
The Ninth Prince

Chapter Two: My True Identity Rebecca said to Kyle, Oh it's you, I think it is time I told you the truth. Kyle, I think we should break up. I wanted to tell you for a long time, but you are so in love with me and I like how you treated me, but you are poor. Look at your sneakers, look at the fade out clothes that you are wearing. You bought them at a discount store two years ago. How can I be your girlfriend? You promised me that you would buy me a new phone and my new boyfriend, Max, bought a brand-new iPhone thirteen for me. I don't need an Android. Max has helped me with my needs, so it's over. I am happy and living better now. Kyle looked at Rebecca with tears in his eyes, pleading with her not to leave him, but Rebecca walked up to Max, hugged him, and even kissed him in front of Kyle. Max said to Kyle," Come on dude," while putting his hands on Kyle's shoulder, saying" I am rich. My father has millions of dollars. You are not my equal. My father has a company worth millions of dollars. I can do what I want, when I want. Then Max said you are lucky am not in the mood for making any mess, then he said to his friends trow him out, the two guys Wei fong and Joe Chen take Kyle by his hands and feet and trow him outside at this time the rain was already falling, Kyle hit his arm, when he fell he Screamed ah my arm, he turned and held his arm on the ground and was crying with pain, from his arm and heartbreak, Chen then shout out to Kyle and said loser and Juag said get out of here before we broke your legs, you want my boss woman you are lucky we don't Finnish you off, they both laugh and lock the doors while Kyle was lost for words and was in dismay he looked at his scooter try to start the scooter but nothing, it would not start, Kyle hold his arm to his chest while pushing the scooter with is other hand, after walking about ten minutes in the rain, Kyle stop let go of his electric scooter and fell to his knees facing the sky and shout, why me "why" while crying, at that same time a shadow was in a dark car some distance off away and someone was watching Kyle's every move, that person took out his phone and make a call, after two rings another person answered, on the other end and said report, that person said sir, it has been almost five years since I have found the young master and with what I have learned so far, I think the young master is promising and capable sir, the person on the other side said, then let's begin the test, the person reply okays sir, the person told the driver of the car, let's collect the young master. The driver said,. Yes manager, the car slowly drove up next to Kyle, while Kyle was on his knees still thinking of all that was happening to him and saying to himself, Why am I crying? I can get over this, thinking out loud, saying, I will make Rebecca regret dumping me, then suddenly a car was coming close to him. He looked towards the car, then it stopped and someone came out with an umbrella, walked up to him and said" Young Master Kyle, my name is Frank, I am here at the request of your grandfather, would you please come out of the rain. Kyle looked up at the man, he was wearing a black and white tuxedo, a dark scale kind of shoe. He had dark gloves on his hands, looking like the godfather from the movie. He said, Sir, I am sorry you must be mistaken. I don't have a grandfather, but then, Frank, as a respected business manager, told Kyle not to worry. Just come with me and I will explain everything. Kyle said OK and they both got in the car. Kyle as a gentle young man said to Frank, sir my clothes are all wet, I don't want to mess up your car, Frank said it's ok young master, enter I will get you dry clothes and something to eat also, Kyle enters the car then Frank enter, then he said, young master, this is Julian my driver, Julian turn bow and said, young master sorry for being rude I am Julian the driver, Kyle said hello to Julian, then Frank said, Julian to the hotel please,Julian said ok sir

mello31 · Anime e quadrinhos
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8 Chs

New Society

Chapter Three:

