
The Newest: A Psychics Adventure

A White lab that would make anyone insane The Aroma death and suffering The torture screams that riddle the night the night The true reason why one escapes into the world of thy Reasons that cannot be told that cannot be heard The beginning of one thing but the ending of everything The fault of one rest upon the many Confusion and anger being the only thing that keeps thy going Why me Why us Why are you doing THIS Why life Is and will never be fair Thy just wanted to live The confusion The anger it's the true reason why thy keeps going Maybe you can help it but will you After all those who view only think of the entertainment But Will You?

Ace_of_Blades · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
2 Chs

Earning Some Coins

'Well that wasn't how I expected my day to end' I internalized as I got down from the tree branch that I slept on, Because I didn't have any money or coins call it, I had to leave the town and sleep in the wilderness... it was not very pleasant.

I thought over it a little and decided to use my skill point for my High born Psy-kin Passive so that I can have a max of two uh things that I'm able to control at a time, even though I don't have a weapon yet 'status'



[Name: Ave *Redacted*]

[Race: High-Pys-kin]

[Body: Healthy]


[HP: 100/100]

[HP Regen: 0.1/sec]

[Mana: 500/500]

[Mana Regen: 10.4/sec]

[EXP: 30]

[Class: none]

[Sub class: none]

[Titles: none]

Atk (5)

Def (4)

Vit (10)

Dex (6)

Int (20)

Luc (1)

[Stat Points: 0]

[Skill Points: 0]


-Psychokinetic Mana

[Able to use mana to boost your Psychkinetic control]

-lvl MAX

-Mana ID

[it allows the entity to have a signature Mana weaved into a identifying form]

-lvl MAX


-Natural Born Psychic

[Ability to use psychkinetic laws by will]

-lvl MAX

-High born Pys-kin

[You able to directly control the psychkinetic laws without the use of mana]

-lvl 2 Max things your able to control at a time (2)

-Blessed by Mana

[+200 mana, +100 extra mana every lvl, +10 mana Regen, +0.2 mana Regen every lvl]

-lvl MAX

-Undescribable Presence

[You cannot be described by others]

-lvl MAX

[Inventory: nothing]


'Well now that, that is done I can try and look for a source of income' I think as I arrive near the gate of the town. 'Interesting I can see a line now yet it doesn't seem to be moving' but then I start hearing whispers, wondering about what was happening I asked one of the nearby person "hey do you know what's happening why is then line not moving". I ask after that the guy turned towards me and said "there seems to be er a blockage some richy rich fat kid is tryna get they're oversized carriage in the gate but yer see that's the reason it's oversized and thay ain't gonna take some stuff out"

he said in a gruffy voice. "Well why can't they just force the kid and the carriage out so that we can enter or at least just manually take some of whatever luggage they have in without the carriage" the man looked at me for a moment and sighed." *Sigh* look kid that fat one over there is a noble you try and tell him what to do, he'll get ya dead faster than you can blink we aren't aloud to mess with someone like that okay so just don't think about it" he responded.

I don't really time for this so I start walking up towards the gate where the oversized carriage is stuck at while the man I was just talking to looks at me. As I arrive there a hear a loud screaming "HEY GET YOUR ASS*SS MOVING I HAVE THINGS TO DO I DON'T HAVE ALL DAY TO WAIT GET MY CHANGE THROUGH THAT GATE". As I hear this I look over towards the fat kid who is wearing some white silk pants A golden vest with a dark blue uniform underneath he has blue hair and has a hat on with the symbol of a golden coin 'Is he a merchant?' 'maybe I can get some coins from him if I could help' I think, as it seems very likely.

I walk up towards the fat kid "Hello there it looks like that is stuck in there do you need some help" I ask the kid turns and look at me up and down then says, "What can you do that my slaves can't" 'I bet nothing he looks weak and I can't get a trace of energy from him' Jene internalized as he looked at Ave but then says "You can try but if you can't do it I'll make sure to silence you for trying to trick me".

I nod then I hear the familiar metallic ring.


