
The Painter and her Business man

Cassie William, a small town painter finds herself clashing with the CEO of Beaumont enterprise, Adrian Beaumont. She soon realise that Adrian is rude and arrogant but she doesn't hesitate to call him out. Impressed by her honesty, Adrian decides to offer her a deal that would turn her life upside down

Brokenwingsforever · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
14 Chs

Love Triangle

It's 8am, I stare at my phone. The feeling of dread running through me, I need to speak to Charlie today, I need to end things.


Morning Charlie, Are you free today? We need to talk.


Morning, Yes I am. Let's meet up for lunch, Kelly's?


Okay, see you then.

As much as I have tried it just isn't working and Adrian last night has yet again messed with my head. I touch my lips thinking about our hot and passionate kiss.He's only messing with you. He doesn't want you, get yourself together Cass.

I am standing by the door outside of Kelly's waiting for Charlie. I feel someone place their hand on the small of my back, I look up to see Adrian. The blood flushes from my face, my heart is racing so fast.

"You okay you look like you've seen a ghost" he says with a slight smile

"Yeah um I'm fine, M-meeting" I stutter. I'm so nervous purely because I know Charlie will be here any minute. I clear my throat

"I erm I'm meeting with someone"

"Cass" I hear Charlie. He's crossing the road walking to us. Shit okay things just got ten times harder. Fuck Charlie is going to think I'm leaving him for Adrian. Why did he have to be here

Charlie's eyes shuffle to Adrian's hand on my waist, I take a step back creating distance between us.

"Hey babe" he has never called me babe not even once. He leans over a plants a kiss on my lips. I'm taken back blinking rapidly. What the shit! that wasn't for my benefit It's purely because Adrian is standing right here

"Hey Charlie, you know Adrian Beaumont right" I glance at Adrian his face hard and serious. He doesn't look happy at all his eyes meet mine then glances at Charlie.

"Yeah we met at the charity at the Beaumont mansion right?!" Charlie says

Adrian's eyes look dark "Yeah we did and that time you were coming onto her at the gallery" Adrian says with attitude. OMG I'm glaring at Adrian who couldn't care less about my reaction

"What's your problem?" Charlie says moving in front of me and getting in Adrian's space.

"Right now, you are!" He says calm but so blunt. I get in between them. "Guys what the hell?" I glare at both of them.

"Stop now, both of you"

"Can't you see he is after you again! What is he doing here?" Charlie looks at me

"Charlie he isn't after me nor am I after him. We just ran into each other" I say

"And you're good enough for her" my eyes open wide at Adrians word, oh god please don't not in front of the restaurant.

"And you think you are? Last time I checked you didn't want her did you, you fucked her a threw her to the side right?"

"Charlie!" I shout

"Watch your fucking mouth" Adrian says moving closer to Charlie.

"Enough! both of you, I've had enough. Charlie we can't be together it just never worked, has never worked. I asked to meet up today because I don't think we should carry on. I gave you a chance thinking it would work between us, but it doesn't and you know this and I do not want to ever hurt you. I see you as a friend a good friend"

"And you" I turn to Adrian "I told you how I felt, you didn't feel the same, you left and I moved on. It's not a big deal but the thing we had I'm never going back to that" I glare at him.

They both stand there looking at me like a couple of boys who have just been told off by their mother.

"Now good day!" I say walking away from them.


I'm drawing the plans for the new gallery layout and my door bell rings. I open the door, It's Adrian.

I push the door closed but he stops it with his foot "I just want to talk and apologise" he says pushing the door with this hand. He pushes a takeaway bag in front of me

"Peace offering" he smirks. I open the door and he waltzes in.

"Go on, I'm listening"

"Don't you want to eat first?" he says

"No, because after you're done, I might kick you out with your food, so go on" He places the bag on the coffee table.

