
Data Drops in

Data loads a cassette into a walkman on his belt. James Bond music starts playing. He has a tight-wire strung from the top of his roof over to the Walsh's porch next door.

"Okay Data, don't mess this one up and prepare for the Wings of Flight." Data says to himself.

Data hangs from a wheel-type mechanism that allows him to 'fly' over to Mikey's house in a 007 type manner. The others, looking out over the porch, see his approach.

"Uh oh! Screen door! Open the screen door!" Mikey yells.

"Mikey! The screen door!" Data yells as he crash lands through the screen door into everybody in the living room; causing everyone to fall down.

Chunk, at the back of the crowd, catches a tall porcelain ornament that fell from the coffee table. Chunk is well- known for his clumsiness and is proud that he caught the ornament in one piece.

"Chunk!" Mikey yells.

"Hey, I bet you guys thought I was going to drop it, huh? Haha." Chunk begins, as he places the ornament back on the coffee table. "I knew you wouldn't think that of good old Chunk." He finishes as the ornament falls again.

"Oh my god!"

"You idiot!" Mikey and Brand yell at the same time.

Chunk picks it up, apparently in one piece.

"Look, it's not broken. It's perfect." Chunk says with a laugh.

The statue is of a nude man. Mikey notices the genitalia of the man had broken off.

"Oh my god!" Mikey yells in disbelief.


"That's my mom's most favorite piece." Mikey explains.



"Oh my god!"

"You wouldn't be here if it wasn't."

"Shut up, Mouth." Mikey and Brand say, ending the chaos that had erupted in the living room of the Walsh household.

"Hey, have any of you ever heard of Detroit?" Data asks.

"No." Mikey replies, honestly.

"Certainly, that's where Motown started. It's also got the highest murder rate in the country." Mouth says.

"Well let me tell you, that's where we're moving when we lose our house tomorrow."

"You shut up about that stuff! It'll never happen, my dad'll fix it."

"Yeah, sure he will. If he gets his next 400 paychecks by tomorrow."

"That's wrong, Brand. It won't happen." Mikey yells at his older brother.