
The Obsessive Behavior is Troublesome for Most

Cecilia seems to have fallen for a guy named William and will do anything for him. Well that backfires. She is utterly obsessed with William and will stop at nothing to be near him- she takes things from him, watches him, and dreams of a future along side him. She just wants to see him. “... before I knew it I saw the sunlight and fear in William's eyes.”

Crude_Kyle · História
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1 Chs

I am obsessed

"He is just so lovely…"

"Will you just shut up about him already!?"

The day was warm and humid. Building after building surrounding us from the others. It was just me and Amelia Hargreeve. I was obsessed with William Beckett. Amelia says that I never shut up about him but I tend to disagree. I, Cecilia Wright, daughter of Charles Wright, am obsessed with William. He doesn't know, nor does he need to. I am scared that he will never talk to me out of fear that I like him. My favorite part of the day is talking to him and even taking the things he uses. I have taken his pocket watch and pencil so far. I keep it above my bed and sometimes I think about giving it back but decide against it.

"See now you have gone and started daydreaming. Most likely about your imaginary marriage with William."

"I have not Amelia, I am simply thinking about an idea to see William."

This idea has been floating around in my head for weeks now but gathering courage to actually proceed with this small act is rather troublesome. William has no idea about this or the fact that I like him, he simply thinks of us as friends, which pains me so. I spend most of my time wishing to spend the rest of my life with him.

"Wow. Where has the evening gone? It's already time to leave and eat supper. We will talk again, Cecilia ."

"Talk again soon, Amelia. Farewell!"

On my way to my abode, I happened to stumble into William himself. I felt my cheeks heat up and I messed with my corset strings out of nervousness. He looked so handsome in the dusk of the light, I wanted to reach out and stroke his face. I hope I look just as pretty… I wish that he would just stroke my face and tell me I'm pretty. This plan better work.

"Good evening Cecilia! Where are you off to?"

"Good evening. I'm on my way to my family's house. What about you? "

"I'm on my way to my house as well, our houses are in the same direction, how about I walk you home?"

"I would enjoy that. Thank you."

As we walked to my house we talked about things that troubled us but I never told him about how I was infatuated with him. He told me things that I already knew, he told me about his father and his business in oil. I listened to every word and before I knew it we were at my house.

"Talk to you soon, Cecilia. Farewell."

"Talk to you soon, William."

I sighed out of happiness as I walked through my front door. It seems as though my mother was cooking dinner and she greets me kindly. I see my father reading the paper in his chair and he waves hello. The wooden stairs made a quiet clicking noise as I walked up them. I actually was able to get William to walk me home. My hope was that it would be an everyday occurrence.

My plan was going to happen tonight. It was perfect, I had planned out his schedule just as I always do but tonight had a special occurrence. William was going with his father to see his sister in Manchester so he would be out of town for the night and wouldn't be back till morning. I snuck out of my window and fell down to the floor below. The image of William's house was clear in my mind, I had followed him to his house many times before. The nightlight of the moon pushed me further, I was determined to fulfill the idea in my mind. I watched the moonlight dance on the buildings as I made my way to the house. The shadow creatures follow me, watching me, I can almost hear their footsteps behind me. They're kinda comforting in a way. They tag along with me as if we are old friends…

I made my way to his front door and second guessed myself on whether I should go on with this. I did it anyway. The house was dead silent, no one was in there. The sounds of snoring were nowhere to be found, there were no sounds whatsoever. The floor was quiet and made no noise when I creeped across the ground below me. I could smell the faintest hint of their dinner. (I could cook William the most exceptional dinner). As I wandered the halls I looked at the framed photos and paused on one in particular. It was William and he looked so nice in his suit, imagine me in a dress right next to him.

His room was my next stop. Hiding was one of my strong suites so after I had looked around for long enough I hid in his closet. I was going to wait there until they came home and then I would leave. Just going into his room was enough for me and my obsession.

When I fell asleep my dreams were rather vivid that night. Whether it was because of fear, bitterness, love, or adrenaline I don't know. I dreamt about the shadow beings on the walls, the sounds of my feet hitting hard against the roads, about how disappointed Amelia would be with me, and William. How happy I was with myself for doing this. One day I could tell him about this but not for a while yet.

When I awoke to the sound of footsteps I began to panic. I slept for longer than I thought. I was pretty well hidden so when I heard the door to the room open I was not too panicked. I held my breath and hoped that he would not open the closet but I think he

heard me… and before I knew it I saw the sunlight and fear in William's eyes.