
The Newest: A Psychics Adventure

A White lab that would make anyone insane The Aroma death and suffering The torture screams that riddle the night the night The true reason why one escapes into the world of thy Reasons that cannot be told that cannot be heard The beginning of one thing but the ending of everything The fault of one rest upon the many Confusion and anger being the only thing that keeps thy going Why me Why us Why are you doing THIS Why life Is and will never be fair Thy just wanted to live The confusion The anger it's the true reason why thy keeps going Maybe you can help it but will you After all those who view only think of the entertainment But Will You?

Ace_of_Blades · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
2 Chs

A New Beginning Our Beginnings

Floating there in the endless black void of the abyss was a spherical white ball, it's shade as pure as the heavens themselves but contained was the agony and restless mind of a human longing to live.

"W-where am I?" said Ave as his voice echoed in the endless abyss, suddenly memories of his torment came back to him like a crash of waves during a thunderstorm it's was rapid and painful and disturbing.

"YUAHHHHHHH* he screamed as the white ball started to take shape into a humanoid entity, as the pain start to go away he started to wonder *huff* *huff* "what's h-happening to me"

"HELLO ANYONE" the pure white humanoid man screamed out.

Then suddenly a voice was heard in the surroundings.

[Tztz initiating system...]

[Updating... installing...]

[Starting up...]


[Welcome Host AVE *REDACTED* to your new Beginning our Beginnings]

"What do you mea-" but before he could say anything else he was cut off as everything spun and he lost consciousness, his pure white body now slowly fading into the darkness around him.

Pov: Random civilian

As they are walking through the woods they look into the sky as suddenly a huge rift in the sky appear darkness opens up far away

"h-huh what i-is that" they says as they are looking up but, just that enough and it sent shivers down their spine. Their whole body telling them to leave to get as far as away from it as possible, even though they were not even within miles of it and so they ran not noticing as it was too far away that a body fell out of it.

Pov: Ave *Redacted*

As he lay their on the green tall grass he starts to move then his eyes popped open and he gets up suddenly looking around frantically 'WHERE AM I HOW DID I GET' he says, in his mind trying not to panic or say anything... after all who knows what's out here.

as I stand my head started to throb my vision getting blurry and feeling dizzy, "why can't... why can't I remember anything" he says as he sits back down. On the tall grass that makes him slightly itch he thinks to himself 'What is happening why can't I remember anything what is going on what am I going to do!' but then he hears it the same metallic ring but in the toon of a discord ping appear in the surroundings 'no that was in my mind' he internalized then a white and gold pop up was in his vision reading it he was suddenly confused.

[Ding New Quest Available]

[Mission: Civilization And Human contact]

You are currently stuck in the (Forest of Peaceful Deaths) make your way to civilization by leave the Forest.

[Rewards: 30EXP, and 1 Skill Point]

[Accept] [Deny]

I look at the hologramic like image it was... weird to say the least 'I don't know what this is but I do know that I need to find civilization like it says and uh... human contact?' so I accept it and start to move north where the two blind lights in the sky aka the sun.

[Ding Mission Accepted]

As I am walking I start wondering what does skill points and exp do?

maybe this voice can help me "uh hello voice in my head what's a skill point?" I say waiting for a response.

[Skill points are used to upgrade skills without having to manually use said skills, they are valuable]

"Well that's... interesting I think well where would I use them?"

[Currently you have no skills]

ouch that hurts.

[But when can use them in your status page]

[Saying status in your mind or out loud will bring it into view]

"ok then STATUS" I say as I yell out status then a screen appears.



[Name: Ave *Redacted*]

[Race: High-Pys-kin]

[Body: Healthy]


[HP: 100/100]

[HP Regen: 0.1/sec]

[Mana: 500/500]

[Mana Regen: 10.4/sec]

[EXP: 0]

[Class: none]

[Sub class: none]

[Titles: none]

Atk (5)

Def (4)

Vit (10)

Dex (6)

Int (20)

Luc (1)

[Stat Points: 0]

[Skill Points: 0]


-Psychokinetic Mana

[Able to use mana to boost your Psychkinetic control]

-lvl MAX


-Natural Born Psychic

[Ability to use psychkinetic laws by will]

-lvl MAX

-High born Pys-kin

[You able to directly control the psychkinetic laws without the use of mana]

-lvl 1 Max things your able to control at a time (1)

-Blessed by mana

[+200 mana, +100 extra mana every lvl, +10 mana Regen, +0.2 mana Regen every lvl]

-lvl MAX

-Undescribable Presence

[You cannot be described by others]

-lvl MAX

[Inventory: nothing]


"Alright that's alot to take in but it's kinda cool so I'm a p-si-kin ok then hey voice in my head whats the average stats for human?"

