaned back on the bench he sat on.

This body of Xander Lee seems to become more and more handsome than before. His cheeks are not hallowed like before, his lips are rosy and not dry and pale like last time.

He doesn't look like a handsome corpse anymore. Now he looks like the prince charming young girls dream about.

Xander stood up from his chair and made his way to Zeus. He handed him a few treats and played with the dog.


"Young Master seems to have gotten more handsome again." A maid sighed, helplessly.

Their Young Master is too handsome. They couldn't focus on work when he walks around the Mansion. His face is very distracting! Why did god make someone so handsome?

"He changed a lot." Another maid spoke while staring at the window with the other maids.

They are all staring at Xander. The sunlight hits his face and the wind softly blows his black hair. This scene looks very magical. He looks like a prince!

"I think I can die peacefully now."

"Every sides of Young master's face is very handsome!"

"Even his personality is as handsome as his face."

"Young Master, is different from other rich heirs. He is very humble."

The maids continued to talk loudly not noticing the old woman on the side watching them.

'Xander seems to steal people's heart without noticing it.' Grandmother Lee stood at the side while shaking her head.

'I will probably have a granddaughter-in-law sooner than I expected.' Grandmother Lee chuckled before leaving the scene of fangirling maids.