[New Quest Assigned: Help The merchant]

-Help the merchant by moving the carriage into the town by getting it unstuck

[Rewards: 1 gilded coin, unlock main class *Psychic*, 200 EXP, and Merchant guild reputation up to *Tolerable*]

'Ok should be easy enough' I walk towards the carriage and stay a little away from it has some man in ragged clothes are trying to push the carriage through. 'Hey voice how do I exactly use my race powers?'.

[Focus your mind on the thing you want to control then you can use your mind to give it commands]

'alright alright here goes nothing' I focus my mind in on the carriage and suddenly, I feel like there's a heavy rock on my body yet what is most bizarre about this is that it feels and looks like I have another eye yet it's around The carriage as if I am the carriage itself giving me a 360 angle view of it.

But soon the fat merchant started to get irritated and said "are you just going to stand there and do nothing?" "are have you given up already HAHAHHA" this snaps me out of my trance and I start to use my mind 'move' 'forward' and instantly. I feel it as if I'm trying to move against a mountain the weight on my body was now three fold and I almost buckled to my knees as I started to sweat 'W-wow this i-is heavy' 'l-lets use some Man's to b-boost it's

I poured in 300 points of Mana and instantly I felt the way on my shoulders disappear so I gave it the same command 'Move Forward' as soon as I think that the entire carriage starts to shake and starts to move little by little. The merchant, Slaves, and the people around us stared in disbelief as the carriage story slowly pushing in the gate more and more.

'Okay let me just use the rest it's not going in fast enough' as I think this I pour in the rest of my mana of 260, 60 more of wich I got after 5 seconds. Because of this the carriage went even faster and after 2 minutes of controlling it if finally got through to the other side.

"HAHHAAH YOU ACTUALLY DID IT THANK YOU uh" "Ave" I said "ah yes Ave thank you for your assistance I'll give you a little reward" he says after that I hear the ring.

[Ding Quest Completed]

[You Received: 1 gilded coin, unlocked main class *Psychic*, 200 EXP, and Merchant guild reputation went up towards *Tolerable*]

I look over at it and nod in approval 'status'.



[Name: Ave *Redacted*]

[Race: High-Pys-kin]

[Body: Healthy]



[HP: 100/100]

[HP Regen: 0.1/sec]

[Mana: 92/500]

[Mana Regen: 10.4/sec]

[EXP: 230]

[Class: Psychic lvl 1/50 (exp 0/100)]

[Sub class: none]

[Titles: none]

Atk (5)

Def (4)

Vit (10)

Dex (6)

Int (20)

Luc (1)

[Stat Points: 0]

[Skill Points: 0]



-Psychokinetic Mana

[Able to use mana to boost your Psychkinetic control]

-lvl MAX

-Mana ID

[it allows the entity to have a signature Mana weaved into a identifying form]

-lvl MAX


-Natural Born Psychic

[Ability to use psychkinetic laws by will]

-lvl MAX

-High born Pys-kin

[You able to directly control the psychkinetic laws without the use of mana]

-lvl 2 Max things your able to control at a time (2)

-Blessed by mana

[+200 mana, +100 extra mana every lvl, +10 mana Regen, +0.2 mana Regen every lvl]

-lvl MAX

-Undescribable Presence

[You cannot be described by others]

-lvl MAX


[Inventory: 1 Gilded coin]


I aslo decided to immediately level up my class it giving me 5 more points in all stats except for luck and 10 stats points I allocated them all towards Int.



[HP: 150/150]

[HP Regen: 0.1/sec]

[Mana: 110/750]

[Mana Regen: 10.4/sec]

[EXP: 130]

[Class: Psychic lvl 2/50 (exp 0/150)]

[Sub class: none]

[Titles: none]

Atk (10)

Def (9)

Vit (15)

Dex (11)

Int (35)

Luc (1)

[Stat Points: 0]

[Skill Points: 0]


After doing that I also had gotten two new skills



-Psychokinetic Mana

[Able to use mana to boost your Psychkinetic control]

-lvl MAX

-Mana ID

[it allows the entity to have a signature Mana weaved into a identifying form]