New Society

In the EMPEROR DOMAIN, a famous hotel in the south of Asia, two men were in a room having a conversation. Suddenly, there was lightning and thunder from the outside, "bang", "bang" and everything and everyone was silent. Kyle was shocked by what he had just heard. He said," I am a prince. Kyle was silent for a moment, then talking to himself, he said," I have been living life struggling day to day, working to strive, and now I know about this. Frank said, Yes, I am sorry, Young Master, but it had to be this way, it was a trial to see how you would work in difficult times, but it is true you are a prince. Your grandfather somehow learned about you around five years ago, so he purchased the hotel and a few other businesses and had you under surveillance and not make contact until now. Not much about you is known to the family, but you know things will change in your life, and besides you, there are nine other siblings, five older brothers, three older sisters and the last, who is number ten, your twelve-year-old sister Annie. She is excited to see you, but you will soon meet everyone once you pass your grandfather's test. Kyle replied by saying "HUH". So what am I to do now? Frank said to Kyle… Now you will have to go through another test. It was your grandfather's call. Here, take this, Frank said while taking an envelope from his jacket and putting it on the table in front of Kyle, he said. There are two cards in this envelope, one is a V.I.P gold and platinum card for this hotel, which could also work at the golden dragon restaurant. Also, there is a platinum black Supreme bank card in that envelope. It could work in any bank, but to access the card, you need to go to the bank and activate the card with a finger scan. Remember your index finger, not your thumb. Now that you have that, you have six months to show what you could build and what you are capable of doing.  After six months, you will hear from your grandfather and remember you are ninth to the throne. Your other brothers and sister will not help you. They would most likely end your life if you were to inherit the throne, so you would have to build your own kingdom. Kyle was stuck with hearing what Frank said. Frank said," I will take my leave. I will leave you to get some rest and process everything. Here is my card with my personal number. Contact me if you run into any problems. After tomorrow, your new life begins. Frank stood up and turned to leave while saying to the young master rest well, and he left, closing the door of the room. Kyle was left speechless holding his arms that hurt a little still. He wondered if all this was a dream. He then pinched himself in the face. Moments later, Kyle actually eats everything. He was so full that he was lying in one position on the bed, soft and comfortable and relaxing. Kyle was happy. Kyle was thinking about everything that had happened tonight, his girlfriend left him, and now he found out he was a prince that nobody knew about. He took out his phone and was looking at a few photos he had taken of Rebecca, unknown to her, because she told him she did not like photos. He then decided to be stronger and move on. He was going to show her a different side of him. Kyle started to wonder if his friend Zane was pretending to be his friend, then I guess I would have to find out myself. Sometimes, after, Kyle falls asleep. Sometime, later the next morning, Kyle leaves the hotel. The streets were quite busy, a lot of vehicles were rushing into the streets of Asia. It was Friday, the last working day of the week. Kyle entered the South Central Asia bank. As he entered, there was a security guard who was looking at him weirdly, so he asked the security officer where to go to activate a bank card. The security guard looked at Kyle and said," to himself. Activating a bank card does he mean creating a bank account? The security guard said go to the last line to the far end and wait. Kyle, who had not thought much about anything, said thanks and turned to walk to the line. The security guard said he wanted to activate a bank card. He smiled and said" some kids these days really need to go back to school. Meanwhile, Kyle walked to the line. While standing in the line, two girls came in and stood behind Kyle. He was third in line. Meanwhile, Kyle was still thinking about what he should do with his new inherited wealth. A voice from behind him said, why are poor people always trying to mix with the upper class in society? Kyle looked at where the voice was speaking. To his surprise, it was one of the girls that was at the apartment where he went to deliver the pizza the day before. Her name was Melissa Barker. She was with another friend named Penny Summer. Penny asked Melissa," Do you know this guy?" Melissa reply, yes I know this poor guy, he is a poor and stupid guy that want to date my friend Rebecca, but she dumped him because she wasted three years of her life, Kyle said nothing but stayed silent and never spoke a word, some people become aware of the conversation and was speaking amount themselves, then Kyle said something, he said, oh I remember you, you never paid for the pizza delivery yesterday, Melissa choked on her own words because it was the truth, while Melissa was thinking what to say, Kyle received a message on his phone, when he took out his phone, Melissa began to laugh, she then said, he is poor, even his phone is from the nineteenth century, everyone begins to laugh, Kyle stayed silent look at the message that was from an unknown number, Kyle opened the message, and it read, Young master, I am Clare, Mister Frank told me to let you know that when you enter the bank you need to enter the V.I.P room, and you need to tell the bank manager you are there on request of Mister Frank Conway, at that same time while the commotion is going on, the bank secretary was talking with a client, his name was Morgan Miller, this was Max's Father, he was the owner of Morgan Enterprises, a company that sold different items like, furniture, and households appliances, some area sold clothes and others were small area that was rented out to locals to sell, Mister Morgan said, "Miss Rose, you even allowed such people of society to come into the bank, while pointing to Kyle, Rose who was the secretary of the bank said,"am sorry for such inconvenience, I will take care of it right away, Mister Morgan smile and said, "ok Miss Rose I will be taking my leave until we meet again, Rose was angry at Kyle for making a good client as Mister Morgan get angry from the site of him, Rose reply, "goodbye Mister Morgan and leave it to me, I will take care of that nobody. After having said goodbye to Morgan, Rose called two security guards that were standing nearby. She then instructed them to go with her to get rid of that guy who was dressed like a peasant. At that moment, Kyle, who had read the message with excitement, rushed to the V.I.P office door and opened it. The secretary, who thought that Kyle was a hillbilly, and was trying to run, shouted to security guards to get him. Kyle, who had no idea what was going on, stepped in and closed the door behind him. The door had an automatic detection lock. Once someone has gone in, they know they can open it from the outside. Only the manager can open the door from the inside if he wants to let someone out. The secretary said," Oh my god he's going to go and rob the manager. Meanwhile, in the manager's office, the manager was at his desk when he heard someone step in. The manager looked up and saw Kyle. He then said," young man, are you lost? This area is for V.I.P members only. Kyle then replied, I am a V.I.P member, I think. Saying that with courage and excitement, the manager looked at Kyle and said to himself, why did security let this guy into my office? Kyle then remembered the text message he got a moment ago. He then said," I am Kyle. I was sent here by Mister Frank from the EMPEROR DOMAIN international Hotel. The manager felt a little chill in his body but still pulled himself together. He looked at Kyle and thought. Mister Frank said someone would come but never said who. Because of the influence of Mister Frank, I would show him some respect. The manager said, OK, I am Scott Williams. I am the manager of the bank. What can I do for you? Kyle replied "I am he to activate my bank card, manager Scott replied "what is your bank account number? Then he took a sip of coffee. He got it. He was with a cup on his table. Kyle took out a Black Platinum Supreme bank card and gave it to the manager. When Scott saw the bank card, Scott spit out his coffee, almost choking, his eyes went red, and he sat up straight looking at the card and began to cold sweat because he knows the kind of people that hold that kind of card and there were only a few of those cards and asked a question to himself, is this kid amount that family that I am thinking of ?...