

Luca died once.He changed into something he believed was non-existant.And now he has to attend school and live with some old man!?No way that's gonna happen,hopefully.

PirateLuca · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
17 Chs

Of Course no!

Kate was stunned by this for he has never thought of Luca as a monster even if he was once behind that room. All he had ever heard were rumors about the room which were never clarified. The room at the end corridor was a huge chamber filled with bad children was something that was said by eight year old children.To some it was another orphanage which the Elder hated.There were all kinds of rumors but no proof supporting this.All he knew was that the Elder had given them a warning to not go near the corridor.A few children at first didn't follow the Elder's warning and went there ,but never turned up again.Some said they were eaten by a monster.Others said there was another orphanage behind those closed doors with sweeter bread.

'I have never thought of you as a monster.Not even once even though you do the most senseless things.'said Kate.

'Can you mention any one of the senseless stuff I ever did infront of you?'Luca was confused and angry as he was sure he was probably the most normal out of the bunch at the orphanage.

'Well you did open the windows and said the food was bland and¬'

'waitwaitwait.Hows that even senseless?I did get burned because of the sunlight which probably has got something to do with the side-effects of the surgery,But I was saying the truth about the food.It was good and fulfilling but bland.I could feel the nice texture of the bread but it did not feel any sweet like the young kid next to me said.'said Luca.

'Well..it's because..you are still not used to the food.You will realize how good it is after you are used to it.'said Kate,looking troubled.Luca wanted to know why he was hesitating as if he was carefully picking the right words.This made Luca only suspicious.He knew the whole place was suspicious.He wanted to be back home and eat his mother's cooking. He missed his mother with every passing second,more and more.He hoped that he would get called in to the Elder's room again so he could ask about her.

'Really?You sure you have said everything?'said Luca.

Kate said nothing but jumped up and went to the farthest shelf.Luca didn't wait either.He walked to the children's section and was astounded by the thousands of books which had everything he had ever read and never heard of.But one peculiar red book caught his eyes.Before he could pick the book,Kate called for him'Let's go back'

'Right.'said Luca and took two books,the red one and the one behind it.They met at the door.Luca noticed the large pile of books in Kate's hands and saw all of them were heavy and big.The weight of the whole books might weight half his weight but surprisingly for a boy of same the age,Kate had unusual strenght.

'How do you do that?'said Luca.

'What ?Oh this?you can do this too.'said Kate ,dumping the books on Luca.

Sorry.I had a lot on my plate.

PirateLucacreators' thoughts