
The One True Cultivation Art

After countless battles and the death of countless allies, I managed to defeat the demon lord. I had become the hero, stood on the battlefield for the sake of humanity's future... yet I found myself killed by the people I was fighting for. I realized that the world isn't black and white. instead, it's gray. as I was the hero for the humans, I was the devil for the demons, an evil monster blocking their race from leaving their dying realm... Well, It's all over now. I've died, I can close my eyes and rest... but I wasn't given that chance as I was reborn within the cultivation world. Although I want to sit back and sleep, I have to stand up to protect those I care for. this time I'm no hero of humanity, No... just the hero to my loved ones, the world can burn for all I care.

itachi1010 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
47 Chs

The One True Supreme Race

On the tallest mountain within the Immortal realm, Ling Han sat while looking down at the Pangu world. In his lap, a normal-looking sword rested, while he rubbed it. this sword used to be Ling Hongwa.

although everyone tried to avoid telling him what happened to her, he understood seeing how fast he had recovered... She was gone. she channeled everything into him and in the process let Ling Han absorb her completely, leaving only this simple sword behind.

{Ding... sense the host has recovered back to 70% of his ability. The restriction placed on the host has been removed.} the system said, causing me to raise an eyebrow lightly. thanks to my condition, the system had placed many restrictions on me so I could recover quickly. my eyes were normal because of this, along with my other senses, all but my 6th sense. but for my safety, the treasury had to work normally since it was the only form of combat I had right now. 

{congratulations host, Absolute Augmentation, and Absolute Reduction have reached level 10. the host has gained a few new abilities.

1. The Host has gained the power to enter The One True Supreme Form. this form is the fusion of all transformations which boosts one's capabilities. From the Super Saiyan to even Super Sonic. In this form, Your power shall be light years above your base form, and all of your capability, and even your growth rate shall be heavily increased. 

2. The Host has gained The One True Supreme Boost. The One True Supreme Boost is the fusion of all enhancement abilities and techniques. with this, you can boost your power level anywhere from 2 to even beyond infinity.

note: that the boost to power doesn't disappear, although you can boost your power by any amount, if your body can't handle the sudden power-up, you will feel the backlash. but since you mastered this technique, your strength and overall capability shall increase on its own over time.

Note: your reduction capability will always mirror your augmentation capability. if you want your super form to reduce your strength, then it shall. if you want The One True Supreme Boost to instead reduce something, then it shall.

Note: your current condition makes it so this ability can't be used, please recover if you wish to use this power.

{congratulations host on writing for the first time... the host has gained [Supreme Runes]

[The One True Supreme Runes]- Runes are the writing of the world, understanding them means understanding the world. with runes, one writing holds great power. the word Kill shall kill, the word heal shall heal, and the word power shall bring forth great power. Visit countless worlds, and comprehend the verse. the more you comprehend, the stronger your runes shall be. }

{congratulations host on having your strength reach such a high level. the host has been rewarded with... 1 chance to enter another verse. note that this is the last time the system will give you free chances to enter another verse, it's up to the host to gain the strength needed to enter other verses.} the system said, leaving me in deep thought of my gains. 1 verse I can go to... which verse should that be?

The only one that comes to mind is the strongest System. Although it was hard to tell how big the verse was, Lin Fan, the MC of that world. He destroyed the verse with a simple punch, and although I don't remember that world perfectly, I believe Lin Fan went to sleep. By simply sleeping, worlds were born. each world following a version of himself on a cultivation journey. the guy was even able to affect the plot of his own story, he was stronger than the author of the story.

But what if the verse was so weak? I wanted to go to Marvel, but that was too risky... I didn't want to lose anyone else. There were people In the Marvel world who transcended all sets and levels of Infinity, and there were even numbers greater than every set of Infinity, although I was sure I could be careful and quickly take over the Marvel World... it was too risky.

So, I will be safe and was going towards the Ben 10 Verse. Why? because the Ben 10 verse only had 26 or so Dimensions. How many levels of infinities was this? the 3D is the first level, the 4D is the second, and the 26D is the 24 level of Infinity.