-lvl MAX

-Psy Slam

[Slam psychic energy into targeted direction for 30+150% of your Int as Pure Dmg, 10% to stun]

[Dmg: 83]

[Cost: 30 Mana]

[Cool Down: 10 seconds]

-lvl 1/20

-Psy Shield

[Covers you in a layer of psychkinetic energy repulsing all projectiles and anything that gets too close shield HP is equal to your (HP)*Int/10)]

[HP: 525]

[Cost: 10 Mana/sec]

[Cool Down: None]

-lvl 1/20


Now that, that is done I went forward towards the guards showed them my Mana ID and went into the town looking around for a little bit so I eventually came across a Stone and metal building that read *Mercenary Guild*. Interested I went inside it to see what it was about and as soon as I entered I was amazed by what I saw there was tables people counters and everything, I looked around for a bit as some people were looking at me and I ended up at the a counter were I would assume you would go to sign up to be a mercenary.

"Uh hello could I perhaps become a mercenary" I ask the figure that's in a robe with a hood on, they kind of look like an assassin.

"Perhaps" they say in a hoars voice "sooo is that a yes?" I respond they look at or at least that what it looks like, then walked over towards some pieces of paper getting one then handing it to me. "Sign this and fill out the information then you pay a fee of 1 silver". I nod walk over towards a empty table and sat down putting in my name age(17) my super gene if I have one, wich would be psychic and where the town/city I am currently at or will be at as my current residence (Ohiovill). After that I read over the terms and service policy (not really) then handed it back in towards the person in the robe. "Alright come back tomorrow and I'll let you know with you were kept it or not" they said so I left

As I walked around I was having a little bit of trouble finding a inn or any place, looking for the nearest person to me I walked towards a woman who was 5.2ft she had long black hair, brown eyes and light brown skin and she was wearing a light dark white dress but not enough to be Gray.

And so I start to ask for directions "excuse me ma'am but could yo-" at least that's what I thought "I'm sorry but please go away I am married and I'm not look for another man" she said in a low loud enough for other people around us to hear voice 'well that's new well to be honest I wouldn't date you anyway hmph'. "Ok that's cool and all but can you tell me where I could find a inn?" she looks at me for a second then starts to blush hiding her face with her hands "u-uh yeah just g-go that way t-then take a left after that o-on your right will be a building called n-new pelvion" she says in I nod then I resume my walking.


Coming to a stop in front of the inn I walk up and open up the doors and what greets me is a wooden restaurant like bar with 3 story's to it I walk over towards the counter where I see a lady."excuse me but is there any available rooms?" I ask she responds back with "yeah there are 10 copper a night 50 for a week 2 silver for premium a month here and free meals" I nod but then I noticed a little problem. I only have one gilded coin... "can I exchange this for some silver coins I don't have anything else" I say as I hand out my gilded coin she looks at me for a second in impulsement then nods slowly and suspiciously looks at me. "I'll also take premium" I say and she nods puting the gilded coin away and taking out a bag from some place she then hands me 98 silver coins.


[Inventory: 98 silver coins]


As I put them in my inventory, I then ask "can I also my meal in my room?" she nods and then gives me a key with a tag that read a7 so I walk up the stairs and then to the end of the hallway opening the door using the key that has a7 on it. Entering through the door I closed it and started to look around the room, it is pretty nice it even has a bath tub and a shower I don't know how it's powered though, but 'first thing first I need to clean myself I reek'. I look over the tub and I press a blue crystal Turing it on with water coming out and being heated by a red crystal taking off my clothes and getting in I take a deep breath "ahhhh this feels amazing" I say out loud.


Getting out of the bathroom I look over towards the door and see new clothes and my meal 'that one girl must have gotten someone to bring me clothes but why?' not that I was complaining since I didn't have any clean ones I put on the clean ones and start using the race powers to life up my plate and bring it towards a table as some practice. 'I feel so lazy heh' using the psy I start eating. Without even using my hands 'I think I look cool like this' I internalized as I start to cringe at how dumb I look.


after eating I get into bed seeing as it's dark out and I couldn't do anything else I start to drift into sleep waiting for a new Adventure tomorrow.