
The path from a summoned hero to a god.

Vincent Gold was a normal teenager until him and his classmates were summoned by a god because of a hero summoning ritual given three perks and two classes he must fight and save the world from the demon king… or does he. Watch as Vincent Gold goes from normal student to a supreme god in this story of a man…. Well no spoilers I don’t own mcu, fandom, or any other movie, book,game, show, or anime. and I don’t own the books picture. Don’t ask what the mcu parts for as spoilers

godking_leviathan · Others
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12 Chs

Don’t worry I’m a doctor

Months have came and passed and Vincent gave himself over to his research and learning. He has finished his lessons in spell craft and joined the time temple gaining the power of a seer though only the basics. But what was he focusing on if not the seers ability you may ask. The answer is the immortal path. And he found the issue which was humans in themselves are to weak to evolve into immortals. Learning that he started studying ritual magic and blood magic which let him create bloodlines. His thoughts was what if he could alter the ritual and make a race instead of a bloodline. And he finished but it had a rough requirement needing the blood of 13 different beings to put what made them special into one being making a race.

Knowing that the demons now saved the hero's he wanted to experiment and make the perfect ingredients for his own ritual. Rams that's where we find him now in front of Ashley who is chained down to a chair that was enchanted to seal people's classes. Her eyes was forced open with metal tongs making her unable to blink as Vincent was prodding her with needles and blades.

-Pov Vincent

Vincent: fascinating using hero's to boost each other then using 13 boosted hero's to boost another. In the end we have you hahaha. It's amazing you have all classes and even their cheats…. I'm positive if it wasn't for the enchantments you would easily kill me and probably be the strongest mortal ever even if you can't become a immortal….

Ashley: Vincent have you gone crazy! What you have done is a crime! It's inhuman!.

Vincent kneeled in front of Ashley he was positive if it wasn't for her eyes being dry she would be crying.

Vincent: what's the use in morals or anything like the thoughts of what would people on earth would feel or do… don't you realize we wouldn't be able to go back even if we wanted to the chances of such a thing… well isn't zero but still improbable…. Though why would I go back when there's so much here I mean look at what I made you into. On earth you could probably kill a country easily… probably not take on a nuke but still you even with such a low level could possibly become all powerful.

Vincent:besides look on the bright side you will be part of the building blocks to make a new race the mother of change isn't that amazing… I get I might be a little crazy and I admit that my cheats are probably the reason as all I see when I look at you now isn't a human but like I would a tool or a animal used for testing. But it will get better trust me…. I'm a doctor.

And with that the experiments started again testing her blood to see where she is and after using a stylus it was amazing. 169 people put into 1 and you might ask how can 173 people be in a class well there wasn't but there are many hero's from earth that was here many and it was easy to collect them. But that's not the great part Ashley was like a walking god in mortal flesh 3 classes all their sub classes and best of all 510 cheats in one body. If it wasn't for the enchantments leaving her as weak as when she was in earth he had no doubt she would be able to kill him.

Vincent stopped studying her and decided on the bloods needed for his new race.

Vincent: Ashley will represent the humans as I want those cheats they will boost my potential massively. Next demons for their magic resistance and healing factor. Elves for their magic potential and their stealth abilities. Beast men for their reflexes and speed. Halflings as from my research their race was blessed with great luck and have great stealth as well.orcs are a good idea as they are natural tanks with their strength and defense. Then we can use Demi humans such as merfolk for their magic resistance and reflexes. Maybe lizardmen and centaurs as lizardfolk have great resistance to physical and magical damage while centaurs are like dps dealers with their speed and strength.

Vincent: that's 10 blood races right there maybe use monsters next….. dragons are a must as they are known to be the true predators of the world with their Amazon magic potential and crazy resistance to damage. And I could use Phoenixs as they are considered equal to dragons with their insane regeneration and magic power... but the final sacrifice…. I could reuse a bloodline but that's a waste….. no…wait! Devil beasts…. they seem to be the true demons like on earth…. If I use them couldn't I get their great resistance and near immortal regeneration as well... putting the different versions of the same powers together they should evolve to a new level…..

Vincent:yes I need 170 of each race then after making the perfect sacrifices I can finally make the perfect race. Most only use the 13 they need but why stop with the bare minimum when you can genetically engineer the perfect race… this is giving me a deja vu feeling….. best get the ingredients…. I could use the war for that… get everyone to join then kidnap soldiers off the battlefield so noone knows….. but before that I should learn all the sub classes first.

all while he says this the now gagged Ashley was shaking in fear as she looked at the crazed look in Vincent's eyes.

-to be continued.

Note: ya I kind of made him the mad scientist type maybe I been reading and watching to many anime's and manga…. I mean I groomed Ashley to be sacrificed but then I thought it would be a waste to leave all those cheats just laying there….so ya don't see them. I might have to go back on a flash back as this seems like it might feel like I skipped a chapter so maybe a flashback or I might keep going. Choice is yours