It was high, A true God was only the 8th level of Infinity. I of course Understood there might be greater levels of Infinity, but it was a risk far safer to make. Plus, I had the system to answer my question. Normally, no one should be able to hear my thoughts. I had lost my voice, even trying to speak to me in a spiritual sense was impossible as my voice was completely gone. The very concept of my voice was almost gone, leaving only me and the system to hear it.

{Well, Host, the Ben 10 world has 27 dimensions. like how it's hard for normal humans to comprehend higher dimensions, the same is true for those of that dimension. Indeed, going to the Ben 10 Verse would be a safe move.} the system said while I thought for some time before my eye turned sharp.

'let's go...' I thought while standing up. The Gap between each infinity was greater than the last. Let's for a moment look at the first level of Infinity and the second level of Infinity. the second level of infinite took all finite numbers and the first level of infinite, rearranged these numbers in an infinite number of ways, and went beyond and you would have the second level of infinity.

This is why Ling Han was so impressive, to improve so fast, going from the 3rd level of infinite to go beyond even the 8th, 9th, and 10th, and stopping at the 10th level of infinite. this was impressive, and Ling Han did it all under a second... yes he suffered a huge backlash for that, but still, this was impressive. 

Right now, Ling Han treasures are at the world tier. the World God realm is split from level 10 to level 15th level of infinity. while a True God is at the 8th level of infinity, a world God is at the 10th level of Infinity.

Once one reaches the World god realm, levels and stages no longer matter. all that matters is the level of one understanding of their Dao.

A portal formed in front of Ling Han, and as the portal formed, Ling Mei and Ling Wong who were not too far away instantly appeared in front of Ling Han.

'This is a portal to another world I have open. I have no time to waste.' Ling Han pulled out a paper and pen and wrote words down while moving around them. the two looked at each other, uneasy about letting me in. They quickly alerted Fan Ye, but at that time Ling Han used an item to quickly enter before the two could say anything...

Within the night sky, a kid around 10 years old was looking at the sky, looking at a shooting star. the kid was amazed seeing the shooting star... but the star just disappeared, leaving the kid stunned for a moment, before he shrugged while going on with his might.

Within the sky, Ling Han floated while a black orb was being covered by a blanket. Not wasting his time, Ling Han entered the portal, returning to the cultivation world, while the portal closed behind him. 

'Take me to Bulma,' I wrote down on a paper. the two who were just about to enter the portal but had found I had used an item to form a barrier to block their path. the two were speechless, but their unease grew looking at the item in my hands. their senses told whatever was being sealed in that blanket wasn't normal.

Ling Mei took Ling Han, and with a flash, he appeared in a lab, where Bulma was currently creating something. As they appeared, Bulma was stunned and quickly greeted them with a smile.

'what are you doing?' I wrote down on paper with an interesting look while looking at the many parts being used to create something.

"well, with the partnership of our two worlds, our worlds, the tech has reached new heights." She said with a smile. Bulma had brought the concept of something like a car into this world, adding such a unique concept into the ships, it left the Ship being faster and looking more cool.

Everything had improved greatly, be it the phone. now the phones were far better and could do just about anything, from calling anyone in the Pangu world, to using heaven's secrets as a search engine, and so on. The fusion of the two worlds brought out great things, and even the weapons improved. with things like guns being born.

after all, imagine a gun in the cultivation world. with higher-grade ore used to create the gun and the bullet. it leads to a deadly weapon.

Right now, Bulma is working on a Time remote. using time ore, she wanted to create a remote that could control time.

'I brought you something I wish you could break down and comprehend,' I wrote down while summoning chains from the treasury. the chains began to swallow the orb within the blanket, sealing something away.

after, Ling Han removed the blanket. after a moment, the orb was opened, revealing a strange watch within. the watch opened up, wanting to wrap around Ling Han's hand, but chains appeared, stopping it from doing its programming. after, he gave it to Bulma, who began to study the watch.