[The average stats for humans is between 1 and 10, but for luc it is completely random]

"ok cool cool so um what now uh guess I should just keep going god this it's weird I think I'm really going insane"

[Host status is completely healthy you are not going insane]

"Yeeeeah ok"

*5 hours later*

'I've been walking and running for some time now I hope I wasn't just put in the middle of nowhere'.

*30 minutes later*

As I look up in between the trees I start to see some smoke in the sky and I get excited I'm finally going to meet other people so then I start to run the rest of the way.

Pov: Guard Captain

I started my day like any other normal day like an and it was almost over as the sky was darkening and my post was coming to a end, but then I suddenly see a figure running out of the bushes from nearby cautious, I lift up my spear getting ready for a battle against a beast along with my other companion guards, but what I saw baffled me. It was a man who's appearance I couldn't even describe he's was running towards us, the gate but I didn't let my guard down I can be a evildoer or anything who knows because I never saw them before. They start to slow down and come near us by the gate looking at me and the other guards who had their weapons up.

Then he starts to speak.

Pov: Ave *Redacted*

As I arrive by the gate I get confused they have their weapons pointed at me did I do something? was there's something behind me or on me? anyway to not make any misunderstandings I start speaking hoping to calm them down. "uh HELLO I come in peace can I uh enter into the civilization" this caused the guards to lower their weapons and look at me confused

'was it something I said?... naw' so then but I assumed to be the leader walked up to me .

"yes but I need to see your mana ID" said the Guard Captain

I look at him confused what's a Mana ID? well I decided to ask and to be honest i don't want any trouble and these guys look powerful.

"urm sorry but what's a Mana ID?" I ask

The guard looks at me as if I'm a idiot and says

"it's what's used to identify everyone by their Mana it's unchangeable unless you never had one" the guard said while looking at me suspiciously

"Oh sorry but yeah I don't have one is there a way that I could get one?" I ask almost sounding like I was pleading

"yes follow me" said the Guard Captain has he walk towards the gate "But just to let you know if you already have a Mana ID and you try to get another one it will fail and if that happens you will be find for 30 silver coins for not only lying to a superior guard but also trying to get into a town without one".

I nod my head and follow the guard towards the gate and upon entering the gate I hear the familiar ring.

[Ding Quest complete]

[You have gained 30 EXP]

'Sweet, hey voice how can I use this exp?' I ask in my mind.

[You can use it to level up your class or subclasses]

[you can obtain subclasses from jobs and a class naturally when you use your unique race abilities or you can get a class if you have the super gene which also depends on your planet and what your planet is about etc this is a magic planet so most super genes would be that of a mage summoner and other unique classes but you can get other super genes from a magic planet like a mechanic or esper]

[Due to your Race when you use your me Race ability you will obtain the (Psychic) class]

'Okay that's good to know I'll do that when I have the time'

After some more walking we arrive at a small booth like store and we enter inside.

"Hello Lisa can you help this young man so he can get his self a Mana ID" the guard said towards the lady she had blonde hair a curvy body bright blue eyes and some *cough* *cough* huge assets and had fair white skin, she is wearing a black silk like shirt and a long black skirt.

"sure" she said in a low but adorable voice "stand right here by this table and put your hand on the orb" I did as she said and instantly I felt it it was like a liquid was going through my whole body, down to my arm then my hand and straight into the orb it was... a weird feeling "what was that" I ask "it's was Mana that how it feels when it goes through your body... well for some at least" said Lisa as she looks at me like I was an idiot and that it was the most common thing I should know aside from breathing, But to be fair I was only in this world for like 4 Horus.

Suddenly I heard a ring.

[Ding You obtained a new skill!]

[Mana ID]

it allows the entity to have a signature Mana weaved into a identifying form.

As soon as it was done I heard Lisa's voice "it's done now leave me alone my shift was already over guun you owe me one"

she said as she hurries us out of the small booth.

"WHAT great just what I needed having to owe someone another favor I shouldn't have done this" he growled 'well now I feel bad' "oh I'm sorry but I also can't make it up for I uh also don't have any money" Guun looks over towards me as If he want a to rip my throat out.

I wouldn't blame him.

he scoffs then leaves as he know I got my Mana ID, now Im alone again because of this I start to look around the town, the homes and stores made out of rocks and wood thatch wondering where I will sleep tonight, sleep for the first time on this strange world I'm on that I know nothing about well that's not the only problem...

I don't have any money.