
Chapter: 74

Yeon Jae's secretary was in Yeon Jae's cabin in Chicago. There were many things on his mind. He had told him to take care of many things, and one of the most important among them was Ye Jun. Yeon Jae had given him a folder and had asked him to hand it over to Ye Jun. Among everyone, it was just him who knew Yeon Jae was about to die. He sighed as he strolled around in the entire cabin looking at the things; he was miserable at the thought that his boss won't be here anymore. More than a secretary, he was a close friend of Yeon Jae.


"Secretary Han, you have served me your whole life and I am glad to have your son Chan Woo for the same. You have done enough work for me and so, I want you to rest from now." Yeon Jae said, lying on the bed while secretary Han stood beside his bed.

"What do you mean, sir?" he asked, confused.

"I want you to take me back to my son." He asked, and secretary Han gave.

"But sir, your condition-"