'it's a powerful watch that allows one to be able to transform into other races. the perfect version of said race. we have better resources than what was used to create this watch, making it stronger and better.' I wrote down with a smile, with just how big the amount of resources within the cultivation world, there were countless ores of all types. perfect for recreating the watch and making it even stronger.

'you can put it on if you want,' I wrote calmly, to which the watch moved, wrapping itself around Bulma. Bulma looked at the watch for some time, before putting on a ring. the ring of Knowledge. with it, she became enlightened, easily breaking down everything, and comprehending everything.

At extreme speed, Bulma's hands flash, leaving behind after images. She was even using the power of time to speed up the watch so that it didn't slow her down. In a matter of seconds, the watch was taken apart, its countless pieces lying all over the place.

"Whoever created this watch is a genius..." Bulma said while looking towards me with bright eyes, how couldn't she be amazed? She was a genius, yet it took her a few seconds to fully understand this watch.

'In due time, but that world is too powerful. I wish to act safe.' I wrote calmly, Bulma nodded slightly before moving to a computer. after tapping away a few times, she had a few pieces being recreated. it took some time, but soon all of the pieces to create the watch were created, but the pieces were more high grade than that of the original watch. Bulma acted quickly,

"Okay, I have uploaded all of the DNA of the races stored in the old watch into this watch. but this watch will be special, thanks to your energy, the race you transform into would be... well, far more powerful. As to how powerful, I'm not sure. the watch has a few modes." She said quickly explaining the Silver watch she had yet to paint.

"There is the activation mode, which is where you can select an alien and transform into it. but you only need a thought to pick the alien and can switch between other aliens at the thought." Bulma said

"the second is recharge mode. this mode is important. to protect the user's DNA from being messed up by the Watch, this mode would kick in if you stay in a transformation for too long. at the same time, the watch although has a near-endless amount of energy, is safe to not have it drop.

3rd is the scan mode, in this mode, you can scan other races. By scanning the races, the watch can allow you to transform into that race. that race would be the supreme version of said race thanks to your energy.

4th, master control mode. in this mode, you can stay transformed into any race, fuse the DNA of more than 2 races, partly transform into a race, and so on. it can even help you fix and restore the DNA of other races.

5th... this is the protection mode. if you're in danger, the watch will take control. For example, if someone wants to kill you and you are helpless. this watch would transform into the best possible race to protect you, or even self-destruct while sending you away." She said while handing me the watch. I looked at the watch for a moment, before nodding slightly. I put the watch on, and after a moment, the watch managed to start glitching,

Bulma was stunned, she watched as the watch created a hologram, flashing through all types of transformation at high speed. the watch wanted to scan Ling Han's DNA, but Ling Han's DNA was too complex and was ever-changing.

{Host, try and use your ability to gain another bloodline.} the system said with an interested look. Ling Han nodded as he also thought of something, he guessed the system had thought of the same thing.

With a wave, from the treasury, the lifeless body of a Phoenix appeared. My father had wanted me to eat this not too long ago. but I never got around to eating it. reaching out, the blood from the phoenix entered my body, while I used my cultivation art to take the bloodline. it hurt using the cultivation art thanks to my current condition, but I endured. 

{The host has gained a new bloodline... The Phoenix Overlord Bloodline. The host has been rewarded. [The One True Supreme Genetic]

[The One True Supreme Genetic]- The user can archive the genetics of any and all sentient beings that contain genetic codes, whether that'll be mortals, gods, cosmic entities, entire worlds, etc, and use it in various ways to empower themselves, gain new abilities, replication, the re-creation of a species, or genetically enhance themselves and other beings.

{The Human bloodline has upgraded, transforming into the One True Supreme Human Bloodline.

The Phoenix Overlord bloodline has upgraded, transforming into the One True Supreme Phoenix Bloodline.} The system said as Ling Han's body exploded with great power, His recovery speed also improved thanks to the Phoenix Bloodline. Ling Han sighed, normally this should have sped up the time I needed to return to my peak. but it only slowed it down.

Ling Han was only 2 years and 3 months old. it's been a few months since the death of LIng Hongwa. So Ling Han had recovered greatly. He looked at the watch in my hands and after a moment, I scanned the DNA within, gaining all of them.

