
The Night Shall End/Alternate title[Nox]

A new world and a bitter man. [Slowburn][no harem]

Moodacle_tm_2 · Fantasia
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1 Chs

Clear Skies

The night sky was surprisingly clear tonight, too bad something horrid was about to occur. The sound of half wedged boots clopping made the beautiful night disturbingly eerie as the shadowed individual made their way into a pub filled with vibrant vagabonds and factory workers. The orange glow of the incandescent lights glowed upon the woman's pale white skin as she passed through these rowdy men and women that catcalled her and lightly ran their hands through her jet black curly hair.

She went to the the second entrance she saw when she barged her way through the pub's door and opened it. As she walked through and jumped down three steps she leaned against the pub's wall and sighed. She had been running for most of the night. At least that's what she thought as she gently pushed away from the wall she had leaned against.

Half an hour had past and she finally reached the docks. The thought hits her that she has not thought it through fully. The midnight ferry wasn't going to be their at least until thirty minutes has passed.


Shit, that was all she could say and the night was about to get worse.

"Arachne." A voice said.

"Nox." She replied curtly her voice filled with a false confidence that would make some humans feel they were beneath her.

"You caused a lot of problems Nea!" Nox said loudly as he was a bit of a distance away from her still not visible under the shadow of a pole.

"What do yo-"

"Two families 'accidentally' died in a fire because of you!" He said.

"How could yo-"

"You know I don't have the mind set to do something like that Nea." He said as he cut her off.

"What we had was fun while it lasted sis but you're a loose end in their books'."

I'll leave that here and write some tommorow.

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