
The Ninth Prince

Autor: mello31
Anime & Comics
Contínuo · 2K Modos de exibição
  • 8 Chs
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What is The Ninth Prince

Leia o romance The Ninth Prince escrito pelo autor mello31 publicado no WebNovel. Chapter Two:My True IdentityRebecca said to Kyle, Oh it's you, I think it is time I told you the truth. Kyle, I think we should break up. I wanted to tell you for a long time, but you are so in love w...


Chapter Two: My True Identity Rebecca said to Kyle, Oh it's you, I think it is time I told you the truth. Kyle, I think we should break up. I wanted to tell you for a long time, but you are so in love with me and I like how you treated me, but you are poor. Look at your sneakers, look at the fade out clothes that you are wearing. You bought them at a discount store two years ago. How can I be your girlfriend? You promised me that you would buy me a new phone and my new boyfriend, Max, bought a brand-new iPhone thirteen for me. I don't need an Android. Max has helped me with my needs, so it's over. I am happy and living better now. Kyle looked at Rebecca with tears in his eyes, pleading with her not to leave him, but Rebecca walked up to Max, hugged him, and even kissed him in front of Kyle. Max said to Kyle," Come on dude," while putting his hands on Kyle's shoulder, saying" I am rich. My father has millions of dollars. You are not my equal. My father has a company worth millions of dollars. I can do what I want, when I want. Then Max said you are lucky am not in the mood for making any mess, then he said to his friends trow him out, the two guys Wei fong and Joe Chen take Kyle by his hands and feet and trow him outside at this time the rain was already falling, Kyle hit his arm, when he fell he Screamed ah my arm, he turned and held his arm on the ground and was crying with pain, from his arm and heartbreak, Chen then shout out to Kyle and said loser and Juag said get out of here before we broke your legs, you want my boss woman you are lucky we don't Finnish you off, they both laugh and lock the doors while Kyle was lost for words and was in dismay he looked at his scooter try to start the scooter but nothing, it would not start, Kyle hold his arm to his chest while pushing the scooter with is other hand, after walking about ten minutes in the rain, Kyle stop let go of his electric scooter and fell to his knees facing the sky and shout, why me "why" while crying, at that same time a shadow was in a dark car some distance off away and someone was watching Kyle's every move, that person took out his phone and make a call, after two rings another person answered, on the other end and said report, that person said sir, it has been almost five years since I have found the young master and with what I have learned so far, I think the young master is promising and capable sir, the person on the other side said, then let's begin the test, the person reply okays sir, the person told the driver of the car, let's collect the young master. The driver said,. Yes manager, the car slowly drove up next to Kyle, while Kyle was on his knees still thinking of all that was happening to him and saying to himself, Why am I crying? I can get over this, thinking out loud, saying, I will make Rebecca regret dumping me, then suddenly a car was coming close to him. He looked towards the car, then it stopped and someone came out with an umbrella, walked up to him and said" Young Master Kyle, my name is Frank, I am here at the request of your grandfather, would you please come out of the rain. Kyle looked up at the man, he was wearing a black and white tuxedo, a dark scale kind of shoe. He had dark gloves on his hands, looking like the godfather from the movie. He said, Sir, I am sorry you must be mistaken. I don't have a grandfather, but then, Frank, as a respected business manager, told Kyle not to worry. Just come with me and I will explain everything. Kyle said OK and they both got in the car. Kyle as a gentle young man said to Frank, sir my clothes are all wet, I don't want to mess up your car, Frank said it's ok young master, enter I will get you dry clothes and something to eat also, Kyle enters the car then Frank enter, then he said, young master, this is Julian my driver, Julian turn bow and said, young master sorry for being rude I am Julian the driver, Kyle said hello to Julian, then Frank said, Julian to the hotel please,Julian said ok sir

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