
The path from a summoned hero to a god.

Vincent Gold was a normal teenager until him and his classmates were summoned by a god because of a hero summoning ritual given three perks and two classes he must fight and save the world from the demon king… or does he. Watch as Vincent Gold goes from normal student to a supreme god in this story of a man…. Well no spoilers I don’t own mcu, fandom, or any other movie, book,game, show, or anime. and I don’t own the books picture. Don’t ask what the mcu parts for as spoilers

godking_leviathan · Outros
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12 Chs

An alliance to die for

We find ours elves inside a throne room everyone inside looked different some humanoid with horns and tails some looked completely inhuman. They were all demons and on the throne was a beautiful woman with golden hair and ruby eyes. On her head was two curved crimson red horns this one the 300th demon king of the demon empire Auriel. But what was most notable was the frown on her face as the steward kneeling before her was giving her horrible news.

Steward: m…my lady w…we have an intruder in the c…castle

Auriel: how could the guards let a intruder in are they fools!? Find the intruder now! Until you find them I will stay in my chambers with guards stationed for my protection. Go now and fix this.

After she finished she marched out with 6 guards following after her as she stormed off to her room.

Auriel: incompetent…. Fools…. Useless

She kept ranting under her breath until she got to her door before marching inside but not without putting her guards in their place.

Auriel: stay positioned in front of the door and let no one in you can at least do that right, right?

Not letting them finish she marched into her room and shut it tight. Only to turn around and find a masked man playing chess by himself.

Auriel: guards!!!!

???: they can't hear you I put a sound proofing spell up. Let's just calm down and have a chat.

Auriel was scared at first until she felt that the man was only a level 4 mage. It was best to note that she was a rank 7 grandmaster mage so she felt this man wasn't actually a threat.

Auriel: hmph for someone so weak you seem to be full of yourself…. But fine.

????: 'is this bitch stupid? How can I be weak if I could sneak inside here and put up a sound proof barrier….' ….sure let's just chat….

Auriel: *in a arrogant and snobby voice* isn't it polite to show your face if you want to talk. I am Auriel the demon king now who are you.

????: 'yep she's a idiot she introduced herself like I didn't just break into her castle and into her room' sigh…. *takes off mask* I am Vincent an Gold Adept mage as well as summoned hero…

This put Auriel on guard knowing she can feel the hero's main class but she wouldn't feel the secondary class.

Auriel:… what do you want… are you here to kill me?

Vincent: 'it's best to bluff and put myself on the high ground for the time being.' If I wanted to kill you, you would already be dead… no what I want is an alliance I can make the hero's you ally and you help me with a few things.

Auriel: how can I trust you?

Vincent: hahaha you can't but what's the fun of living if there isn't a little risk.

Auriel: what would the alliance require from each of us?

Vincent: I will offer you the help of the hero's, and I will supply you with better gear for your army while you supply me with your knowledge of spell craft and let me into the seer temple.

Auriel: you think your workmanship is better then ours!? How dare you!?

Vincent: I know you have spy's one the human kingdom you must of heard of me at least once? Let's spice it up I will add in some arcanum tattoos for your army.

Auriel wasn't a fool she knew after thinking that this was the human who's weapons are are just below the dwarves. His items was definitely valuable. And if he can truly get the hero's on her side that would be a great boost to her empires power…

Auriel: deal… you can go to the imperial colleges library to learn spell craft and later I will introduce you to the temple of time… now about the hero's.

Vincent: easy they are weak now you should be able to capture them. Do it and bring them here I will do the talking. Now excuse me I want to go learning your ways in spell craft so much to learn and so little time to learn it.

And so he left her in her room as I put his mask on and put his hood back up and disappeared.

Auriel: *gasp* a invisibility enchantment… I need to talk to the lord priest of the temple of time.

And so she also left rushing towards the giant temple near her castle.