"Okay, well first I wanted to apologise about the pissing contest I had with Charlie earlier today. I don't know what got over me, when he kissed you I just saw red" I narrow my eyes ask him

"When did that happen?" his eyes growing darker

"Right after you left, we wanted me to use him to get over you" I say embarrassed

"Did you?" he says softly

"Why would you be upset to see him with me" I ask ignoring his question.

"I'll get to that in a minute" he says his voice low

"I"m sorry for how things ended before I left I could have handled things better, especially when you told me about.. your feelings" he takes a deep breath.

"Yes you could have handled it better, but you didn't, I was so hurt by how you spoke to me, even ... after we had sex how blunt you were, I know it was just sex but.." I stop

"But nothing, I don't know what I was expecting" my eyes meet his, my breathing changing, his eyes made me want to wrap my arms around him and feel his on my body.

"I know, I could have been better. I didn't want to develop feelings for you so I was cold and distant, I know that's no an excuse, but I'm really sorry" He eyes sincere. He moves closer to me, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear.

"Adrian don't, I "

"It's hard for me, I've never. You're pretty much the only person who has ever called me out on my shit, you've got an opinion of your own and don't just agree with everything I say, you don't see me as the heir of Beaumont" he runs his hand through his hair

"When I left I felt like shit for how I treated you, I couldn't get you out of my head and shake you off and then I saw him kiss you and" he turns around

"It doesn't matter, I have a new proposition" he turns to face me again with a smirk on his lips.

"I want to take you out on a date"

"I don't think that's such a good idea"

"Please, I need you to see that I'm not a complete asshole" I look at him, should I give him a chance? What if he hurts me again? Maybe this time will be different?

"I don't know" I shake my head

"One date and if you don't want to see me again so be it, I'll leave you alone"

"Okay, one date" he smiles

"Great, you won't regret it"

"We'll see, anyway what's in the bag"

"Burgers and fries"

"Thank god, I'm so hungry"

We sit beside each other on the couch, devouring the burger he bought. They were so yummy and god knows I was starving. After we finish, I clear up. I can feel his eyes on me, watching me like a hawk.

"You doing anything tomorrow?" he asks

"Yeah, I'm meeting with Mike and your dad to go over the new layouts and me taking over. I'm actually free after, around 5ish?"

"Okay, Shoot me a text after I might be free too. I'll leave you to it, I've got to go and sort out a few things now that I'm back" His eyes serious and his tone low

"Okay" I didn't want him to leave but I didn't want to show him that vulnerable side of me again. I missed him while he was away even after how things were left, despite being with Charlie. I could never fully forget him.

"I'll see myself out" he leans close to me and deposits a soft kiss on my cheek, His scent fogging my brain.

I finish tidying up and I plop myself on the couch. I exhale hard, what am I doing? I'm in such shit situation. I look at my phone.I got a few texts from Charlie.


Hey can we talk, Call me when you get this


Are you home, I'm going to swing by around 8pm

Shit I look at the time it's 7:45pm, I quickly text him.


Sorry, I was busy, yeah you can pop by

I sigh relieved that Adrian just left, imagine if he left a little bit later, these two would be at it again. A little bit after 8pm my door rings, I let Charlie in. "You okay?" I ask

"Yeah, just" he says waving his hand in the air

"What did you want to talk about?"

"Us, did you mean what you said?"

"Yes Charlie, I only tried because you asked me to. It's unfair for me to carry on if my heart isn't in it" I say softly

"We've been dating for almost three months and we haven't slept together, we've kissed a handful of times" His expression drops

"I know" he says softly

"Look Charlie, it all boils down to this, did it ever feel right to you? Tell me the truth" He looks at me and runs his hand through his hair

"No, it didn't. But maybe you were holding back?"

"Charlie I didn't I moved at the pace that felt right and it progressed so so slowly. We both know it would never worked" I shrug my shoulders, he takes a deep breath in

"I know you're right, can we at least stay friends?"

"Yeah of course!" I walk over and hug him.