{Gained a set of new bloodlines. Polar Manzardill, Loboan, Chronosapien, Celestialsapien...} The system went on to list all of the DNA stored within the watch, and after a moment, they all upgraded.

{the Polar Manzardill Bloodline has upgraded, transforming into the One True Supreme Polar Manzardill bloodline.

The Loboan bloodline has upgraded, transforming into the One True Supreme Loboan Bloodline.

The Chronosapien Bloodline has upgraded, transforming into the One True Supreme Chronosapien Bloodline.

The Celestialsapien Bloodline has upgraded, transforming into the One True Supreme Celestialsapien Bloodline....}

it was a huge improvement, I let out a deep breath as my form went through a great transformation at the many bloodlines working together to better improve my overall capability... but this improvement had a huge sad effect.

With such a huge gain of power on my small body, how could I handle it? I understood the risk, but I didn't care. But the side effects outweighed the gains, with my strength, my items shall all improve. Plus, with me having all of these bloodlines, I couldn't make others become part of this One True Supreme Bloodline, as there can only be one. they can become Supreme

With a touch, Ling Mei's body exploded with great power. this power would have shaken all of the Pangu world and even the will of Pangu. but chains appeared, sealing off this space from the outside world.

Ling Mei's strength reached new heights. but she wasn't the only one, as Ling Wong followed, also gaining a similar level of power. Ling Han also had Bulma do the same, but although she became powerful, she wasn't as powerful as Ling Mei and Ling Wong

The One True Supreme Race, the fusion of all races. but there can only be One True Supreme. meanwhile, the others can also become Supreme races, the lesser version of the One True Supreme race. but there were countless races across the countless verses, if I wanted to be Supreme... well, I had a lot of work to do.

So, how strong are Ling Mei and Ling Wong right now? All of the races can be ignored, all but the Celestialsapien. Celestialsapiens are a race of immensely powerful reality-warping beings. Celestialsapiens are the most powerful species in the universe in the Ben 10 verse, being capable of controlling reality, space, and time. Their reality warping is seemingly without limit. a Celestialsapien can make their very thoughts become reality.

This race was powerful and stood among the strongest races within their verse. Celestialsapiens possess two personalities that are "sort of" part of their DNA, such as a Voice of Love and Compassion and a Voice of Rage and Aggression. Both of Celestialsapien's personalities have to agree with each other for the Celestialsapien to perform any sort of action. However, due to their contrasting personalities, this hardly ever happens. We didn't have this trouble, with a simple thought, we can destroy and recreate worlds.

In the Ben 10 world, Celestialsapiens called the Forge of Creation home. what was the Forge of Creation you ask? The Forge of Creation is the source of the universe's greatest power and where ideas become real. It is outside the universe. It is a place hidden from everyone except Celestialsapiens and a few others. 

When the mc of that world turned into a Celestialsapien and met a barrier created by a lifeform of a higher dimension and was able to create the Annihilarrgh, which created the realm of the timestream structure. The Celestialsapien was able to break through the barrier. And yes, this was a big deal.

The realm of the timestream structure is the highest level of creation. The Timestream is a collection of all timelines and alternate realities, all 26 dimensions, but not limited to them, it's a system that bounds all of existence with a system of cause and effect, All timelines, all alternate realities, dimensions out of sync with time as well as all of existence, including the space beyond. The Space Beyond is an infinite black void that extends past the boundaries of the universe and encompasses an infinite number of them

Ben when he turned into a Celestialsapien, he was not only able to create the universe when it was destroyed by the Annihilarrgh, but he was even able to recreate the Annihilarrgh itself. The Celestialsapien rarely even make a move, but the few times they ever do, they show off their overwhelming power.

They were above the World God realm. now, Ling Han and the others just not only gained their bloodline and all of their abilities. but improved the bloodline. but the gain in power wasn't instant, this is because unlike Ben 10 who temporally transformed into these races, they have become said races. so they needed time to tap into their full might. and soon, they would be able to blink away world Gods like they were nothing...