
The Painter and her Business man

Cassie William, a small town painter finds herself clashing with the CEO of Beaumont enterprise, Adrian Beaumont. She soon realise that Adrian is rude and arrogant but she doesn't hesitate to call him out. Impressed by her honesty, Adrian decides to offer her a deal that would turn her life upside down

Brokenwingsforever · Fantasy
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14 Chs

A Romantic Dinner for Two

After what seemed to be the longest meet ever with Mike and Mr Beaumont, we finally all come to an agreement. I will be in charge of the gallery while Mike will be moving away to the new location and operating the new gallery. We decided to have a grand opening for the new gallery displaying our best artists and work. I wasn't too happy when Mr beaumont mentioned using Nicole as a party planner, but she is good at what she does.

After we wrap up I text Adrian.


Hey just finished, I'm free if you are


Okay, I'll pick you up at 7:30 wear something simple


I get home and have a quick shower, then get dressed. Since it's summer and the nights are so warm, I opted for a flowy white summer dress, the cleavage drops down enough to reveal a little bit of boob. By the time I have done all that I get a text from Adrian



I still don't understand why he is so blunt all the time, he could have worded that better to not sound so bossy and jerky. I grab my bag and make my way outside. As soon as I see him, my heart starts beating really fast, gosh why am I so nervous. He is leaning against his car wearing a black t-shirt, joggers and trainers. His watching me like a hawk.

"Hi" I say softly, he pushes himself off of the car and places a kiss on my cheek

"Hey, Ready?" He says, I nod. He opens the door and I climb in

"So we're are we going?" I asks curious

"To Beaumont Mansion" he says as he drives off.

"How was your day?" I ask, trying to make conversation, our last relationship was silent we barely made conversation or try to learn anything about the other person. Although I did learn a few things along the way.

"Busy, stressful" he says short. I look at him and his eyes meet mine briefly. I am waiting for him to elaborate. He frowns.

"My father has officially left the company and I'm the only CEO, just got a lot going on at the moment and a lot of my mind" his voice serious

"oh I didn't know your dad was stepping down"

"Not a lot of people knew. We've kept it quiet for a while until I fully take over" he says his voice low

"I'm sure you'll be good at it" I smile at him

We spent the rest of the drive silent. I guess we're back to the old ways. We get to the mansion and are welcomed by Mrs Lint.

"Everything has been set up for you sir" she says with a warm smile

"Thank you Mrs Lint. I won't be needed you for the rest of the night so you may leave if you want" he says to her. He's actually being nice and he smiled at her. I think Mrs Lint was slightly shocked based on how her eyebrows shot up when he smiled.

He grabs my hand leading me to the garden. We walk past the seating areas and all the way to the pond. My eyes widen when I realise what Mrs Lint's 'all set up for you Sir' was about.

The trees around the lake was covered in soft fairy lights. There was a picnic blanket, and pillows. Besides it lied a mini table with food and wine on it. I could contain my smile, I was litterally melting. He turned to look at me and it was probably the first time I have ever seen him smile with teeth. He grins at me.

"Like it ?" He asks

"I love it" there were candles scattered around. It is so romantic and the view of the pond on a summers night was perfect.

We sat down on the blanket as Adrian poured the wine and layed out the other bits. There was cheese, grapes, a meat plater and sweet pastries. it all looks so yummy

He hands me a glass and I take it looking over the pond. The sun is setting and the was orange with subtle streak of blue still visible. Honestly brownie points for this.

"I can't never get enough of his garden it's so beautiful"

"I know, I have a lot of childhood memories here especially with my mother" He says softly. I then realise that I have only met his Dad not his Mom, I wonder if she's still around.

"Oh where do your parents live now?"

"Just my father, he has a place in the country. He prefers it there. My mother" he pauses looking over the pomd.

"She died when I was 18 from cancer" he exhales. I can see the pain on his face, the sadness washing over him. This is the first time we've spoken about something so personal. But I can't help but feel sad for him. I can imagine him, just a teen losing his mother it must've been hard

"It was never the same after that. My father loved my mother so much, when she died it broke him. He just stopped living how he used to. I don't ever want to know that pain. I've experience enough pain but to go through something like that must really break a man" he says running his hand through his hair.

My eyes widen, so that's why he won't allow himself to get close to anyone. He is scared to lose the person he'll fall in love with.

"I'm sorry for your loss" I says placing my hand on the nape of his neck and stroking lightly. He turns to me, it's almost as if that wall he puts up has come down for a minute. We're brought back to reality when we hear Mrs Lint shouting

"Mr Beaumont is busy" we look towards the mansion only to see Nicole walking over followed by Mrs Lint.

"What's going on?" she says walking towards us. I'm confused did he invite her ?

"What are you doing here?" Adrian says he's tone low and serious

"I left my purse" she says then turns to me slightly smirking "in your room last night" my eyes are widen at the sudden realisation of what what going on.

My heart instantly sank, I felt a wave of anger wash over me, I wasn't angry at her or him but at myself. For allowing myself to get spun in his web again. Mrs Lint is behind Nicole her eyes on me. I was fighting the tears of embarrassment, I need to leave right now.

I turn and look at Adrian, he briefly closes his eyes and exhales hard.

"She was here last night?" My voice small. I feel so embarrassed right now, I thought … doesn't matter what I thought I'm an idiot to ever think this man wanted more than fucking. Was all of this is way of starting our agreement again? all this romantic shit to get me back?

Before Adrian has a chance to speak Nicole turns to me "yes I was, what are you even doing here?" She stands with her hand on her hip

"Stay here" he says looking down at me

"Nicole, inside now" he leaves with her and she gives me one last look before following obediently behind him.

Mrs Lint gave me a sorry look then followed after them. I turn to face the pond, looking down at the picnic before me. I don't understand why take me here, do all this? I bend down grabbing my wine glass and down the whole thing. I need some liquid courage.

After a while, I see Adrian coming back from the corner of my eye. I've already had about 3 glasses of wine and I am feeling rather tipsy.

"Sorry about that!" his tone serious

"Sorry about what? about the girl you had sex with yesterday? or the fact that I found out you had sex with her yesterday or the fact that you made me realise I am an idiot?" I say glaring at him.

"Hey! me and you, what we had ended. You were with Charlie, did I have a say in what you were doing with him? and I know he came to your place yesterday!"

"What? how?"

"I came back, I thought I had left my phone" he says brushing his hair "I saw him leaving your place with a smile on his face"

"So you saw this and thought let me hope into bed with the next girl I can find? you know what Adrian you are unbelievable. I never slept with him not even once, we never got to that stage" I shout, watching him as his eyes grew darker.

"We kisses like a handful of times, he came over to apologise just as you did" I hiss

"Doesn't matter me and you aren't together you can be with whoever pleases you and so can I, I never said we were in a relationship or that I wanted to be in one" he says through gritted teeth

"Thanks, thank you for making me realise that all of this is nothing but a huge mistake" I turn on my heel trying to leave and he grabs my arm, his hand tightens almost hurting me.

His eyes are fixed on mine, he is looking at me as if he is trying to find the words but nothing comes out, instead he lets go on my arm and sighs

"I'll drive you home" he says blunt

I grab my things and we drive back to my house. Not a word was uttered during the whole ride, he didn't even glance my way once, he felt like a cold spot in the room, an icy wall was put up between us. I couldn't shake off the feeling that this the last time we'd probably be together like this, this close. It made me feel sick, I felt the knot in my stomach tighten.

We finally stop in front of my house, he takes a deep breath and looks at me.

"Thank you" I says softly and leave the car making my way to my front door, and just like that he drove off and he was gone.